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Everything posted by WARFIGHTER989

  1. For me Air support: AH64D Longbow F-22A F16AM Eurofighter Ground pounder stuff MARPAT ACU All modern camo M468 SCAR XM8 That's all I want Tanks Every Abrams to date All EU tanks Helicopters Pleased by wondorful selection I want a seaknight with a grenade launcher like on COD 4 though. I played OFPE for a long time and it was heaven I really do miss good times.

    Weapon Wishlist

    Nice list.

    OFP2 Vs. ArmA 2

    Which one do you think is better? If codemasters is smart they will respect long time fans and make it realistic, and we all know Bohemia is aiming for realism but which OFP do you all think is better?

    What vehicles are confirmed as appearing?

    Hopefully the list you announced is not the only weapons in the game op. The game needs an LAV25 premier amphibious USMC vehicles Cobra gunships and super stallions. M1A2s not 1s.
  5. Moderators need to take this thread over to ArmA 2 suggestions

    Not very encouraging news about ArmedA 2

    Explain 'The Sims' to me ... does 'The Sims' says anything on ArmA (although they both run on the same platform)'Dumbed down' refers to a product, NOT a platform The only thing which i image to be different on 360/ps3 is a possible mission editor (because it should accomodate the gamers using their std controller) ... and scripting/modding of course (that may stay a pc exclusive) True. I hope it works well.

    The rainbow six covering system

    After playing countless hours of vegas 1 and 2 online I would much rather be able to lean and take a potshot. Trust me you maintain mobility while peaking and you expose yourself a tad bit less

    Built in Revives in ArmA 2!?

    Well it may not be realistic but maybe they could "Revive" you once and then you're gone for good. Let's say you're in an urban situation, tangos are down the road and team 1 provides suppressing fire for team 2 to flank. One of their men is hit and smoke grenades are popped to drag him behind cover to save him.

    ArmA II on Xbox 360

    I hope it comes to 360.

    ArmA 2 360?

    As we've all noticed the 360 is being flooded with shooters. I went to the site and it said "next gen consoles 08". Does that mean this gen(360) or Next gen(???)?

    ArmA 2 360?

    Well, I'm sorry about that. I never did say you criticised me. However at that moment in time I did. Besides ArmA 2 is my only chance of playing ArmA 2.

    ArmA 2 360?

    Apologies, I was just double checking as it's a habit I get criticised for.
  13. Please tell. I'm very curious to this.

    Nothing in Arma2 Seems much Different

    Call of duty 4 and splinter cell I believe had wall piercing bullets. It made cover in COD 4 very tough to find because perks like deep impact would pierce an M1A2 and kill the person hiding behind the tank.

    Nothing in Arma2 Seems much Different

    I will be able to play the flashpoint sequel on my 360 so yes it is perfect for me and my clan.

    What military equipment and vehicles do you want?

    Better if BIS are making only some high quality models/skins and release tools with documentation+tutorial+examples. There is no need to have tribes of nice multi-skinned units fighting with gameplay and performance bugs. Â I rather have marines.

    Anti cheat

    I'm glad I'm getting the 360 version. Likely less issues and my pals will be there. If you end up with cheaters constantly find a group of friends to play private games with so no cheaters get in. I hope this helps.

    Where exactly is sahrani?

    If someone could answer this I would be very appreciative.
  19. Well, let's say you could have a handful of camos from Russia to america. Perhaps you're a sniper, is stealth essential? Then why not wear a ghullie suit? This would be a sweet feature. I would fear they would add 20 different kinds of feminine camo like in vegas
  20. It would enhance gameplay. Just imagine an F22 taking out an SU33 as it flew by about to destroy a US marine convoy.
  21. I would love to see stuff like white hot and black hot modes and stuff you would regularily see on the military channel.

    What military equipment and vehicles do you want?

    Well, what if BIS had two campaigns? Like a russian front and middle eastern front?

    Favorite gunship from series?

    Personally, if I had this game I would fly a Super cobra for an hour just flying through sahrani.

    ARMA 2 Aircraft wishes

    F22A, F18s, F16s, F15s, Eurofighter, Tornado, Migs.

    What military equipment and vehicles do you want?

    It was late when I wrote this. I think you get what I was trying to mean though. Perhaps european camos, russian, middle east, US, etc.