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Everything posted by YacieK

  1. YacieK

    MK-77 Napalm

    Full rescpects to author. Thank you... I love the smell of napalm in the morning. You know, one time we had a hill bombed, for 12 hours. When it was all over, I walked up. We didn't find one of 'em, not one stinkin' dink body. The smell, you know that gasoline smell, the whole hill. Smelled like... Victory....
  2. YacieK

    alpha texture shadow problems

    For shadow answers _as.paa - Maybe convert to 32 bit tga, no rla compression and edit under Adobe CS It don't change colors. ?
  3. YacieK


    And look here
  4. YacieK


    It issues me it look on US uniform - that it in first war in gulf ? Then it was not insurgents Nevermind - I wish success in work over mod.
  5. YacieK

    Insurgent Idea

    yes - of course - terrorist organization. BTW -I saw very good models in keffija here
  6. YacieK


    Hear it nicely. It write have about on VBS2 like top work, but not criticism. Successes and I wait with impatiently.
  7. YacieK


    look like VBS2
  8. YacieK

    Insurgent Idea

    @Kerry you wrote My addon is based on terrorists* from Hezbollah, Hamas and Al Fatah.I base on photographic materials work, you would be surprised as they are furnished well. I did not write about Iraq, only with m4r1ne BTW : My models are furnished to new vests, ammobag`s, details of endowments. I have showed screen`s from early phase of production. As yet, it ver. BETA *- Terrorist always will be terrorist ,never insurgent - neither guerrilla. I have my ass political correctness.
  9. YacieK

    Insurgent Idea

    Probably, we double work
  10. My PMC/Guerills/Insurgents .. (beta status) in game... wip...
  11. YacieK

    How are called ...?

    Thx Synide -
  12. YacieK

    How are called ...?

    How are called textures of blood for standard US soldiers ?
  13. http://img528.imageshack.us/img528....mg] PMC - Contractors witch SPR 12 - status: beta
  14. Congratulations for whole crew - awesome work. Shadow NX - i send to you PM
  15. - rather Private Mercenary Company
  16. Im worked on PMC - screens from early beta and beta test in game.
  17. YacieK

    ODOL to MLOD

    How convert ODOL to MLOD models on ArmA?
  18. YacieK

    ODOL to MLOD

    I know, but few new MLOD models from users. Therefore asks.
  19. YacieK

    Please help :)

    ThxMessiah :] ill try it.
  20. As give personal surnames in to ArmA ? For example, Charles Bronson, Ivo Milac etc. ?
  21. YacieK

    Please help :)

    Upss - I have asked poorly. There had to be - as make it in to soldier addon.
  22. YacieK

    Vilas' addons

    @ Col. Faulkner no problem mate. Have a nice day...
  23. YacieK

    Player jumping

    CSJ - nice work :]
  24. YacieK

    Vilas' addons

    Nice to see you Vilas Welcome back