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About waxman

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. waxman

    Tanks DLC Feedback

    After some consideration overnight, while I would happily pay just for these changes noted above I know from the past DLC's the plan is to have a mechanics update and new premium optional content. I suggest for the content that recovery (FV434 ARV or CRARRV for example ) and engineering vehicles be considered especially with the recent introduction of helo lift cables a crane should not be too complex nor should enhanced winching / towing. And if dare we hope structural damage is on the books rather than explosions then enhancing repair mechanics to require heavy machinery for some jobs (engine replacement for example) or making other jobs a lot quicker (track refitting) rather than a quick heal animation and a repair kit would be nice. Engineering may be a little useless with out terrain destruction or rivers though mine clearance could be workable, though i guess instead of terrain destruction revetments could be placeable objects by engineering tanks.
  2. waxman

    Tanks DLC Feedback

    Simply put I have 3 things that I believe are needed to make tracked vehicles enjoyable. 1. track simulation and power train refinement, hills should not be an issue neither should objects smaller than the track height (speed dependent). 2. Control both steering (tracks are quite different to wheels) and acceleration / breaking. I know a big part of the issue with keys is on or off but accelerating from stand still to max speed at the press of a key is silly, giving vehicles an acceleration curve and deceleration curve as well as separate breaking will allow for manageable low speed maneuvering (taping keys). Have configurable cruise controls to manage your speeds, set your cruise control just like we do with scope ranges and have several configurable levels, press and hold w takes you to first speed, quick tap and hold on w when at max speed ramps up to next speed etc. eg. set 5mph as your first to keep pace with foot troops 20mph for safe maneuvering in urban areas and top speed. 3. A half way house between first person armored glass / mirror slot view and 3rd person flying above the buildings view, with out the death wish of being turned out. Situational awareness in real vehicles despite their actually horrific vision is considerably better than ingame hence some assistance being needed plus tank commanders in real vehicles actually help monitor surroundings rather than then looking down the barrel of an MG or sitting in a map. How about compressed 2 x 180 degree monitor feeds along with enhanced vision slits and perhaps some form of clearance indication for sides / rear.
  3. waxman

    DirecxtX 12 for ArmA 3?

    I believe that all GCN 1.0+ and Kepler+ cards are DX12 compliant however DX12 is only the smallest subset of new functionality there is also going to be additional functionality that these cards do not support in fact I don't believe any current cards support all the DX12 functionality. This is very similar to the introduction of DX11 with DX11.1 and DX11.2 being 'oprional' sets of functions. I would be very very happy with 800% performance improvements :D
  4. waxman

    DirecxtX 12 for ArmA 3?

    I would just like to point out that Project cars has patched internally to DX12 and they get a 30-40% increase in Fps, that's a game that was not designed for DX12 and sees a significant increase.
  5. No links I am afraid but quite a bit of stuff has been said by CiG, its all down to being limited to 32bits for floating point ops causing positional accuracy errors to creep in with a not very larger area (2km dia if I recall correctly) no idea if this is exacerbated by using a sphere rather than a much more limited height range it is possible on a '2d' map that 32bits is enough for many sqkm. Their response is to update the whole engine to 64bit precision maths Helped by now having some of the core cryengine developers working for them.
  6. Hi, I do not own a copy yet though I do plan to now it is possible to play with friends, however one question I still have and that I have not been able to answer through the forums or google. Is there any way or any plans to implement a dedicated server instance with out having to run up a full game client (additional copy) to run headless on a server. I know there is the viral save mechanism but having friends across many time zones we tend to not all meet up that often and having a single server running simplifies a lot of things. Thanks.
  7. waxman

    Helmet Cam + livestream to teammates

    Helmet cam is great but how about fiber optic cams for checking rooms prior to room clearance etc.
  8. waxman

    Mic Not Transmitting

    I found a similar issue last night, when there was a vehicle engine running my mic transmit both in ingame VON and TS3 was so garbled that no one could understand a word, as soon as vehicle engines stopped it was fine. This is with a realtek HD onboard sound chip, I have an X-fi fatality installed but the headphones connected are currently in need of some rewiring so the device is disabled.
  9. waxman

    Arma 3 first impressions

    My very brief impressions so far, same few issues as noted by other people (loud gunfire in the distance, unable to shoot some lights etc.) however other than that infantry experience is pretty much exactly as I could have wished it to be if not better. The only 4 issues I have. Vehicles are now close to indestructible (hitting a wall at 70kmh a little yellow here and there and I drive off). Bouncing.. the vehicles drive off road like moon buggies there is the gravity? (reminds me very much of the horrid vehicle experience in masseffect 2). Swimming this feels to rigid and immediate there is no inertia and it feels like there is no effort to moving. No way in the inventory to see what types and how many 40mm grenades are equipped.
  10. waxman

    Arma 3 first impressions

  11. waxman

    alpha invite started?

    No such thing correct, you buy the game you get the game (in an unfinished state) and the ability to help make sure that when it is complete that there are as few bugs as possible. you may be getting confused with the alpha lite (this is a essentially a restricted demo version) that will have access sent out at a later point and each purchased copy includes some access keys to this for people to hand around as well.
  12. waxman

    alpha invite started?

    I think you have the wrong idea about the alpha. If you pre purchase the game right now you receive a copy that is playable at this time, this is however in an alpha state (lots of missing content and possibly bug / performance or usability problems).
  13. waxman

    ArmA 3 terrain Size in to the Future

    This to me says that terrain streaming is not exclusive to the US army, but was developed upon their request and with their funding, it is a core component of VBS2 2.0 and will be available to anyone who uses the product. This is nothing special leveraging features that are paid for and requested by one customer to enhance your general product is bread and butter for software companies (we do it here with every single version release of ours and have collected new customers from features we have charged others to include many times).
  14. waxman

    ArmA 3 terrain Size in to the Future

    OK my memory was a little hazy it was not confirmed or denied by any one official and no source for it but: Arma 3 Confirmed features info & discussion 1. doubtfully 2. most likely to a smaller degree than rotor wing...if at all. 3. this game is no aircraft simulator though...i hope for improvements but i really doubt things will be taken to that extent 4. if you mean interiors, well...there might be a pleasant surprise. Very few ppl understand the amount of work (and time) needed to model interiors of such vehicles. 5. according to ARG, no 6. unknown 7. unknown 8. unknown 9. unknown 0. no