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Everything posted by sparky

  1. sparky

    white rocks and trees??

    i think that you may have problems with your HW T&L i had a similar problem with my ATI 9500pro when i run OFP with D3D HW T&L i have something white betwenn textures, so try to disable HW T&L from the flashpoint prefferences before starting the game. and change to Direct 3d to see what happens, if the problem fix means that you video card drivers is somehow uncompatible,
  2. sparky

    DEM to WrpTool trouble

    i use microdem go to http://data.geocomm.com/dem/ you can find there a ton of dems as the microdem application too, i've made a tutorial of how you can export a file with microdem to XYZ and then with height converter you can convert it into txt format and import into wrpedit. if you lkike to send this tutorial please email me spartky@otenet.gr check also the thread to map editing/visitor of mine there you can see how you can import your wrp to visitor.
  3. sparky

    DEM to WrpTool trouble

    i use microdem go to http://data.geocomm.com/dem/ you can find there a ton of dems as the microdem application too, i've made a tutorial of how you can export a file with microdem to XYZ and then with height converter you can convert it into txt format and import into wrpedit. if you lkike to send this tutorial please email me spartky@otenet.gr check also the thread to map editing/visitor of mine there you can see how you can import your wrp to visitor.
  4. sparky

    i diiiiiid it

    This is for those who want to make a new island based on dem real elevetion data and want to put it in visitor.... Now you can I manage to do that it's really tricky way but works fine.. Check the map editing section/ visitor in this forum to see how!!
  5. sparky

    M60A3 By HWM

    Hello, I'm sparky Project Leader of HWM, you can read more about that mod on Addns & Mods discussion thread. From here you can download the M60A3 Demo Beta version. NOTE. this version works only with D3D not D3D HW T&L supported (it will be supported to final release of the mod) Feauturettes. This model created based on original BIS M60 model but only the interiors kept. Highly detailed model (23277 faces) handmade textures. New sounds for the Cannon and Machine Gun. and here is the download link: ftp://www.gamezone.cz/ofpd/unofaddons2/GrVehicles.rar thanks a lot. for comments: emails sparky@otenet.gr and mmstudio@otenet.gr msn mmstudiosnet@msn.com
  6. sparky

    M60A3 By HWM

    i have to thank all of you. I really need your cnstractive creatic and a big thanks to Arne for the M60-M48 manuals and to Ian Malcolm for the link to the tutorial. soon there will be the newer version that corrects most of the things you metioned above.
  7. sparky

    M60A3 By HWM

    that's the key, answer now i can uderstand why most of you have lags. i prefer though low terrain detail and view distance to 911 thank you guys. but as i said don't worry about the much polys. i'll create and an alternative version for those who want to play with the standard polys models.
  8. sparky

    M60A3 By HWM

    for stoping making fun of me. 3.2Ghz P4, Nvdia GForce6800 256MB Ram, 1024MB Ram, 160GB SATA HD. All the option to Max, except view distance to 911 and ground detail to LOW, i can send you a video, if you like!!!!
  9. sparky

    M60A3 By HWM

    on nogove off course, my goal isn't to prove you that my model is running better that others, off course it's heavy. but i cannot understand all these attcks!
  10. sparky

    M60A3 By HWM

    nice advice i haven't thought of that very much. Thanks alot but today i run a test of 3groups (of 4)with my M60 against 3 groups of T80 BIS and the game worked very smooth. I still understand and most of all respect those who haven't High end systems and want to play a mod even that this model isn't suitable for mp missions that's why as i said before i'll create an alternative version.
  11. sparky

    M60A3 By HWM

    thanks tomcat, thanks to greeks OFP funs for the support. thanks Llauma for your comments but even to the final version of the mod my goal for the alternative M60 is abou 8000-10000faces.
  12. sparky

    M60A3 By HWM

    "akouson me patajwn de" this is an ancient greek phrase, it means "you can hit me but first you have to listen". So wait a little for the changes, i think that in the end we all be huppy with the final result. And yes i'm quite crazy.
  13. sparky

    M60A3 By HWM

    thank you guys these are really usefull information. This is my first modell you know so alot of things may not be correct i'll rework it again. and when i have the Leopard ready i'll release them both with M60 needfull changes (I hope soon). But i'm note intending to low the faces till the final release, cause i have a lot of work to do with the other models.
  14. sparky

    M60A3 By HWM

    And by the way i have created from the beginnig based on BIS M60 ant a ton of info a found in the internet. So it's MINE and not somebody else. except of course the interior textures which belong to BIS
  15. sparky

    M60A3 By HWM

    PLease don't Hit anymore. i tryed to create a highly detail model, thanks everyone for the comments but i ensure you that i'll create a new version with about 10000 polys, for those who want to play on it. So at the final mod release will be 2 different model versions for all models of The HWM mod.
  16. sparky

    M60A3 By HWM

    GREEK Eyxarhstw poly. testare to na mou peis sxolia. prostoparwn douleyw to LEOPARD meta to M113 kai an brw yliko tha ftiajw kai to LEONIDAS alla mou fainetai oti miazei poly me to MARDER, ENGLISH thank you vey much test it and tell me your comments at now i'm working on LEOPARD after that M114 and if i could find uesfull matetial i'll build LEONIDAS, but i think it looks very much like MARDER.
  17. sparky

    M60A3 By HWM

    thanks thunderbird for the advice. as i said this is a demo (1LOD) Beta(need changes) version. but i wanted to post and know how the ofp community reacts. I like high poly models, and through the tests i made the model works excellent. BUT. I'm intenting to create the 3rd LOD of the model, to be in about 10000 faces, so that LOD will be used as a second model that you can have as a alternative for those who want to use D3D HW T&L and think that 24000faces are too much. Thanks again. I preffer those who make constractive critic than making lough of me.
  18. sparky

    M60A3 By HWM

    you have to disable direct3d HWT&L i have tested in 2 pcs P4 1.5Ghz 512RAM AtiRAdeon 9500Pro128MB P4 3,2Ghz 1.024GBRAM NVdia Geforce6800 256RAM and i haven't any prob. please ensure that you are using Direct3d only!
  19. sparky

    M60A3 By HWM

    that's why it is demo!!
  20. sparky

    M60A3 By HWM

    it's better if you can feel it than just watvhing it. but i ensure you that works perfect even 5 or more together.
  21. I have a problem, I have created a model of 23277faces. Now when i put it in game, if i have the option of Direct 3d HW T&L the game crashes every time i try to look at it. It only works with direct3d. Can somebody tell me what to do. Can i fix it by doing config or something, or should i accept that ofp engine can't handle it. I also have the same problem with VBS. I'm wondering if it's like an OFP limitation so i could say that there is nothing more to do, and I accept it.
  22. sorry i did that by mistake. newbe with internet.
  23. i need help. i've imported an island from microdem to xyz and with heightconvertet to txt. then to wrpedit then I save it in wrp format with wrpedit. when i'm trying to import this wrp in visitor, visitor crashes. I have no problems with wrptool, or wrpedit. I just want to get it into visitor. please HELP.
  24. thanks guys, but binarize the model seems not to work. i downoload again visitor and buldozer but the problem consists. i don't know something to do. i try the island in ofp and works. by the way something i notice. When i have my island folder in the same folder with buldozer. i get (the second time I try to load buldozer, after i have the usual message of "...not rectangular"), a message at the bottom right corner that says "cannot initialize", i don't know if it has anything to do with the problem.
  25. sparky

    Game crashes. Need help!

    try to disable direct 3d HW&TL if you have it enable, cahnge to direct3d. i had the same problem with my m6o due to the lot of faces. Sparky Hellas Mod Warfare