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Everything posted by sparky

  1. well more or less the same. Model/textures (us/racs versions) are ready. We're polishing some things and we will be ready to go soon. the only thing that we need to inform you is that finally we've decided about how the distribution of the versions will be. We've tried to find the best solution in order to satisfy everyone. so the following architecture will be. this architecture can serve as the best way of distribution. the main key features are: 1)HWM_racs_Air and HWM_us_Air will depend on HWM_Air but will come as separate pbos, in order to provide the ability for custom modfolders. 2)on top of the previous there is the newly (HWM_disable_Patch.pbo) which can serve as a disabling patch for eleminate every Greek class from the editor, that way the player should feel like he doesn't have loaded the HWM (Although HWM is absolute in order to work racs/us helicopters). 3)size is limited to 240+38+34=312MBs (for all Airs), instead of 240X3=720MB for separate pbos. attributes in shortcuts variations. shortcut possibly types. -mod=@HWM Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â loads only the Greek Addons -mod=@HWM;@HWM_Racs (if there is any) Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â loads Greek and Racs -mod=@HWM;@HWM_Racs;@HWM_Dis (if there is any) Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â loads Greek and Racs But Disabling Greek Addons in Editor -mod=@HWM;@HWM_US (if there is any) Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â loads Greek and US -mod=@HWM;@HWM_US;@HWM_Dis (if there is any) Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â loads Greek and US But Disabling Greek Addons in Editor -mod=@HWM;@HWM_Racs;@HWM_US (if there are any) Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â loads Greek , US and Racs -mod=@HWM;@HWM_Racs;@HWM_us;@HWM_Dis (if there is any) Â Â Â Â Â loads Greek ,Racs and US But Disabling Greek Addons in Editor An Example For this example i assume that the user is using project RACS mod so he has a modfolder name @Proj_Racs. in order to use the RACS UH1H and AH64 he should do the following. 1)a modfolder for the Greek. This modfolder is mandatory, even if the player doesn't want to load the Greek he MUST put that HWM addons somewhere in order for the US/Racs to work. 2)a modfolder named HWM_dis or whatever the player like that contains the HWM_disable_patch.pbo, for fast mount and dismount, 3) the player should probably add this to his project racs ArmA shortcut -mod=@HWM;@Proj_Racs;@HWM_Dis that way he'll have the Racs ah64 and hueys in game but without having the Greek. ok, that's it, we think that this solution is good for everyone, and it's very simple for us to make, in fact we have already made for BETA5.0 and works great.
  2. you don't need to worry about it. we will give the polycount after the release, we don't want to do it know, in order to avoid the whining. As i said nobody from those who have BETA tested complained about performance issues. After all we want to create addons that can fullfill standards for ArmA2 also. Now here is something Else to Consider A lot of people in this thread, but also in previus threads, have requested to make US and RACS completely standalone. We want to make the community happy, but we must inform you about this. Splitting and recreate the Air vehicles of HWM (ah64/uh1h) will require more HDD space. US (UH1H/ah64A) completely standalone = 240 MB (aprox) RACS (UH1H/ah64A) completely standalone = 240MB (aprox) Greek (UH1H/ah64A) the same way as distributed till now (without us/racs version) = 200 MB (aprox) the previus are uncompressed pbos. now for somebody that wants to have them all do the math. In the way we did it so far the required space would be around 300 MB for all of them. so we would like to ask Do you really want this? cause we don't want to hear after the release even the smallest whinining about bandwitdh/needed HDD space.
  3. grrrrr I hate when this happens. But you're right. it seems that this line which extendes from the mainrotor axis, conufused me, making me to make the rotor axis bigger.... consider it fixed, already. As far as the T antenna well i'didn't make it in 1st place but mainly cause i didn't consider it important, we'll see, and probably I will add it.
  4. then i quote myself, since have passed quite a few pages. here are some answers about requests
  5. about the barrel recoil. Well the AH64A architecture doesn't alow us at this point to have only the barrel recoil. The reason is that the M230 is a proxy, the m230 proxy is the exact model part in order to represnt the approrpiate mainturret bone, in order to avoid a hard implementation. That's why we have put a vgeneric recoil/shake to the whole m230 (except the base and the pylons), in order to make and the barrel recoils seperate we need to make it a new proxy of it own, but this will demande a new skeleton bone (which at this point is a PROBLEM) since we've reaced the "skeleton array index out of bounds" durring binarization and that why w have to limit the skeleton bones. Alreeady if you see the video you'll notice that about 5-8 rockets don't produce flash. About the smoke, we we can see what we can do, but no promisses.
  6. i was flying it... my purpose was to die for "mother country" kidding, nah i just wanted to demonstrate this, i guess when you'll have it in your hands you can squeeze it the way you preffer
  7. Most of the already gemplay/effect addons that have been released and support XEH, will be compatible with HWM_Air (Huey,AH64A). So i guess tracers too.
  8. Ok lads, some more information. The next video is demonstrating AH-64A weaponry enhancements. As we have already written in the 1st post, ANZACSAS Steve is our Sound Enginner from now on. So in this video yyou can enjoy his sound work, he's also responsible for so excellent config tweaks related to weapons. The person that we haven't metion untill now, is the man responsible behind our TADS/FLIR system. This man is Dr Eyeball, he is making an awesome job! Also keep note that the version of TADS/FLIR presented in the video is the 0.5 internal, we've already have the 0.6 version, but we didn't catch up in order to put it there. You can take ateste though. Enough with talking. Let's burn...... <OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" WIDTH=450 HEIGHT=332><PARAM NAME=MOVIE VALUE=http://www.armedassault.eu/Television/BISvideo.swf?vquality=hq&youtubeID1=jLn2GOT2qaQ&linkID1=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLn2GOT2qaQ&feature=channel_page><PARAM NAME=PLAY VALUE=TRUE><PARAM NAME=LOOP VALUE=TRUE><PARAM NAME=QUALITY VALUE=HIGH><EMBED SRC=http://www.armedassault.eu/Television/BISvideo.swf?vquality=hq&youtubeID1=jLn2GOT2qaQ&linkID1=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLn2GOT2qaQ&feature=channel_page WIDTH=450 HEIGHT=332 PLAY=TRUE LOOP=TRUE QUALITY=HIGH></EMBED></OBJECT>       FullSize                            FullSize                             <a href="http://hwm.armedassault.info/images/news_im/tads_04.jpg" target="_blank">FullSize </a>             FullSize                           <a href="http://hwm.armedassault.info/images/news_im/tads_05.jpg" target="_blank">FullSize </a>
  9. well, let's just say that we will announce the polycount after the release (if requested) in order to avoid the "before release whining" since we don't have performance issues from our beta testers. so you need to wait a bit....
  10. ahh, i get it. you mean the flap? yeah, in our AH-64 the flap is moving too. this is a standard animation bind to a controller, so don't worry about it.
  11. @lee and Robert Hammer. I see your point there, truly the explossion is a bit too much. maybe we should reduce the number of exploded parts? @GDMast, sorry i'm not sure if i understand what are you saying. it's something wrong in our ah64? or is a feature of the real ah64? @XNodunit. Well some parts MUST explode, the AH64 is high poly, and i MEAN high poly, therefore in order to achive the impot, some parts are proxies (for the 1st LOD only). therefore in proxies the dammage texture cannot be aplied, that's why we disapear them (make the explode). Abut the wreck position, it has a standard position making it the left wing (as you're looking it from behind) to bend. But there's no way to recalculate geometry collisions, so there's a possinility the ah64 to turn to the "unpredicted" side. About extinguasers, wee haven't thought about it. as for the "dammage effects", engine dammage causes the reduce of speed (just like huey). As for the competition. Well competition is the "thing" that moves the quality forward. Cause if the already made addon (no matter what addon), is at certain quaility, if someone wants to create the same addon he/she must make it better in order to be "competitive". Through this process the ArmA community wins by having better and better addons. So we consider competition as a good thing. @About variants. Well i'm afraid we can't make more variants. Even now the (ah64 with sidewinder) is a bit prblematic and may not be released. sorry. NOW LET'S GET TO SOME REALLY GOOD NEWS after a lor of forum requests/pms etc. hwm has decided the following: 1) from this point and so on HWM addons will be compatible with XEH (extended event handlers). That means that HWM_Air which going to be released (huey,ah64) will support XEH. 2)Racs and US versions will be released as COMPLETELY STANDALONE. But since this requires somework the us/acs version will be released about 15-20 days after the release of the greek versions
  12. Thanks for your usefull feeddback comments. So let's start putting things together. 1)about the rivets, well i can ensure you that the rivets are the best way they can be given the fact of the UVMap which is 2048X2048 for the solid body. About normal maps, those images are quite old, we've already have reworked normal maps, so hopefully the rivets should be look ok this time. 2)To D or not to D. that's the question. Well somehow we choose the AH64A version, mainly cause we believe that fits ArmA better. At this point given the fact that we are small team (2-3 people), we're not going to spend more time to a D version (at least for ArmA), in ArmA 2 we can re-evaluate the facts. So here are some more HWM AH-64A Damage System. before watching the following video, it would be good to read the following general lines about our enhanced dammage/destruction system, that you can't probably see on this video. 1)dammage/warnings. we have build the system based on the hit points. Generally every hit above an amount at a specific AH-64A component triggers an effect (sometimes not), a warning indication on panel, and a beep sound. Based on the available hitpoints we have the following. 1)critical engine hits, produce randomly (left, right, none) smoke from the engine, and the appropriate beep and warning. 2)tailrotor damage has some levels. For the 1st level some dammage not critical but significan MAY cause the tailrotor to spin in wrong axis. critical damage destroys tailrotor and produces smoke aswell. Again beep sound and warning light is present for every damage level. 3)mainrotor critical damage can makes it spin in wrong axis and produces smoke. Again, warning lights both in CPG and Pilots panels appears with a beep sound. So far we have implement these, there are few ideas left but we see if we have the time to implement them aswell. HWM AH-64A Destruction System. 1)destruction is quite fancy. This time our goal is to convert the model itself to a wreck. that's why we have changed the destruction texture to something more good looking that the standard bis. Also the model takes a wreck position when it crashes. Now some random thing can happen, like the main rotor, some of you may have noticed that in the fotos the wreck has only 2 blades instead of 4. that's why cause when it crashes randomly 2 are animated leaving only the rest 2, whic one i random. Well more or less, that's all so far about destruction/dammage system. a small video to enjoy. Let it burn...... <OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" WIDTH=450 HEIGHT=332><PARAM NAME=MOVIE VALUE=http://www.armedassault.eu/Television/BISvideo.swf?vquality=hq&youtubeID1=BUvJ8jDPuQ4&linkID1=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUvJ8jDPuQ4&feature=channel_page><PARAM NAME=PLAY VALUE=TRUE><PARAM NAME=LOOP VALUE=TRUE><PARAM NAME=QUALITY VALUE=HIGH><EMBED SRC=http://www.armedassault.eu/Television/BISvideo.swf?vquality=hq&youtubeID1=BUvJ8jDPuQ4&linkID1=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUvJ8jDPuQ4&feature=channel_page WIDTH=450 HEIGHT=332 PLAY=TRUE LOOP=TRUE QUALITY=HIGH></EMBED></OBJECT> more to come stay tuned.
  13. sparky

    Vilas' addons

    1) that gray effect on the glasses is caused from the shadow, yu need to add the appropriate shadow "flag" to the glass rvmat ("NoAlphaWrite"). (we have the same issue in our addons too). 2)about the "objects diapearing, if "alpha faces sort" doesn't work, which in somecasses doesn't work, you need to add a 2nd flag ("NoZWrite"). look the sample below SAMPLE 1)1st pass given in O2 ambient[] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}; diffuse[] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}; forcedDiffuse[] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; emmisive[] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}; specular[] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0}; specularPower = 5.0; renderFlags[] = {"NoAlphaWrite","NoZWrite"}; nextPass = "HWM_Air\ah64\sklo-pass2.rvmat"; PixelShaderID = "Glass"; VertexShaderID = "Glass"; class Stage1 { texture = "#(ai,64,64,1)fresnelGlass()"; uvSource = "none"; }; class Stage2 { texture = "ca\air\data\materialy\env_co.paa"; uvSource = "none"; }; 2)2nd pas called from 1st parr rvmat ambient[] = {1, 1, 1, 1}; diffuse[] = {1, 1, 1, 1}; forcedDiffuse[] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; emmisive[] = {0, 0, 0, 1}; specular[] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; specularPower = 0; PixelShaderID = "AlphaNoShadow"; VertexShaderID = "Basic"; renderFlags[] = {"NoColorWrite","NoZWrite"}; hope that helps.
  14. In order to provide some more info on the D/longobow discussion. "Apache improvements Since the earliest days of AH-64A operations there have been attempts to upgrade the aircraft. In the mid-1980s McDonnell Douglas began studies of the Advanced Apache/Apache Plus, which was later referred to, unofficially, as the 'AH-64B'. The AH-64B would have had a revised, updated cockpit with a new fire control system, Stinger air-to-air missiles, a redesigned Chain Gun* and a fin-mounted video camera. AH-64B was aimed at the US Army, but a similar AH-64G was proposed for the German anti-tank helicopter requirement, now filled by the Eurocopter Tiger. In 1988 funding was released for an AH-64 Multi-Stage Improvement Program (MSIP) to improve the Apache's sensor and weapons suites while integrating new digital databus and communications systems. The MSIP was abandoned before it reached the hardware stage. The reason was that new technologies, which had always been 'earmarked' for application to the Apache, were finally becoming real — and with them came the possibility for transforming the already formidable Apache into something even better. A scries of upgrades was proposed after Operation Desert Storm, the so-called AH-64A+/Desert Storm fixes. These included VHF/FM NoE communications improvements (a long-recognised Apache problem), a desert filtration kit, ground-proximity warning system, TADS/PNVS and Chain Gun" accuracy improvements, GPS, new HF radio, SINCGARS secure radio, improved IFF and flight control computer upgrade. Like the proposed MSIP these changes were abandoned in favour of a far-reaching and highly integrated transformation of the AH-64A, through the addition of a revolutionary new radar system and completely revised onboard systems. Millimetre-wave (MMW) radar guidance had always been an option for Hellfire guidance, but was rejected for the AH-64A as the technology was not mature enough. In the Airborne Adverse Weather Weapon System (AAWWS), Westinghouse, in collaboration with Martin-Marietta (now Lockheed Martin Orlando), developed the Longbow MMW radar. Longbow is now being integrated into the US Army's Apache fleet, transforming existing aircraft into AH-64D Longbow Apaches. MMW technology overcomes the existing limitations in the Apache's targeting optics/laser combination. At present, the AH-64A can simultaneously engage two targets using its own designator, at a range of up to 8000 m (26,247 ft), day or night. However, the laser and FLIR are constrained by atmospheric conditions and the Hellfirc's range is limited if the cloud ceiling is less than 400 ft (122 m) AGL. To make a self-designated kill at maximum range, the AH-64A must unmask for 37 seconds. Longbow — the next generation The Longbow radar is largely impervious to atmospheric interference, allows the Apache to fire-and-forget all 16 AGM-114Ls in rapid succession, and gives the aircraft a new lethal SEAL) capability. The Longbow system comprises the mast-mounted fire control radar (FCR), a programmable signal processor and the Longbow Hellfire missile. The Longbow radar can scan a 50-knr (19.3 sq-mile) swathe of territory and detect up to 1,024 potential targets. Of these, 128 can be classified and displayed simultaneously, and software improvements will increase this to 156. The system will prioritise 16 targets depending on the desired engagement criteria and the target characteristics (wheeled, tracked, airborne, moving, static etc.). Longbow programme officials are keen to point out that while the radar can 'classify' a target, it does not 'identify' it. It can, however, determine if a contact is a wheeled vehicle or a tank or an air-defence system. The FCR has a detection range of 8000 m (26,247 ft) against moving targets and 6000 m (19,685 ft) against static ones. The Longbow's SEAD capability is provided by its radar frequency interferometer (RFI), a sophisticated RWR that can identify and target any emitting (ADU/air defence unit) system on the battlefield. The RFI has 360° coverage — 'fine' in its 180° forward hemisphere, and 'coarse' in the rear 180°. The system will provide an azimuth to target, although not a range. The Longbow radar also gives the AH-64D an effective air-to-air targeting capability. Longbow's MIL-STD 1760 databus will accept ATAS on its wingtip stations, but Stinger integration is not a priority purely on cost terms"
  15. indeed we had some issues with adding the side wingtips with stingers. we based the 3rd scheme with sidewinder missile on that (source squadron signal AH-64Apache). also in the same source the following information provided but since the source is quite old, i'm not sure if the last ever produced or moved to the AH-64D version... It's something that we have to see. 1)About the RACS well the US and RACS will be different p3ds and the "flip" of the pods could be possible, we'll see if we have the time to do it though.
  16. thanks all of you for your kind comments. 1)@Chops. about armament, you can make almost every armament aspect, as long as you can put the appropriate lines in the init (although it won't work 100% correct) that way. 2) @Robert Hammer. About armament schemes, we based our schemes on that image. Although we're investigating if the AH-64A is capable of carrying stingers on the wing sides. 3)@Raedor. about the blur, we didn't make the rotor blur, in purpose, instead as rotor blur proxy you use the actual rotor. Although we need to see if indeed is better with the usual rotor blur plane way.
  17. after few 2-3 hours, in order to be more complete GROUND-SUPPRESION MISIONS 1)About Destruction System. The destruction System now is to Version 2.0, but the new functionalities are implemented only to the Ah-64A. The new destruction system is a bit more sophisticated than the previus, now it contains and damage malfunctions.. hopefully soon we can post a video featuring the destruction system. 2)About release date, probably it's month"s" without the "s" but we can't give any promise, since we haven't finish or test every aspect of the addon.
  18. a small update... 3 variations of AH-64A with diferent weapon armamanet for every kind of operation. MULTIROLE MISSIONS CLOSE-SUPPORT MISSIONS MULTIROLE MISSIONS We'll see the possibility for one more "weapon scheme" for GROUND-SUPPRESSION with 4 Hydra 70 pods only. maybe with a different ammunition, but that's something we will have to think about it, since 76 missiles need quite a few lines of copy - paste for something that we are not sure if is needed. the  The whole "role scheme" is build on ONE p3d only. so from one part it's easy to add each helicopter through the editor, (each one has its own config entry), but from an other point of view, it's somehow possible to create a GUI for load-outs during mission for the player (something that probably we won't develope for this version). Anyway stay tuned for more, and happy new year.
  19. Thanks all of you for your kind comments they give us strength to continue our effort.. As you'll find out in the next few days we're going to realease some more detail infos about the AH-64 that can demonstrate better the capabilites of the chopper (videos) so stay tuned. Also for a tone of pictures visit HWM website. As for Leopards we don't thing that a RACS version is necessery at this point since Project RACS has made an excellent job on vilas Leopards. But as for Leopards themeselves..... well let's say that it's too early to tell or to reveal anything at this point... Â Merry Christmas to all of you Â
  20. sparky

    Al Amiriya

    indeed, a very nice atmosphere is coming along on this island... Good work!
  21. sparky

    CSLA Studio

    Excellent work. Â indeed ArmA needs more countries as OPFOR in order to have more content for possible scenarios.
  22. You'd should try Symphony Of War.. Symphony Of War Bis Forum Thread
  23. sparky

    Looked at a flashpoint 2 video...

    funbase for what.... spare me, they don't even have a game...
  24. sparky

    A mod containing Kornet-E or Milan?

    a milan is planned from HWM milan
  25. well, i'm talking about the mass as a value, and not of he center of mass.. I remember when we were experiment with our M113, we need to teak the mass value of the geometry in order to float properly, else we get a M113 submarine.... also the center of mass is relevant since if you need you vehicle to float horizontal to the sea level the center of mass needs to be as cloase to the center as can be.