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Everything posted by Zipper5

  1. Zipper5

    What RL language is Takistani?

    They do speak Farsi.
  2. Zipper5

    Windows 7 - where is .ArmA2Profile???

    Uh... Server settings are defined in the server.cfg file, no? :confused:
  3. Zipper5

    Console window. Demo record/replay

    I don't know if the stupid one is the one who posted in an *EIGHT* year old thread, or the one who thought it's okay to insult moderators, of the one who obviously hasn't read the forum rules. Oh wait, are those all the same person? :rolleyes:
  4. Zipper5

    Gfx bug

    Such a situation doesn't really absolve you. If you couldn't shrink it why didn't you just put it as a URL to begin with? ;)
  5. Zipper5

    Best way to learn navigation?

    Disable "Extended map info" under your control options.
  6. I can confirm what Celery is saying, I too have the same performance drop using this beta compared to running 1.57 final. Though my FPS doesn't at any point dip below 38 FPS in his repro mission, the fully zoomed-in FPS in 1.57 final is significantly higher (sometimes going higher than 70 FPS) than it is in this beta.
  7. You need to upgrade your graphics card to something that supports Shader Model 3. That means physically buying a new graphics card, taking out your old one, and putting the new one in. The ATI Radeon X300 is far too weak to be used for gaming. Sorry, but that's the only way you'll get it to work.
  8. Zipper5

    Catch 22 haunts the forums.

    Oh for the love of... walker - we have told you that the discussion of anything pertaining to Wikileaks is, for the interim, not allowed here. Just because you change Wikileaks to Catch 22 doesn't make it okay. If you don't stop, you will earn yourself post restrictions until you do.
  9. Zipper5

    Is Harvest Red playable, now?

    §10) Do not dig up old threads Threads older than 4 months should not be dug up unless something significant is being added. If in doubt as to what is "significant", contact a moderator and they will give you their opinion. As always old threads will remain open or be closed at the moderator's discretion. Digging up an old thread simply to ask "any news" is also not acceptable, PM the thread starter or mod leader to ask. Thread locked.
  10. Zipper5

    Call for a new forum rule

    I'm sure you saw that, though. If not there's the handy little arrow next to my name on the quote that will take you right to it.
  11. Zipper5

    Call for a new forum rule

    I certainly was moderating. Perhaps you should go back and see what I said could and could not be done anymore. I'm not turning this into another one of those. Feel free to go about it if you really want to, it'll only lead to thread derailing infractions being handed out.
  12. Zipper5

    DLC DVD Pack

    It's real. ;)
  13. Zipper5

    Call for a new forum rule

    Of course, because I take moderator action based solely on false facts knowingly tarnishing my reputation and credibility for the entirety of my time as a moderator. :rolleyes: If none of what I said was true, I wouldn't have said it, and your thread would be reopened. Instead, it remains locked. Anyway, this thread isn't about your thread, so don't make it so. If you feel the need to discuss how the forum is moderated, I believe there's a rule that states it's not to be done publicly.
  14. Zipper5

    Call for a new forum rule

    We have a team of moderators, and we regularly consult each other. Again, continuing the police metaphor, just like them we cannot do a whole lot until someone actually breaks the law, in this case the forum rules. Saying something is one thing, but people doing it is another. If they say it's okay, it won't matter until someone actually does so, at which point they will be punished. They know the consequences, and if they don't, they will after they step out of line. We can take preventative measures if required, like deleting posts, issuing warnings, closing threads, etc. but infractions or bans are unlikely to occur unless the person blatantly breaks the forum rules.
  15. Really no need to bring up a 2 year old thread. Thread locked.
  16. Zipper5

    [CAMP] Operation Cobalt

    Thank you, Khugan. I really appreciate the support. :) As for continuing to make missions, I'll be doing it for the foreseeable future, so no worries there. ;)
  17. Zipper5

    Mission record and playback

    Wow... 7 years. Please check the post dates next time. Thread locked.
  18. Zipper5

    Call for a new forum rule

    Maybe it was before my time as a moderator, but I have yet to see such an instance of this happening while I've been here. We can't be everywhere at once, but rest assured that if you report something that is legitimately wrong, we will deal with it. This is something I don't understand. While I agree that the games would likely not be anywhere near as popular as they are now without a modding community, when did it become peoples' self-imposed responsibility to keep the game alive by said modding, and not want but expect something in return? I've been viewing these forums since circa 2003-ish, and this is only a recently-developed attitude. If we ignore a report it's going to always be because there's no legitimate claim in the report. We aren't going to act on every single reported incident as otherwise we'd have no forum members. If someone is legitimately infringing on the forum rules and/or policies, then they will always be dealt with by us. However, you must report such incidents to us if you see them as, as I said before, we can't be everywhere, nor see everything. That is why the report function exists. They haven't actually done it though, have they? If they did, they'd be immediately dealt with accordingly with what is deemed an appropriate punishment, be it a warning, infraction or permanent ban. It's been that way for as long as I can remember. Simply saying it's okay may receive confrontation from us but unless something drastically wrong is done by the offender he won't be banned. We aren't perfect, but we're doing the best we can. The only way we can do better is with your help. If you see something you think is wrong, report it, we'll investigate and, if it is appropriate, will act on it. That's how it's always been and, for the time-being, will always be.
  19. Zipper5

    Call for a new forum rule

    I think the caliber of the police is a null issue when you need help, unless you're living in Africa or something.
  20. Zipper5

    Call for a new forum rule

    I hope you realize the irony in saying what BIS' job should be, and then saying that they are doing a bad job at doing so, when it's still not actually their job. It's like saying I'm doing a horrible job as a plumber when I am unemployed. As for the moderators, we're here, and we're watching. When we feel the need to take action, we take it, and have taken it in the past.
  21. Zipper5

    Your top 5 non-BIS games of all time

    You guys realize the thread title includes the phrase "non-BIS games", right? :p
  22. Zipper5

    3rd person versus Egoshootermode

    I think disabling third person is fine for infantry, but I personally find that it makes vehicle usage much better with it enabled. Guess it wouldn't be hard to force such a condition using a simple camera-switch script.
  23. Zipper5

    Unity 3 engine

    This. The only thing this has in common with Red River is the weird graphics. Thread title amended so as not to cause issues.
  24. Zipper5

    Arma 2 Player Age

    Poll options adjusted. :)
  25. Zipper5

    Arma 2 Player Age

    Turned 18 in January. :cool: