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Everything posted by WaffenSS

  1. Skaven, Â Please add Ammo Crates With Ammo and all your weapons in them in your next release, in all your realeses. I love Your weapons you're a True artist and you've got a ton of talent. Thanks.
  2. WaffenSS

    Version 2 - Skaven's RACS

    Where do I find them
  3. WaffenSS

    Version 2 - Skaven's RACS

    Skaven, Please add ammo crates with plenty of ammo for all your weapons in them and please add all your weapons in the crates as well. I Love useing your weapons in my own created missions. You're a True artisit and have created a subperb addon, with awsome weapons. please do this for all of us that love your work and addons. Thanks, Waffen
  4. WaffenSS

    Version 2 - Skaven's RACS

    Skaven, Please add ammo crates with plenty of ammo for all your weapons in them and please add all your weapons in the crates as well. I Love useing your weapons in my own created missions. You're a True artisit and have created a subperb addon, with awsome weapons. please do this for all of us that love your work and addons. Thanks, Waffen :hlp:
  5. WaffenSS

    Version 2 - Skaven's RACS

    Skaven, Could You please add some ammo boxes to this addon? So I can get ammo and resupply my character, when my character runs out of ammo for your awsome guns. Your addon / This addon rocks. Awsome Awsome job.
  6. WaffenSS

    Flecktarn Units v1.0 (WIP)

    Good Morning, This Has To Be One Of The Most Awsome Addons. I've installed the pbos like you said but only get the woodland Flecktarn units. How do I get the Desert Flecktarn units? If possible both to show up in editor together? They refuse to show up in editor together. Only the woodland ones show up. I istalled the PBOs exactly like your instructions said. Please Help. I Love this Addon. Awsome Awsome and Awsome job on them. Â