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Everything posted by Zipper5

  1. Point out anywhere in that where he criticizes the mission and/or Xeno, and not the players/servers.
  2. Zipper5

    Am i the only one sick of the royal wedding?

    Only just over 14k views. A random video of mine has almost 12k. Not as important as you think you are, Mr.Veitch. :rolleyes: Edit: Lol, they don't even call the charges he was arrested on anything serious-sounding. They literally arrested him due to "conspiracy to cause a public nuisance." :D
  3. Zipper5

    ArmA II / OA Installation problems

    And after posts like these the poster wonders why the developer doesn't bother to help them. This patching FAQ may help you out here. If you have 1.59 and Operation Arrowhead/Combined Operations installed, you should only have to run it and let it install for it to work properly. However, if you only own Arma 2, then you cannot install 1.59 on it. You instead should install 1.09, which you can find here.
  4. Zipper5

    [CAMP] Chesty Puller

    Well, it would appear that the campaign requires Operation Arrowhead/Combined Operations at the least, then. ;)
  5. Zipper5

    [CAMP] Chesty Puller

    Those errors pertain to content from the PMC DLC. However, you should have them in "lite" form if you are patched to the latest version of Operation Arrowhead/Combined Operations, so either you don't own those, or you aren't running the latest patch. If you need to patch, you can find the latest one here.
  6. Getting lots of kills or a high score cannot involve teamwork, fair play, or fun?
  7. Zipper5

    Am i the only one sick of the royal wedding?

    Is it your goal to turn every thread in the offtopic section into a conspiracy case, Dosenmais?
  8. I am prepared, I just have no money. Need to finish highschool before the money starts coming in. :p
  9. SIX Updater and Yoma Tools are not included with Arma 2, therefore most people don't know they exist. Domination and Warfare are pretty much the two missions 99% of public servers play (I don't mean any disrespect to the authors of either. The missions themselves are awesome and, in some ways, scripting marvels that I could never hope to emulate). It's fine to have servers for people to unwind, what isn't fine is having those be the only public servers available, in my eyes. Tactical Gamer got it right - they played various missions on their public servers with many people. Those who didn't play along were kicked or banned, and those who did had a great time, myself included. I don't think anyone's really saying it's "hard", they're saying it shouldn't be a necessity in order to have a multiplayer experience that's all that different from the other games on the market. And to that, I fully agree. And jhoson14 - stop with the elitism (re: "And to OP, just stay with your BF2 please.")
  10. Zipper5

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Fox News says otherwise, njmatrix.
  11. That's where your error's coming from. Edit: Ninja'd. :(
  12. Zipper5

    Why do you mod/make addons?

    I'd say that no matter if it's a compilation, you've made a mod, therefore you are a modder. FFUR for OFP is a mod, after all. Obviously there's many different degrees of modding.
  13. Zipper5

    Why do you mod/make addons?

    Personally, it's the learning experience that keeps me going. I love being able to create new content for a game I already love as well, and with BIS' games the tools at your disposal make the barrier to entry not overly difficult. And man, over the time I've been modding for BIS' games, I've learned a hell of a lot. I look back on my older work and facepalm at stupid mistakes or bad optimization. :D
  14. Fixed that for you. People should not have to actually buy this tripe in order to have to form an opinion on it, such a mentality being held by a customer is exactly what Codemasters wants and why they think they shouldn't release a demo. At least DR had one. Red River's, if it even exists, is still to be announced. And for the record, I've now played the full versions of both DR and RR (though I played the PS3 version of RR, but is there really a difference bar graphics options?), and they are not fun in my eyes. Terrible gameplay choices in DR kill it for me, the terrible dialogue in RR combined with some of the same gameplay choices kills it for me.
  15. Zipper5

    Late April 1st Joke or Massive World Wide Hoax

    Since we know this is fake, there's no reason to keep the discussion on it going. ;)
  16. Zipper5

    Late April 1st Joke or Massive World Wide Hoax

    http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1379214/Dead-alien-stale-bread-How-frozen-Siberian-alien-BROWN-BREAD.html Good point, Beagle. :p Heck, it was on the same website...
  17. Zipper5

    Late April 1st Joke or Massive World Wide Hoax

    If it wasn't for the fact that I've already seen that video, and concluded that it is indeed fake, I'd have stopped reading anyways after reading the start of that URL. I'm not even British and I know not to read The Daily Mail. :rolleyes:
  18. CM have had one game prior to RR to build an idea in the minds of potential customers as to the quality they can expect from their games, and said quality was pretty piss-poor. CM then released RR without any demo, and prior declared the game would go in a significantly different direction to DR. You cannot say they bought it because they like it (unless they acquired it prior to buying through "other means" which we will not discuss here), they bought it out of the hope they might like it if they played it. Therefore, to address how you brought BIS' games into the equation: BIS have had OFP, ArmA and now Arma 2 to build an exact picture of the quality to expect from their future products. Plus, BIS do release demos either before or shortly after the release of their games. The same cannot and should not be said for CM. Personally, I would call the market that enjoys these new OFPs masochists. :p
  19. Zipper5

    Am i been flagged by....VAC??

    Steam-related issues, like VAC, are to be posted on the Steam forums, not here. However, Arma 2 is not VAC-enabled. It uses BattlEye. There won't be any doubt in your mind if you're banned by BattlEye. Thread locked.
  20. The reason you seek is that people do actually buy this crap.
  21. Zipper5

    Favourite BI city in the series?

    Do you mean Modesta? In that case, it's a ruined Church rather than a castle, but yes, fought many awesome firefights there too. :D Here's a map of Sahrani, if anyone wants it. Edit: Read "Dolores", thought "Bagango." Don't ask why. :p
  22. Zipper5

    Favourite BI city in the series?

    Nostalgia wants me to say Montignac, but that's not really the case anymore. I'd have to agree with Celery and say Bagango would be my favorite, followed by Dolores. Oh how I miss Sahrani... I think Chernogorsk and Zargabad are the most detailed and realistic towns BIS have made so far, but both cause major performance drops. Also, just because I find them realistic, that doesn't make them great for gameplay like the aforementioned two from Armed Assault as well.
  23. Reinforcements is the PMC and BAF DLCs on a DVD. If you want to "download Reinforcements" off Sprocket, you have to purchase and download both of them. And yes, Sprocket purchases work flawlessly with DVD versions.