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About Yssabem

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  1. Yssabem

    Targeting cam

    Sorry, are you saying you've got this working? or is it a just a generic "moving ground" gif type thing?
  2. Yssabem

    Track ir

    i use the keypad, taking my hand off the mouse to look around. I use it so often it's the first thing i miss in any other First Person Shooter, been playing the BF2 demo last few days (i know i know i'll never speak of it again ;) ) and I REALLY miss the freelook.
  3. Yssabem

    Track ir

    Now if BIS included a feature in AA or OFP2 that used an ordinary webcam to track a reflective sticker or something (included in the box) that would mean anyone with a webcam could take advantage Cos how many of us already have webcams eh? (yeh i know about the low fps of normal cams mentioned earlier, but one can dream)
  4. Yssabem

    Integrated RT MP Voice-over-IP

    yes, make this happen BIS. Voip with lipsync would be badass. Had no idea you could do it already with directplay and in-game voice comms rather than sockets and teamspeak Know what i'll be trying with my buds tonight EDIT: Wasn't there some issue with Direct Play formatting your Hard Drive on NT/XP systems? I don't wanna try this if it's risky
  5. ah, thought that the pitch would automatcially change. As i understand it the light source in that addon is actually attached to the hand rather than the weapon. Does the light come from a texture or something? If so would the pitch be automatically worked out by the 'pivot' of the mouse position relative to the light texture?
  6. So with Fwatch could you use <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _mouse = call loadfile ":input getmouse" To make the light featured in this thread http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....7;st=15 actually face the direction the gun is pointing (rather than just straight out horizontally from the body?) Or for another example use the array returned by 'input getmouse' to make a large piece of artillery point in the same direction you point your own gun, like a remote control
  7. Nop that doesn't work. The script returns an error at foreach [Nothing, expected string] probably because the objects aren't read by the allunits trigger.
  8. I'll try it a sec hang on. Though the objects are not vehicles of any sort, it's scenery (i.e they don't have the potential to be on any side, ever)
  9. @ blanco don't think that will work as it's not units i'm trying to setpos, it's empty objects (i.e the 'anybody' trigger won't count them will it?) @wipman I'm trying to avoid manually setpossing each object as there ar a shedload of them But thanks.
  10. I've had a search on these forums and at ofpec, but no luck. Sorry if this has been answered but i did look! How can you set the height for every object of a specific class in mission? Something like this executed in the init.sqs? <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this setpos [getpos this select 0, getpos this select 1, (getpos this select 2)-0.2] foreach XXXX Sorry if this is a stupid question!
  11. Yssabem

    Sell ARAS online

    I'd be happy to DL and give all the money to BIS. Although I would like some kind of proof of purchase mailed to me. It would be lovely if they could find someone to publish a Boxed version but also allow BIS to distribute an online version for those who want to give their cash to devs not suits That way everybody's happy... But that's not bloody likely is it
  12. Yssabem

    What can we do with JIP?

    Oh yes i certainly hope CTI isn't the be-all and end-all of it I was just using the closest thing we have to a persistant 'War' that we have now ;)
  13. Yssabem

    What can we do with JIP?

    I think many people's idea of ultimate OFP is this persistant war many have mentioned. To reward people for playing as Medics and other support roles (ammo truck drivers, engineers for repairs etc) in a persistant CTI environment I have a suggestion and hear me out til the end before you attack it A point system determines how much 'play time' individual players get. Each unique player ID is given a starting amount of 'points' that equate to playing time (for example new players start with 120 points = two hours of play time). You then earn more play time on that server by playing certain roles. Medics/Repairmen etc earn points for healing and repairing things. When you've topped up your playing time points you can abandon that role (if you like) and go back to straight soldiering. This would encourge/force everyone to pitch in regularly with the support roles meaning that there would always be some people on the server doing the things that needed to be done. Just and idea.
  14. Yssabem

    Armed Assault - should the name be changed?

    I think it would be good if the acronym retained the 'sound' of "OFP" as this will help brand awareness. I've no idea what you could call it to fit those (or something like those) letters tho... Organised Fighting Personell Oscar Foxtrot Papa O? Force P? you get the idea...