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Everything posted by Xhit

  1. Xhit

    Force feedback!

    I have recently got my hands on a Force Feedback 2 joystick and what i've noticed the Joysticks FF settings and Operation Flashpoint is incompatible. The 4.0 drivers (even the game properties part) are compatible with XP, shouldnt it be awkward if they werent? What happens is that the settings for the joystick (FF level and Return-to-center tension) is ignored by Operation Flashpoint. Instead Operation Flashpoint defalts to a low FF level and no Return-to-center tension. Even if you turn FF off and set the return-to-center tension to high you still get FF turned on and no return-to-center tension. As far as i can see there is no ingame setting where you can change this.
  2. I've discovered that besides from port 2302, port 2304 is also opened when starting multiplayer in Resistance. I can also see that the first thing that's happens when starting multiplayer is that this port is used for Broadcasting to a series of ports. What is this port used for? Since it is broadcasting i am thinking that it may be used to track OFP servers on the LAN, correct?
  3. Xhit

    What ports to open (again)?

    I am not sure the developers has sorted out the ports and netcode completely. When I open a server from the GUI my friend has problem connecting. But after a few tries my server is showing on his listing and we can play. I do not open 2303 since it should not be needed when you do'nt want to advertise your server via the game spy network. The ports 2302 and 2303 should be the only ones you should open. So let the ones connection to you try and try again and maybe it will work.
  4. Xhit

    1.55: sockets + nat firewalls = no go

    Problem solved!! For me anyway. But i guess this goes for all of the others, so pay attention!! Since nobody posted anything after my last post in this topic that could be anything of help, I had to try and solve the problem myself. I did some netstat:ing and found that the UDP port 2314 is open when hosting with the sockets implementation whereas it is not when hosting with directplay implementation (in fact when using the directplay impementation there are more ports open but they don't seem to be requiered to be opened through the firewall for me to be able to host with directplay, since i could host with only port 2302). So besides from opening UDP port 2302 I also opened up the UDP port 2314. And, Voila! I could host with the sockets implementation!! So instead of 168 open ports you only need two to be open through the firewall when hosting with the sockets implementation. I repeat, that is UDP port # 2302 and 2314.
  5. Xhit

    1.55: sockets + nat firewalls = no go

    so BIS standpoint is that no additional ports need to be open when having a hosted or dedicated server behind a NAT firewall?? any updates in the progress of this issue? Many, including me is having big problem with hosting with OFPMPTEST (now in ver 1.60) when using the socket implementation. Opening 168 ports (port# 2234-2402) to get the hosting working is FAAAAR from an ideal scenario from a safety perspective. As for me, the directplay implementation is working great when i'm hosting behind my firewall, i only need to open one single UDP port which is better than great in comparasion to 168. But since the sockets implementation is superior in performance to the directplay i really want to get it running when i'm hosting. Now to my questions: -Is the final conclusion to this problem to open 168 ports (from the users point of view)? -Is BIS standpoint, still, that you do not need to open more than two ports (UDP, and maybe TCP, ports# 2302, 2303) when hosting a socket game behind a firewall?
  6. I can not use the 'x' and 'c' buttons for rudder when flying an aeoroplane or a helicopter using my Joystick. When using the mouse the rudder control works fine. This is the problem, at take off with the helicopter the rudder control works fine, even when using a joystick. But after i have moved the joystick handle (even the smallest little push) the rudder controls cease to function. The only way to be able to use the rudder from there on is to give the mouse a little push and then the rudder control works again, but as soon as i move the joystick handle the rudder control cease to function yet again. Now, is this a known bug, or am i the only one with this problem?
  7. doesnt help me though, does it? no, need a new joystick in that case.
  8. So you need a joystick with rudder control to play with ruddercontrol, like Microsofts Sidewinder. thats bad. i guess thats the way directplay is developed: pro microsoft products, for microsoft superiority.
  9. yes..thats sad then. :-( ..so without two extra buttons on my joystick i dont have rudder control? but what kind of joystick got so many buttons to take account for all the movements of an aeroplane and chopper?