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Everything posted by Zipper5

  1. Zipper5

    Dragon Rising has been released

    I like this post by Helios. Oh yeah! Come to think of it, I know GRID has been kept in limbo exactly like that! I guess CM aren't the only game developer who... Wait. :rolleyes: Idiots. Just, idiots.
  2. Zipper5

    Battlefield Bad Company 2 Beta

    There was a patch released today? Is it just me, or is the Steam version of the beta not getting patched? That's just retarded. :(
  3. Zipper5

    Why is this game not more popular?

    I too have only recently turned 17. I got OFP when it was released in 2001. That would have made me 8 years old. Granted I did not visit forums of any sort back then, but I absolutely loved the game. I first registered here in 2006, which would have been at the age of 13. I think I've only ever had my age used against me a maximum of 3 or so times, and most of the time it was an asshole resorting to age insults to win the argument. :p However, most tell me I'm very mature for my age... :butbut:
  4. ArmA II ran perfectly for me with v1.01 beta that was the stock version of the 505 Games release. I played through all of the official missions and the campaign no sweat without any gamebreaking bugs at least one time. Performance was also great. Simply put, it was good when it was released, and amazing now. :D
  5. Zipper5

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Heh, seems we were reading the same thing at the same time. :p I really hope more websites take notice of this now.
  6. Zipper5

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Eugh... Some people are just... Punching bags. They'll take whatever is thrown at them and won't know what's going on. I like this though! :D It's apparently one of the most visited Australian gaming websites.
  7. Zipper5

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Oh God, I remember that. Those were some good times. :D Funny thing is that a lot of those people slagged off ArmA and thought ArmA II looked shit at the time. Gotta love the community that the game had. :rolleyes:
  8. Zipper5

    Dragon Rising has been released

    I like this post the most. Really made my day. :D Frankly, all these CM fanbois can suck it. Their game was a fail at the beginning, remained a fail and ended as a fail. We all knew it and bashed the crap out of the game for what they were doing, and bashed the hell out of the naive supporters of the game who actually thought CM were going to continue support. Now, I can finally say We fricken told you so! I will be one of the first on the bandwaggon to boycott a sequel to Dragon Rising, if there ever is one.
  9. Zipper5

    Dragon Rising has been released

    A "successful reboot" of OFP? Since when did was OFP rebooted? :confused:
  10. Zipper5

    Why is this game not more popular?

    Why do people think ArmA II looks like ass? I think it's one of the most realistic-looking games on the market. No overdone Hollywood effects and all that shit which everyone screams are "realistic". But perhaps it looks like ass because your apparently crappy PC can't run the game that well, Pulverizer. I currently run it on almost maxed-out settings with a GTX 280, an E8400 3.00GHz and 2GB of RAM. Oh, and Windows XP Professional SP3. That's not really that top-of-the-range by today's standards, is it? I'd say it's somewhere between mid-range and the top.
  11. Of course. BIS are the best PC developer hands-down, followed fairly closely by Valve. I will always buy BIS' military simulators. What is this "crap" you're getting? Never mind, I see that you accuse BIS of not listening to the community. Your point, therefore, is void. Have a nice day.
  12. Zipper5

    Dragon Rising has been released

    What's worse is that there are still, despite all the shit thrown in their face and the fact that the game can now do serious damage to your PC after running it for a while, holding on to it. Some people are just that desperate, just that naive, or like to be tossed around and ripped off. Frankly, since they don't mention anything about their "modern combat" being Operation Flashpoint, I'm happy. So long as their next title isn't called that, it can suck all they want. If it is, well, I for one will start emailing gaming magazines about DR (if they don't know about it already).
  13. Zipper5

    Deadfast's Translations

    After many months of nothing being reported by CM about DR, Sion Lenton responded to an insult made against him simply by saying "Nice......". Naturally, everyone was outraged, and we just sat back laughing. It's sort of caught on at the moment though, and will probably grow now that CM have officially cut ties with DR. /Offtopic
  14. "And if yes, MEHTE, we'll show them who's the f*cking boss!" *Throws out of helicopter into the water below* "MEEEEEEHHHHHHHHTTTTTTTTTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" *Fires a few rounds into the ocean where he landed* I couldn't believe how bad that voice actor was. Seriously, some people are just in the wrong profession. That said, while I would like to see much better voices for the radio, I tend to hardly notice them anymore and I don't play with them muted. Perhaps prolonged exposure to the madness makes you less susceptible. :p
  15. Zipper5

    Red Dawn: Endgame Arma 2 Trailer

    Wow... Way to bump a thread for no reason... If he had news about it, why would he not share it? :rolleyes:
  16. Zipper5

    Nato last fight against taliban

    There's currently a large offensive underway in Afghanistan involving NATO forces who are trying to push the Taliban out of Helmand Province. It's been "advertised" as the largest offensive of the war since the invasion. According to CTV, they're reaching the Taliban haven of Marjah. And for the last part of my post, people in these parts of the Middle East have very little to live for. Few jobs, low or non-existent wages, terrible hygiene and constant war. It's easy for the men to sign up to terrorist and/or insurgent groups, like the Taliban. How can we really defeat that?
  17. Zipper5

    Nato last fight against taliban

    What, you mean the current offensive? I don't see it being able to single-handedly end a war against a terrorist insurgent force. They're always able to find supporters and recruit people in that part of the world.
  18. Zipper5

    Best orders for combat missions?

    No. It's because the file size of the patch would have been roughly 5GB if done through Steam. It's done this way so that people don't have to download such a high filesize.
  19. Zipper5

    Design a computer...

    Yes, I'm exactly the same. Apple products are always overhyped. The iPad is an excellent recent example. And they are always raving about how much more powerful Macs are than PCs... At least PC users have well-established facts to back them up.
  20. Zipper5

    Design a computer...

    Hm, I never knew that. Guess you learn something new every day. HALO was also originally a Mac game. :p I wonder if the mods hate us for going so far offtopic...
  21. Zipper5

    Design a computer...

    Yes, of course. But hardly any games work for Macs. Granted a number of program developers make their programs compatible with Macs nowadays, but there are still those which don't. But isn't there another issue with software? Microsoft Office is the most commonly used office software in the world, and even Mac users are forced to use it because Macs don't have a substitute. Again, turning a Mac more and more into a Windows PC. Not really a case where they choose to use Windows, but where they're forced to use Windows. Can Macs run Linux?
  22. Zipper5

    Design a computer...

    The main reason I view peoples' bias against PCs and their love for Macs as "strange", to say the least, is that, for gamers especially, they have to run Bootcamp and some version of Windows to run their games and certain other programs. Doesn't that essentially turn a Mac into a PC? You can easily make a Mac-looking case, or a mouse, or a keyboard, all to be used for the PC, but the thing that Macs have that PCs don't is their OS, yet to make stuff work you need to use Windows? What's the point? Highly expensive, underpowered, very well designed aesthetically, and handicapped. That's Macs in a nutshell. In my opinion... But we're going way offtopic...
  23. It just seems to be that most of the players use the SP side of the game much more than the MP side. By SP I don't mean the campaign and missions, I mean making your own missions and messing about yourself. Generally that's because of all the user made content, and the fact that the MP side of the game can be very selective now at what it does and doesn't allow onto a server. I know there's a large MP portion of the community, but it seems to me that there's a significantly larger SP portion. Granted I do enjoy playing with humans more than AI, but I also enjoy playing with mods other than ACE2 and CAA1. :p
  24. If you only play ArmA II for MP then I suggest you find a different game. It will only lead to disappointment. For me, it does not, but it seems to be a regular occurrence that MP-only hardcore players are always disappointed with ArmA II's style of MP.
  25. Zipper5

    Best orders for combat missions?

    Due to the changes BIS have made to the radio system, you'll want to keep "Extended HUD info" enabled. That way it shows you what they want you to target, who they want you to follow and where they want you to move. Otherwise you're just going to get annoyed. The AI is not doing too well in v1.05, but I'm sure BIS know about it. It's only a recent change that has been introduced which has caused it, and one which BIS can easily rectify in a future patch or beta patch. We just have to wait for said patch. You'll have much more luck then. In terms of equipment, put down your own units and group them together. Problem solved. You can also change any loadout of any unit you want through the simplest scripting commands.