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Everything posted by Zardoz

  1. Zardoz

    Way to get weapons back if you lose them without r

    @The Brain: This would mean that the weapon stash is part of the save.fps-file, which I really don't know. Can anyone confirm this? If the stash is _not_ part of save.fps (and I think it isn't, for what purpose else would have the objects-file?), one can easily run into the bug: assume you end a given mission and preserve the respective save.fps short before that missions end. Now, say e.g. two missions later, you realize that you miss a crucical part of equipment and decide to revert to your preserved save.fps. If the equipment is _not_ part of save.fps but of another file that had already changed too in between the two missions, you are stuck again. Question: where _exactly_ (i.e. which file) is the current weaponstash stored?
  2. Zardoz

    Way to get weapons back if you lose them without r

    I *think* I've encountered this (un-)famous problem too twice, but *think* I had means that I actually need more proof, hard facts, to make a positive statement. For that purpose, question to Suma et al.: is it possible to provide a simple commandline-tool (or s/th similar that's easy and fast do program) that from a given campaign-savegame could extract the weapon-and ammocollection the player has at his/her hands to a textfile? That textfile could easily show if the bug has hit and by this means would help a lot to reproduce and track downe the bug. Thanks for reply, Z
  3. Zardoz

    What to fix in the next patch

    Mines and Satchels currently can not be disabled (see thread http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=5341) , i'd like to see that changed. Could/should be done (whatever is easier to implement) by either shooting them or by kind of "reverse-put" (i.e. a soldier knees and picks them up). My other wishes have already been posted by others. Thanks
  4. Zardoz

    PLZ make satchel charges die when shot/blast!

    Same is true for mines... Beeing in a tank, even if you actually see a mine, it's useless to shot at it, regardless if you use MG or Sabot or HEAT. Shouldn't at least a HEAT destroy a mine ???