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Everything posted by Xtremist

  1. Xtremist

    Steam sucks want physical copy

    No sprocket is nothing like steam! Sprocket is just a company selling the digital media for download you DO NOT have to login to sprocket to play the games after you purchase them. Once you have purchased the title you are free put the install file(s) onto a disc keeping it for backup much like a store bought disk.
  2. Xtremist

    Good work Bohemia interactive

    +1 on OP Dwarden and the whole Bis team keep it up...PMC is lookin hot!!!!
  3. I suggest uninstalling and then reinstalling and opting for online activation if the option is given again. I to have retail copys of both on DVD, the only time they were ever in my drive was for install. I don't recall OA requesting online activation but I may be wrong. It won't hurt to uninstall everything and start from scratch.
  4. Xtremist

    Move Hand Grenades to action menu

    I personally liked good old Joint Operations:Typhoon Rising and Escalation's button set up 1. knife 2. pistol 3. rifle 4. flashbang 5. nades 6. --useless-- 7. satchels, claymores, and rocket (at4/rpg) 8. satchel detonator 3. being rifle so you were able to switch to your rifle while on the run and still move forward (don't have to take your finger off W) however with arma's animations moving and weapon switching is not possible (maybe ArmAIII, being we got reload on the move with ArmAII :) ) so it doesnt matter what number you put the rifle at (2 or 3 would be the most ergonomic). I suggest 1-4 in my previous post being those buttons are not used unless choosing a command menu option. and seriously pufu more people coming to ArmA is a good thing, childish attitudes do nothing for the community or yourself...
  5. Xtremist

    Move Hand Grenades to action menu

    i would like to see a change in this as well. i opt for 1-4 being the weapon selection. 1 and 2 being main rifle and pistol, 3 being nades, and 4 being whatever launcher if any. I would still like the "f" key to be in place to cycle thru fire rates and nade types and such. also if we include satchels into the 4 key "f" could cycle the touch off options. althought its not a game breaker and people have gotten use to it, having to cycle thru 6 button presses to return to fire mode is a bit on the tedious side. Especially in a firefight.
  6. I do stand corrected I wasnt aware that the USMC abrams was updated till after reading the post after mine. With that being said I do think that BI should have gave the Opfor a tracked and a rotary wing with TI to keep the PVP on a level field. Just my 2 cents.
  7. There are two sides to this...yes it would be nice if the opfor had vehicles with TI, however an easy solution for PVP is to use pre OA USMC vehicles that don't have TI capabilities rather than the US faction vehicles in games or missions. Until BI creates a OPFOR faction that is TI capable we are gonna have to be off balanced in the PVP scene. This being just a simulator and not RL, BI can create a faction with TI capabilities to be an OPFOR asset.
  8. would it be possible to hide the vehicles while they are in the zone preventing target locks all together. Then once they leave the zone they become lockable. I think that would be much better for your pilots that way they don't see the pesky lock box and waste a missile. It also leaves them free to search for other targets.
  9. I too am trying to figure this out. Anyone know what might be the trick?
  10. I would like to change the cost of items and the amount of start money in the mission superpowers. I have unpacked the warfare2 and the missions pbo. I have edited the Common/Config/(all factories) to reflect my new costs but when I go to repack the pbo the games don't show up when I try to host a server. any help would be greatly appreciated :)
  11. Chalk it up to another bug, I've experienced in Manhattan to...had Maddox come pick us up and as soon as we get out one of my teamates decides he wants to backstep to some unknown location. It did happen to me after fast traveling in DOW as well though.
  12. Xtremist

    C&H, SC and AAS

    Like Jack-UK said Advance and Secure: Capturing zones in a particular order... more linear gameplay. From my understanding sector controll there is no order in which you attack the sectors the team with the most points from taking the sectors wins AAS the control points have to be taken in order, once taken they become forward respawn points. Â Once all of the control points have been taken the game ends. Â Normally there is one nuetral zone in the middle that both teams race to secure the zone. Â Once that zone is secure the team gains that area as a forward spawn point then advances to the next enemy base. To gain control of the zone a team must have a larger force in the attack zone and hold the zone for a set amount of time. This style of game play makes for a more centralized battle rather than everyone going differnt ways to take randomly place sectors.
  13. I just recently noticed this but now that I have 1.08 installed when I click this option nothing happens. It worked fine for 1.05 [able to click on and off as I pleased] and I was able to get a good since of the BF hearing what direction shots as well as incoming vehicles were coming from  with 5.1 speakers. Doing basic tests I updated drivers [Realtec HD Audio r.1.69 driver version: released]  Still nothin.  I then uninstall ArmA and reinstalled 1.05, again Hardware Acceleration works like a charm.  Knowing that it works in 1.05 I updated back to 1.08 and to my dismay same problem nothing happens...WTF Without surround sound its next to impossible to figure out what direction your being shot from and incoming vehicles always sound like they are coming from infront of you even with the most recent OpenAL
  14. Xtremist

    An interview with a seasoned scriptwriter

    Is there a place to download the maps you are using on your server? I would like to check them out. I am not any of the AAS servers up and running. I am also using 1.05, I've notice your servers are using 1.07b and 1.06.
  15. Xtremist

    An interview with a seasoned scriptwriter

    I am glad to see this post even though its two weeks later. Joint Operations AAS style of gameplay was the best imo. I am glad to see Tom Anger working on it, being I've played alot of his JO maps. I've also played with 16aab members on JO as well. I hoped ArmA would've had this style to begin, but I can wait. Also with the size of Sahrani and all the vehicles used in ArmA it will make for some great AAS battles. With frontlines constatly moving you won't be looking at the same cities like the Berzerk maps