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Everything posted by Zipper5

  1. Yup, that's it. It works great. Thanks Jelliz. :D
  2. Zipper5

    US cancels Mk. 16 SCAR

    Well, replace them with M4s or M16s then. Not hard to do. ;)
  3. Zipper5

    US cancels Mk. 16 SCAR

    I thought that the Army officially adopted Multicam to replace ACU and is going to phase out ACU over the next few years? :confused:
  4. It certainly does not "feel right" at the moment. Though I personally do believe the concept is sound, the recoil is far too exaggerated at the moment.
  5. I was going to say... The beta patch has greatly improved my performance. It's fantastic.
  6. Zipper5

    OA headaches...

    You could always switch to the gunner of the tank yourself? That's what I always do. The highest priority is keeping us alive and I seem to have a much better track record at that than the AI do. It made it a long but relatively easy journey to completing that mission.
  7. Zipper5

    Where/how/when to buy ARMA2:OA?

    Try playing DR. You would realize why BIS should not do what Consolemasters do. ;) In terms of advertising, however, it would be nice to see BIS advertise more. Thanks to Arma 2's attracting of more higher-level gaming publications, both digital and paper, OA had more advertising than ArmA and Arma 2 had. But, as always, I'd rather see the money spent somewhere more worthwhile provided BIS can still continue doing what they do without suffering financially.
  8. Lol, that is exactly the definition of a "volunteer administrator", is it not? Giving up your free time to manage and moderate things? If you can't do that then what, you're just an admin because you have access to the tools? :confused: More like the fact I don't have a bank account, nor a job, because it's very different how those things work over here compared to how most people here are used to, but I won't go into specifics. Long story short I cannot get money over here at my age legally. All in all I feel as though I'm getting no where because the people who could change it seem completely contempt with the way Arma 2 MP currently is. They don't see anything wrong with the same maps being played over and over, they don't see that ping is not as important as in other games, and most importantly, they don't see any reason at all to change because they own the server. Fine, I guess I'll just stick with SP for the foreseeable future. It's a real shame, because as OFP showed me - these games have huge potential for greatness in MP.
  9. Lol, when I heard "keyboard template" I thought something you lay on top of your keyboard which has all the actions printed on them. :p But I take it you mean that extra sheet which came with OFP, ArmA and Arma 2. It's only after you mentioned it that I realized it didn't come with it. But hey, why not print the specific pages from the digital manual?
  10. Who the hell uses a keyboard template? :confused: Better yet, what game has ever come with a keyboard template?
  11. Zipper5

    New beta 71900 is up!(OA)

    I think the recoil's a bit exaggerated at the moment. I like the new kickback, but I think it could do with some toning down.
  12. Exactly! It hasn't changed in OA, it's just as ridiculous as that picture blatantly points out. 90% of the servers that have anyone on them and aren't locked are either playing Domination, Evolution or Warfare.
  13. Zipper5

    Hottest Summer Games of 2010

    None. PC gamers aren't good enough for Micro$hit anymore. :rolleyes:
  14. Wow Marek, you mean the merging issue is now fixed? That's awesome for Steam users! Great job! :D
  15. You want woodland MARPAT Marines in desert terrain? What's this about being "unrealistic"? :p
  16. It doesn't enforce teamwork though. Server admins not being there doesn't enforce teamwork. Server admins being there may still not choose to enforce teamwork. I'm fine with having servers available for those who like to lone wolf it, but that's about every server playing these large missions right now. I cannot find a single one of these servers that a) doesn't auto-kick me for my ping, but more importantly b) has any form of teamwork whatsoever. It's just every man for himself, loading into a chopper, going to the enemy, dying, respawning, rinse and repeat. It's fine the first 50 times you do it, and it's fine when only a few servers are like that, but most of them are like that and I've gotten incredibly bored of it. It hasn't changed at all since.
  17. Well that's rather impossible since it seems a lot of you are only contempt with large-scale coop missions, and completely disregard the smaller 8, 12, or 16 player ones, let alone any mode outside of coop. I mean, just look at how many missions LDD Kyllikki made for Arma 2, for example. All of them are of excellent quality, and are small, fun coops, yet hardly anyone plays them at all outside of LLD Kyllikki, and I never see any of the main servers running them.
  18. Zipper5

    BIS, what have you done to lighting?

    I don't know about you guys but I personally can't see that well at night. Granted I do like that there's no longer that black and white filter but it at least needs the brightness toned down.
  19. Linebackers are in the game. ;)
  20. Zipper5

    TimeSplitters Series

    The only one I ever played was Future Perfect on the PS2, but my God did I love that game. That Mansion level scared the shit out of my young self at the time. :p I remember playing through it many, many times. Ah, the good ol' days... Multiplayer was also fun as hell.
  21. If you had any idea the amount of work that went into Domination, or how incredible and complex the scripting is, how refined it is and how near-flawless the mission itself almost is, then you'd eat your words. There's a lot special about Domination, the only issue with it is how much it's been overplayed. It's a great mission, but it's nice to play something other than it for a change. "We" is everyone who is regularly complaining or becoming annoyed at the fact that MP is currently made up of 3 maps. I'd like to ask these server admins if they really, really enjoy playing these 3 maps over and over again as much as they let their server run it. I would have my own server doing what I wanted with it if I had the means to do so, but I don't. However, that doesn't mean that just because you own the server you should disregard what people are saying about it. If you buy something you want to get people to use it as much as possible to get the most out of it, therefore you should be happy with the feedback and criticisms given to you. The MP experience in BIS' games has gone downhill so significantly since ArmA's release, and I simply want to enjoy playing it again. I know from my experience that there are a lot of people who would agree with me, most would also be long-standing fans.
  22. Certainly seems they don't know what we want to play.
  23. Your post there just summed up why the MP situation is not improving...
  24. Unkn0wn here is what you would classify as a hater. The rest of us are discussing.
  25. Is your version of OA already 1.52.71816? If so then you already have the patch.