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Everything posted by sparky

  1. sparky

    3ds max to O2 uv issue

    well, to my small experience O2 tends to screw up, smoothings. so better before the export smooth your modl (autosmooth should work fine). and after you import just hit F5 to recalculate nomrals of your model. BUT (there is always a but), 3ds file format converts Quads to Tris (that's why obj is better i think), O2 during the import tries to recreate the faces in quads again (there is an option during the import if you want to leave it in triangles), so during that process sometime screws up the quads cause but smoothing. the good news is that there is a solution. from prespective view (O2) you can see faces that consists of vertexes that may cause troubles. you can select the vertexes and with triangulate tool (/ or \ button on your keyboard) you can retriangulate them with uot having to delete the face... ok ok i know i confuse you so i'll give you an example. in this pic, you can see the problematic smoothing on this model, also the vertexes after the import that consist these problematic face (in red selected) for start i select a face made of 4 vertexes and with structure->Triangulate (\ or /) i have this result finaly i select the new triangle i ceate in previus step along with the other triangle and use Structure->Squarize, you can see the result in the next pic, no more smotth problem Now somethings to remember, this operation is quite pain in the ass so you need to take care of the triangles that you want to produce in order to recreate the bad regenerated face by O2 during the import. This way you can keep your UV map without deleting the faces causing you bigger troubles. hope there is a much easire way but at least this is the only way i could find out. hope that helps you.
  2. sparky

    Get them wheels a spinnin'

    no, no no, saggestion. download the 1st release of BISample models here is the link in any case. BISampleModels 1st release unzip it. now you should have some folders. open the hummer folder, inside this folder you should find the p3d of the hummer and a file named model.cfg in this file you define your cfgSkeletons and cfgmodels. open it and study it. now some quick notes. 1)sections are parts of the your model that defined inside your p3d, eaxmple ("volant" is the steering wheel, in order the steering wheel to work you need to have create the appropriate selection inside your p3d in every graphical LOD, open the hummer p3d in order to see that. 2)the structure fot the bones is something like example "volant","" that means that the "volant" bone (or selection or section) has no dependance on other bone (animated on its own) but "levy predni zatoc","levy predni tlumic", means that the left bone animation is depending on the right anyway there is some things that you need to understand in order to create you animated bones. but, remember that your model.cfg and the p3d should be in the same place in order to binarise your model correctly. see this excellent article in BIS wiki it will help you understand better what you need to do. Model config, BI wiki article
  3. sparky

    US M60A3 NATO camo Release

    M60 was used in the Golf War I in Israel Vs Syria and Egypt (The 6 days War) Even in the Latest months of Vietnam. and off course it was the main Battle Tank for US during the Cold War Era. Still nowdays many Armies have M60 in Service. The most upgraded and Oparational Version is the M60A3 Sabra, by Israel.
  4. sparky

    3ds max to O2 uv issue

    since i haven;t face this problem in O2 UV editor yet, i may suppose that there is something wrong with the process you;re doing in max. so i have to asko 1)in UVW unwrapping editor (max) your map is in the bounderies of the big blue square (there should be one in the center)? 2)i suppose since i'm watching that in your pics, that you've already apply the map on the model, and works in max. so 3)on 3ds export have you chacked option export texture cordinates for the model? this is the best i can think.
  5. sparky

    Get them wheels a spinnin'

    In Cfgskeletons there should be a class named whatever you like, but in Cfgmodels, the class that uses as skeleton he above, must have the p3d name. example if you have a car, and your p3d is named myskoda. you should have something like that. in cfgmodels.. class Default { sectionsInherit=""; sections[] = {}; skeletonName = ""; }; class Vehicle: default {}; class myskoda:vehicle { sectionsInherit=""; sections[]= { //write your animatyed sections here }; skeletonName=//type the skeleton class name, you previusly define in cfgskeletons class; class Animations { //write your animations here } } the name of the class should be the name of the p3d. hope hat helps.
  6. sparky

    Get them wheels a spinnin'

    you skoda model is binarised? if not can you please post your model.cfg?
  7. sparky


    each pbo (vehicles, air, etc) has a config.bin. unbin it with kegetys unrap tool (generate seperate rot class for config.cpp) and there you'll find a CfgMovesBasic.hpp. open it. There is the correspondig vehicle proxy actions. Each one of them is corresponding to a class inside the CfgMovesMaleSdr.hpp, along with the appropriate interpolated animation in proxy case (death position).
  8. sparky

    Am i doing something wrong?

    in dll folder textfield is missing this \ add it and it should work. alternative check this thread at the end My Webpage
  9. sparky


    in O2 go file->options in dll folder textfield add this \ at the end. download these dlls and put them there. OFP buldozer dlls now you should be fine.
  10. sparky

    Unlit buildings

    open your model in o2 select your faces go from menu points->properties (or shift+e from your keyboard) in the pop up check "always in shadow" option
  11. sparky

    Goodmorning Sahrani Episode 17

    @MrBurns.... sometimes some wishes come true faster than you think.....
  12. sparky

    To triangulate or not to triangulate

    1)well i'm not sure if i'm correct but, according to open gl, everytime a triangle needs to be drawn in the screen, the GPU is reprocess the vertixes no matter if some of them are common on different triangles. So i think that earl is correct. 2) I think that this has to do with normal vectors? 3)Well at my experience our not loading point was >16,500 polys (mixed triangles and polys). Also the idea of first triangulation (since binarisation or graphic card will do it isn't correct). I've tried the same model triangulated and as it was first modelled, in first case polycount was almost double and it didn't load at all (same number of vertixes), but in second it loaded.
  13. Config is always your guide. check this lines for ArmA config.bin memoryPointsGetInDriver = "pos driver"; memoryPointsGetInDriverDir = "pos driver dir"; memoryPointsGetInCargo = "pos cargo"; memoryPointsGetInCargoDir = "pos cargo dir"; memoryPointsGetInCoDriver = "pos codriver"; memoryPointsGetInCoDriverDir = "pos codriver dir"; on the right in " " these should be as a selection in your memory point LOD.
  14. sparky

    ARMA crashes

    hmm, i can't say much, it could be a missing selection name, it could be evrything, so the best thing to do is to give us a prt of your rpt. you can find you rpt. in your corresponding path just mine (for examnple) C:\Documents and Settings\Sparky\Local Settings\Application Data\ArmA open the ArmA.rpt, and try to see where you have errors, also if you're confused, just send it over to mine email. sparky@otenet.gr.
  15. sparky

    ARMA crashes

    did you change the proxies to the new ArmA correctly?? i have myself crashes like that with wrong proxy names. But to be sure, try to put it in the mission editor as empty, if then doesn't crash then probably is proxy related problem. BTW, it would be very helpful for us in order to understand better the cause of this crash, if you could post as your rpt file, (last run of ArmA with the crash)
  16. sparky

    HWM Addon Pack v2.0

    I think you are in the wrong thread my friend, HWM isn't a sound mod. As for the XEH future compatibilty, i preffer to drop this discussion for now, for us what matters is to inform us, which addons of the pack or the whole pack are incompatible? few people before stated that the HWM_Air.pbo is cauing is incompatible with others? i'd like to know if this pbo is the problem or there is a problem with others? @Dwarden we consides this as a misunderstanding, since we're not native english, we can't understand the same way some sarcasm expressions.
  17. sparky

    Animation RTM

    here is a way, of studying how BIS is applying the animations, (i'm not sure if this works i haven't try it, but maybe it works). 1)unpbo characters.pbo, and the unbinarise the config (into seperate class). open the CFGVehicles.hpp file. search for CAManBase class part of it. class CAManBase : Man { ........ moves = "CfgMovesMaleSdr"; ....... note the line moves="CfgMovesMaleSdr" that line means that the men base class uses this specific class animations. (that way you can put your animations into your soldiers without change BIS standard anmations). 2)unpbo the Anims.pbo, there should be a folder named Characters, open it and unbinarise the config.bin (again into seperate root class). Open CfgMovesBasic.hpp, this config maps the animation rtm file into the appropraite action or the game, you probably notice that there are a lot of classes depending each one of the type of the action like class RifleLowStandActions you can understand what eaach one does from the name. 3)open the CfgMovesMaleSdr.hpp file, now here are the animations. each class name is equilivent to a name for each action in the CfgMovesBasic.hpp, study one class and you'll probably understand what it does. Example. this class "class AmovPercMstpSrasWrflDnon" in CfgMovesMalesdr.hpp is used by the "class RifleLowStandActions" in CfgMovesBasic.hpp in some lines. Ok, these are the very basic, in order to understand how this works. i may be wrong since i haven't try it, but give it a shot.
  18. sparky

    Sahrani Radio in 2008

    yeh it's really annoying.
  19. sparky

    HWM Addon Pack v2.0

    ok, this is quote of myself 2 pages before, here is a small trick of how you can do it, in this version, we'll see how we can do it by default, in our next version.
  20. And here is mine contribution (As member of OFPEC). Ok here is my personal plans for tutorials 1)Importing from 3ds studio max (example on a weapon HWM upcoming M60 which i'm working these days) Steps -Importing (all the necessary procedures like recalculating normals, how to adjust uvw mapping from 3ds max to O2, etc etc...) -creating selections -creating LODS (general advices, and basic info) -finalizing the model and checking of ST pont Errors and how they can be fixed WITHOUT going back to 3ds max) -Creating materials and applying them on the model -Creating a basic Models.cfg file for the model skeleton -Creating the basic Config. -Binarising the pbo. this is the general idea, and steps may vary in order 2)Creating custom proxies for Human for vehicle usage Steps -Working with BIS Sample Human MLOD and with the skeleton (Basic) -Exporting the rtm file and apply it to the sample soldier, and save the final rtm proxy position -Making the appropriate steps in order the proxy to be visible in Buldozer And Apply this proxy to a vehicle of users desire -Creating the needed config entries in order the proxy to work properly 3)Damage System in ArmA and How it works -Defining the materials for the faces -Creating the appropriate selections in HitPoints -Model.cfg and how it works (damage class , source=dammage, type=hide) -HitPoint classes and what they do -Damaged Texture array in config and how it works -Creating the dammage textures and materials -Glass "trick" and how it works note that these tutorials will be a result of my personal experience, and possibly there can be an other walkaround for the same topic that the tutorial covers.
  21. @Pand[pl] i have to disagree to that point. maybe O2 unwrapping functionality isn't the best, but still is something. the rest is the same. with the old O2 for OFP and even better. At this point i agree with Rockofsl. In fact i knew a guy from a mod, he is a modeller and a really good, he has shown me a lot of his work. BUT, they left ArmA for Crysis, because they couldn't find anywhere help, for how to config an addon. So, there are people who knows how to model, but when they come to face ArmA engine and the process (configs, materials, rvmats, and all the other things) they don't have a clue. Add, to this the fact that for a lot of us, from OFP modding scene, the half of the knowledge is already known, so it was more easy for us to move on. but for new comers it's whole mountain, and without proper help (tutorials) they just give up tries.
  22. @Mr.Burns indeed maybe i should listen it more careful. I was listening to it, in Sunday, but it was hard to stay focus, cause i was studying... One thing that i remember is that Suma says, that if ArmA2 doesn't fullfill their expectations they withdraw from PC-Gaming.... Anyway, i re-listen to it. thanks. But if that's true, then it's sad, to me for the whole hours i've spent, and still spending.
  23. @MrBurns. I believe that you can't control that, you can have addonmakers with illegal ArmA MP players with illegal ArmA even generally players..... so, if we start thinking this way, maybe, bis should stop, supporting the community at all. Cause you don't know who has a legal and who has an illegal copy of the game. @Sick boy, i agree 100% with you. I believe, that every time, that someone finds something that isnt' so convenient for himself the whining starts. Also who asks, should receives answers, and who searches shall find. As far as me and my MOD, we believe that BIS has provided us (and the whole community too) with every mean necessary. (OK maybe visitor is too hard to understand). Plus, they are there, every time we send, a pm, asking for questions. (God Bless Armored Sheep ). Ok, i'll give an other example, of how, i understand BIS position. Since, i'm a modeller, and everything that i'm modelling is for OFP/ArmA, i would be VERY ANGRY, if tomorrow, i see one of my modells stripped down, in a site, on a ftp. I believe that every modeller,feels the same.
  24. ok, i remembered something else.... a question i asked, in this thread. thread about addon rules (A&M complete). i've copied Placebo's answer... and pasted here. Quote (XSparky @ Jan. 15 2008,14:56) since OFP time , i was wondering. Do we need permission to use BIS addons, for the same game?? and in particular, for retextures of BIS units, or remodell etc etc... No you do not need BIS' permission for using our stuff within our own games, as long as it's not for any kind of commercial product. Now, i believe it's still the same.. But, the difference is, that with MLODs for public ftps available to download, you can't control who downloads them (owns the game or not). Now i'd like to suggest, since this discussion, has gone too far...Maybe we should find a talented coder, to create an ODOL/MLOD converter...
  25. ok, ok, i think i've got it. correct me if i'm wrong... BUT. In this CASE, the models, were decoded, and published as standalone, on a ftp, so can, anyone access them... no matter if he owns ArmA or not. So this is illegal. Also, in OFP, we used to have ODOL Explorer a converter, that required, to download set up -etc etc so you could able to unbinarise, the models, from the pbo, that you supposed to have, (Cause you have bought ArmA). So, it's like putting ArmA bis pbos somewhere, for download, (and since that is illegal) then MLODs for download it's illegal too. So, we come to a conclusion, that if someone makes a tool, (like ODOL exploere for OFP), then there won't be a problem, if someone decodes a model to MLOD, from BIS pbos, do the changes, and put publish it (only for ArmA usage).. So is that the case? that we spent 6 pages, to make it understandable?