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About ZizleyBEar

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal
  1. ZizleyBEar

    New games

    Driver 3 looks good www.driv3r.com
  2. ZizleyBEar


    Thank you =)
  3. ZizleyBEar


    i Have a trigger: "OBJ_1" objstatus "done" And the briefing: <p><a name = "OBJ_1"></a><a href="marker:obj1">guard</a></p> this place<hr> Even though the trigger seems to be working. It won't switch the thing in the briefing to green. If you know what i mean...
  4. ZizleyBEar

    My addons will not work

    It works now. Thanks you for the help guys.
  5. u mean cruched? http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....l=prone
  6. ZizleyBEar

    My addons will not work

    Hi i dl a explosion pack from a page but i can not find it in the editor what do i do?
  7. ZizleyBEar

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    I vote for Blackdog too
  8. ZizleyBEar

    Problems with kernel32

    Hey i have the same damn problem!!! how can it be solved?
  9. ZizleyBEar

    The sniper saga

    Police take two men into custody in Virginia Lets hope its the sniper they caught... CNN Police also Responded (Real Player) to a message left at latest shooting scene. (i dont get this.. Police responds to the sniper that they will respond to the sniper  [EDIT] Sources: Detained men not linked to sniper ...
  10. ZizleyBEar

    Does anyone else have these problems?

    Yea i had the same problem!!! i defraged my hd added some more ram and a new video card and it works great now! i dunno what coused that problem but It may have been too many addon, some screwed up addon or some spywear Â
  11. ZizleyBEar

    Problem whit multiplayer

    first of all thx for the answer! I use 1,46 and i have Resistance Tho i dont like the ingame browser in res. becouse there are so few players I have thought about dl ASE and i guess thats the only way around, but i kind of like the system in gs where u join a room and talk whit ppl etc What R E A L L Y drives me nuts is that it all worked fine in the beginning, then somthing happend (possibly some addon) and i got that "bug" so when i reformated i was sure it was gonna disappear... btw the firewall is of when i try playing and it shouldnt be the problem! ZizleyBear
  12. ZizleyBEar

    Problem whit multiplayer

  13. ZizleyBEar

    Problem with resistance.

    Yes im on ME... And i admit that when playing the campaign whit 128 mb it loaded forever and the intros lagged etc (only the campaign though) And after the new ram its running fine so there is a huge difference when increasing ram!
  14. ZizleyBEar

    Problem with resistance.

    allright im not gonna start bitching but before i ran the game whit 128 mb sdr ram and it worked basicly whitout any crashes etc so why would hes 192 be sutch a problem?
  15. ZizleyBEar

    Problem whit multiplayer

    This problem of mine occurrs in Ofp and ofp res! Let me give a example: #I start the computer, start Game Spy #join a room, game launches #I get the waiting for server, and i select what side i want to play on etc... #I play the game get back to Game Spy and join another room #game starts and instead of getting to that select team screen i get to the main screen for Singel player.... There is no real logic when i get in and when i dont, but generally i get in the multiplayer game every 2:nd time.... Since this problem first came i have reformated, added more RAM and a new video card, whitout any differens