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Everything posted by sparky

  1. sparky

    HWM Addon Pack v2.0

    We're testing our addons, in the latest (non beta patch), in a clean ArmA installation. Now as far as the known issues, that we have announce in this thread and write in our manual, we haven't notice anything else. BUT, since so far we have 2 people telling about the same issue, we will check, if they are is, something wrong, somewhere in the config. So be patient, any bugfixes will be included in the 3rd HWM addon Pack release. So for now, the best thing that you can do, is to report us, more and more, bugs, in our bug tracker and in this thread.bug tracker
  2. ok, i'd like to something more to that. For sure the ODOL to MLOD convartion was somthing really helpfull, nobody is doubting about that. Also as stated it was illegal too since it's conside reverse engineering. Now what i'd like to add. Also some models of queens gambit was decoded (correct me if i'm wrong), that means that are available to people that have Armed Assault and don't have Queen's Gambit. So i think that isn't fair, for someone that hasn't pay for something (queen's gambit) to have the addons on his computer and make other addons based on them and redistribute them. Isn't that more illegal? Well the only thing that i can add to this convertation, since BIS has made its decission is at least for MLODs directly from BIS. And to make the start i'd like to request for an MLOD helicopter. When we try to develope our uh-1h, we realised that we couldn't have a good study model, so we used the decoded blackhawk in order to see what do we need to create into our helicopter.Generally i would like to ask an mlod of each kind, like a helicopter (as i asked before) something form nature like a tree or bush etc etc...
  3. no no, i don't think that you understand his question. probably he means in game, when you start in the editor, with the map. suppose that this is from bis sample map (rahmadi) //default center position centerPosition[] = {2500,2500,300}; probably he needs to play, with the values x,y. You can see what values to put, by enabling, the "Show rulers" on visitor, and while you move your cursor on the map, you can find a value to put (not exactly, but approximately what value to put). anyway, i think that problem solved.
  4. well, i'm not so expert. but as far as i know noZwrite, is to disable the Z Buffer for these faces (has to do with hidden faces). Now for shadow on glasses, the solution is ambient[] = {1, 1, 1, 1}; diffuse[] = {1, 1, 1, 1}; forcedDiffuse[] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; emmisive[] = {0, 0, 0, 1}; specular[] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; specularPower = 0; PixelShaderID = "AlphaNoShadow"; VertexShaderID = "Basic"; renderFlags[] = {"NoColorWrite"}; this is for sklo-pass2.rvmt, the 2nd pass on the glass. it's exactly the same with BIS, only with one difference. here BIS has PixelShaderID = "AlphaShadow"; Again, sorry, if i misunderstood the discussion on this thread.
  5. sparky

    HWM Addon Pack v2.0

    Leopard, M113A1, and the Weapons except the mounted MG3, are from pack1 release. Back then we didn't have the tools, and when we release the 2nd pack, we didn't want to waste much time to this, so we kept, old configs for Leopard and M113A1 (except the skletons and animations since we binarised them), with the old RVMATs. To tell you the truth (i believe anyone can see it), in Leopard and M113A1 specular and normal maps, aren't so good as in Uh-1H and 240GD. But we have a whole release schedule/plan for the whole mod..... so when the time comes, everything will come to the right place. @MehMan The M60 model is almost ready (high poly version) the M60D is an easy conversion since, we've got the manual, and we know what things to change/replace. But we don't plan, a release just for this. Next release will be again, a whole addon pack. And as i say few pages before, i believe that a lot of people will be pleased (according to request) So please be patience
  6. sparky


    This sounds like the LOD bug, 1)If update to newer nvdia drivers doesn't help 2)try to change your Graphic Aperture Size for your Graphic Card (in BIOS) to 256 or these may help http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=62241 http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=60938 http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=62565
  7. sparky

    Interview with Ondrej Spanel ( Suma )

    ok, a complicated one, but very hot question. Are they going to change in ArmA 2 the way that the engine is handling the proxies??? basicaly in general terms that means, 1)are we going to have custom animation for weapons? 2)are we going to have better animated crew/cargo actions that are more realistic according to the movement and not just prerecorded random animations for the crew proxies?? 3)and finaly walikng and enterable vehicles?? all these are having the same source (proxy handling) i know it is more complicated to explain it, but it's something that i'd like to see in ArmA 2. In fact it's the only thing that i don't like in ArmA.
  8. you want the driver to be on the same team, with the squad or as just a driver? if you want him just as adriver to do the lift. 1)put the empty vehicle and name it. 2)put the soldier and name him, use your assignas command 3)then put your squad and give a name to the leader (seperate squad not in the same) 4)make one waypoint for the driver (getin) 5)the after the driver is on the vehicle make an other waypoint for him, (load) 6)make one waypoint for the squaed - leader (getin) 7)synchronize those 2 waypoints (getin for group) - (load for driver) 8)after make one waypoint for the driver after the previous (3nd) with move 8)when you go to your destination put an other waypoint for hte driver (4th) (transport unload) 9)make an other waypoint for the group, with (unload) and synchronize it with drivers transport unload waypoint, that's it i believe that this will work.
  9. sparky

    Kreta 1941 ww2

    Sa small info, if you see the map (zoom on it), up the desert island and on the right of leykada, it's a small island named skorpios, this is Onasis island. I visited leykada this summer, it has a lot of green. Anyway, since i'm from Greece, (i live in Crete), if you want any infos, (contact me).
  10. sparky

    Kreta 1941 ww2

    hi there. well maybe you should think of Malden, since it's the island of Leykada, which was under Italian occupation, and you have the map ready, from BIS, leykada + desert island P.S. if you look on the right, there is the desert island too.
  11. sparky

    HWM Addon Pack v2.0

    OK, one more "easter egg". In this pack we have 2 different types for huey crew, one is the pilot and the other is gunner type, unfortunately due to crew line in config, by default we had to use only the pilot type, but, here is a way of how to use and the other type, this time correct in gunner place. 1)put an empty uh1h in the editor and name it (example uh1h). 2)now put 2 pilots in the editor and 2 gunners and give a name to each one (example a,b for pilots and c,d for gunners) 3)in the init field of pilot named "a" type (a moveindriver uh1h) 4)in the init field of pilot named "b" type (b moveingunner uh1h) 5)in the init field of gunner named "c" type (c moveingunner uh1h) 6)in the init field of gunner named "d" type (d moveingunner uh1h) when the mission starts the units will be moved directly without animations to their proper positions. If someone wants to do this in more "gentle" way you have to use the assignasdriver and assignasscargo commands, but then you have to create and the appropriate waypoints. Now some small tips, for the photographers and mission/makers You can have some user made animations for the vehicles done when the mission starts, you can do that For M1131 a)put a M113A1 in the editor and name it (example m113) b)in the init field type - For the ramp (m113 animate["ramp",1]) - For the cargo hatch (m113 animate["cargo_hatch",1]) For GD240 a)put a gd240 in the editor and name it (example gd240) b)in the init field type - For the left driver door (gd240 animate["ld_door",1]) - For the right driver door (gd240 animate["rd_door",1]) - For the windshield (gd240 animate["pampriz",1]) - For the back spare tire (gd240 animate["bc_wheel",1]) For uh1h a)put a uh1hin the editor and name it (example uh1h) b)in the init field type - For the left pilot door (uh1h animate["lp_door",1]) - For the right pilot door (uh1h animate["rp_door",1]) P.S. you can have more than 1 animate commands for the same vehicle by sepereting them with ( ; ) example for having all the animations for the gd240 in the init type gd240 animate["ld_door",1]; gd240 animate["rd_door",1]; gd240 animate["pampriz",1]; gd240 animate["bc_wheel",1]; Ok that's all, hope that these tips can give you some more ideas of what you can do....
  12. sparky

    Sahrani Radio in 2008

    i just try sahrani radio for 1st time, really good. one small suggestion, i think it will be good, if you can post somewhere (sahrani radio web site will be best or BIS forums in this thread), the regular timezones program, and the dj behind the decks). in that way we can listen the music of our taste.
  13. sparky

    HWM Addon Pack v2.0

    Well, since a lot of you making requests for future addons i'd like to inform that most of you will be pleased with 3rd addon pack... Specifically about uh-1h in us variant, as we have already promised we are going to release together with addon pack 3, as for the skin... As aplion has already shown this picture in A&M disscussion thread the skin is almost ready. uh1h in us version The problem is the weapon, since mg3 on a us version huey, will be ridiculous (personal opinion). But we have already begun on working both on M60 and M60D, and they are progressing really well. Sorry But i can't tell you more, you have to wait and watch progress releases that we will make in future. @BigShot. 1)Open HWM_Air.pbo, 2)unbin the config.bin file. If you use kegetys unrap, when the program asks you "generate seperate files for route classes" apply yes. Now find the CfgVehicles.hpp. 3)in class HWM_UH1H_Racs find the line side=2 and change it to side=0 4)that's all repbo the file and you're good to go. REMINDER, also you need to delete the old config.bin file, as if they are both the bin and cpp files you're going to have conflict. P.S. 1.DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK 2.YOU UNDERSTAND ACCORDING TO OUR MANUAL THAT YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO DISTRIBUTE THIS, SO KEEP IT FOR PERSONAL USE
  14. sparky

    Arma 4 Life.

    really nice i like it...... P.S. if you have a link button i'd like to add it in HWM website. Contact me with pm.
  15. sparky

    HWM Addon Pack v2.0

    True thing is that we really enjoy the fact that people are using our addons, Also We would like to inform that if anyone has\wants to make a mission with the HWM_addon_pack, we provide a mirror in our download section. we are also amazed by the pictures we have seen so far. Great Job we would like to say. Now a small "eastern egg" that is in our 2nd pack and we believe no one have noticed. Something that is in experemental phase and we introduce it in this pack, probably, we will improve it and include it in our next releases (depend on the extra time we have). So here it. for 1st time death animation for vehicle proxies. EXPERINMENTAL. 240GD Driver Death but i believe everyone can check it, cause it's already in our 2nd addon pack release @Red Devil. We happily accept your proposals, but you have to know that paa compression is a loosy compression. That means that if you open the paa and resave it in TGA for processing it, most of the colours will have some fad on them. So probably we need to rework, them in our source textures.
  16. well, i think that you have some point there. But it's a different thing the trademark, example take a look in BIS ArmA fuel station it says shnell instead of shell, also some other signs, possible there will be a problem cause it's a trademark. But as for modelling, a model like car, tank it will never be the same as the original, only something that looks like the original, i believe that the creator doesn't claim copyright for the creation of the car, tank or whatever, BUT for the modell. There will be a law problem if you try and use the prototype CAD model of this vehicle. But if someone uses your model/textures that you've created 1st, and you haven't give any permission then it's different, and it's violation of the copyright. Copyright it's a very sensitive situation, and demands respect.
  17. since OFP time , i was wondering. Do we need permission to use BIS addons, for the same game?? and in particular, for retextures of BIS units, or remodell etc etc...
  18. sparky

    HWM Addon Pack v2.0

    Here some answers on some questions. @ Stewy (How can someone uses the cargo proxy anim for other helicopters) open addon folder of the helicoper you want to change the anim. and find the config cpp file (If it's in bin format use kegetys unrap tool, and in the question of generate seperate files for root classes choose yes) now you should have a config cpp and some hpp files. We're interested in CfgMovesMaleSdr.hpp , CfgMovesBasic.hpp and CfgVehiclees.hpp. 1)in CfgMovesMaleSdr.hpp add this class UH1H_Cargo02 : Crew { file = "\HWM_Air\Anim\UH1H_Cargo02.rtm"; interpolateTo[] = {"KIA_UH60_Cargo02", 1}; connectTo[] = {"UH1H_Cargo02", 0.1}; equivalentTo = "UH1H_Cargo02"; variantsAI[] = {"UH1H_Cargo02", 0.5}; variantAfter[] = {5, 10, 20}; speed = 0.3; }; 2)in CfgMovesBasic.hpp add this UH1H_Cargo02 = "UH1H_Cargo02"; 3)in CfgVehicles.hpp find the line cargoAction[] = {}; and replace it with this cargoAction[] = {"UH60_Cargo01", "UH1H_Cargo02"}; now it's done. repbo the addon file and should work. BUT USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK, PERSONALLY I DON'T RECOMMEND CHANGE STANDRD BIS FILES CAUSE YOU'RE GONNA HAVE PROBLEMS WITH MP, AND EVEN WITH THE GAME ITSELF. BETTER TRY IT TO CREATE AS NEW ADDON ALSO IT'S NOT ALLOWED BY US, TO PUT THE ANIM IN ANY OTHER PBO. IF SOMEONE WANTS TO USE IT. USE IT DIRECTLY FROM OUR PBOS BU ADDING THE PREVIUS LINES EXACTLY AS GIVEN @utterslax Our destruction System is acomplicated combination of config/scripts/and a variety of p3ds. Sure it can be apply to every vehicle but needs work a lot of work. And permission form us which cannot be given.
  19. sparky

    HWM Addon Pack v2.0

    Well, this is strange Check your pbos. Delete all pbos with hwm_ in front of the name. then put again the new ones, they should work, perfectly. We have develope it under patch 1.08, so it should run perfectly on it.
  20. sparky

    HWM Addon Pack v2.0

    The classnames for RACS versions are. HWM_UH1H_Racs for UH1H and HWM_GD240_Racs for 240gd Also i;d like to remind you that we have create a bug tracker still in very BETA stage. But it;s a good place for us in order to have all bugs together in one place. Bug Tracker (Beta Stage)
  21. sparky

    HWM Addon Pack v2.0

    Well, it's not the model, i suppose. Since it works in Viewer, and you can view the model correctly. The problem is a conflict with BIS armory script. From the rpt file. You can see (if you try it - i don't recommend it). That you have a "stack overflow" on a function. We have some ideas of what may causes that but we need to check them 1st. Also this problem occures and in MLOD version the uh-1h
  22. sparky

    HWM Addon Pack v2.0

  23. sparky

    Possibility of my idea/work

    First of all, welcome to our community. Well Arma supports -normal and specular mapping (better than bump), but you need to work with O2 (BIS 3d tool in order to bind them into a material so the engine can understand them) -Animated parts are possible -As far as the polygon limits well, our uh1h is around 16,000 polys and works excellent even at my mid range computer, but at 1st we tried our higher version of around 20,000 and didn't work at all. The hardest part for the newcomers in ArmA engine is the configs. You have to understand/learn them in order to create your addons, or find someone who does. For start take a look here and download the tools, you're gonna need them in order to create your addon. (Except the model, there are other things related to engine that you needto make them with O2, like memory points, named selections,etc etc..) BI editing tools After that bookmark this link, it's the BI wiki, a good place to start understanding and learning things about how ArmA engine works (Configs, animations, materials,etc,etc..). BI Wiki and for last download some addons and try to see how other people do configs. For that you will need a good tutorial/tools site. The best since OFP, for editing is OFPEC That's all for start. See you around
  24. sparky

    HWM MB-GD240

    here is a small video demonstrating GD240's destruction.... personally i'm loving it... GD240 destruction
  25. sparky

    HWM - HAC Huey UH-1H

    Currently, we're checking on MP (Dedicate Server), the last step before release. Please give as some time. We're facing some MP issues and try to solve them.