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Everything posted by Zipper5

  1. Nah, Red River's influence on the general gaming industry should be kept to an absolute minimum.
  2. Anyways, the purpose of this thread is not to discuss the going-ons of their forum, and that includes if you intend to troll it for whatever reason. This thread is about their games, specifically their Flashpoint games, and more specifically Red River.
  3. Well, RangerPL, it's not like they don't check this thread. Saying publicly that you're going to troll somewhere/thing/one is just stupid. :rolleyes:
  4. Zipper5

    Do you play with vision blur?

    Nope. Having it turned on combined with using antialiasing results in an uber-ugly white outline of your gun in first person, which is way too distracting for me. Plus, disabling it gives me slightly higher performance. :p
  5. Nice! Seems great so far! There's only two issues I've found: It doesn't work with beta patches. When in urban prone positions, or blindfire ones, your scope does not adjust to the angle of your gun, and you cannot use secondary sights. Probably an engine issue, here.
  6. What exactly is the purpose of this review? The conclusion seems to be that Arma 2 is mostly CPU dependent. Well, great, because we hadn't already known that since 2009. :rolleyes:
  7. So you wish to swap out the known flaws of an already released game with the unknown and potentially more serious flaws of a game that has not been released. DR had some pretty serious flaws compared to Arma 2, the AI didn't even recognize roads.
  8. Zipper5

    Has OFP/ARMA put you off the Army ?

    Not really. In fact, it made me even more open to the prospect of enlisting, but I've since moved away from that in pursuit of other occupations.
  9. Zipper5

    Crysis 2 PC Demo [Download link]

    I remain hopeful. If I see it make the light of day, I'll probably finally purchase the game.
  10. People wanted the DLCs on a DVD, BIS gave them that. I don't know why one would take it as a slap in the face. :confused:
  11. Has this ever gone way offtopic. :eek:
  12. Zipper5

    About Reinforcements.

    Reinforcements already comes with OA "Lite", in that you get all of OA's content apart from the missions and the campaign. So long as the mods you're looking at using are not dependent on the missions or the campaign from OA, then they should work with Reinforcements.
  13. BIS did it like this in the PMC campaign's first mission: //--- Disable after meeting _creditsScripts spawn { waituntil {sleep 1; BIS_player1 distance BIS_player2 < 10}; { terminate _x; } foreach _this; for "_i" from 0 to BIS_fnc_3dCredits_n do { _i cuttext ["","plain"]; }; };
  14. I'm shadow-banned over there too. Welcome to the club. ;) However, this:
  15. Zipper5

    How about a new AI Please

    Yes, BIS will write up a new AI, stick it in a box and mail it to you ASAP. Allow for up to 2 business days for delivery. :) As a little bit of helpful advice, calm down, try to use proper punctuation, and make your criticisms concise and constructive. People will take you more seriously as a result, and will be more inclined to help/listen to you.
  16. RR's NA release has been pushed back to June 7th: http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/116/1160068p1.html Members of the community over there are raging and leaving/claiming they won't buy the game now. I thought it was a good thing when games got delayed, as it allowed them to resolve whatever caused said delay. Edit: Wait, what? When did this happen? http://community.codemasters.com/forum/general-discussion-1335/460865-pc-retail-versions-uk-still-not-able-pre-order.html#post7003182
  17. I think it was probably revealed before it was supposed to have been. The newest one, i.e. the one where you share stern looks with your fellow man and they decide to go to war along side you.
  18. The live-action advert has been pulled from YouTube. :rolleyes:
  19. I'm not saying that it shouldn't go without improvement, I had hoped I made that clear. All I'm saying is that if you know there are issues with the Steam versions, avoid purchasing the games through it for the short-term and look at other sources until the problems are fixed. Otherwise you're just going to keep ending up with a product you deem non-functional.
  20. Wow, that's an impressive changelog King Nothing. I feel deeply inclined to trudge through the 20 FPS limit just to play it. :p
  21. That was exactly my point, sorry I didn't make it clearer. I'm not saying it should be accepted to have these failures, I'm saying you should also be trying to avoid such failures until BIS get their Steam capabilities at 100%. Sprocket downloads are identical to those on Steam anyways, and hey, they don't require Steam to run them. :p
  22. If I'm not mistaken, I think, on average, game UI gets the least attention overall during a game's development.
  23. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against tracers, I'm against those ugly radiating balls that make the guns look like they're firing lasers on every single shot, not an actual bullet.
  24. Just like DR, there are some things that look really nice (visible and working hands/arms on steering wheels, realistic gore), but way too many things that look and sound terrible (obsessive bloom, horrible AI, unrealistic bullet damage, ugly tracers, ugly weapon recoil).
  25. So why not, in future, stop buying it on Steam and start buying it off Sprocket if you must go for digital distribution?