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Everything posted by Warshaw

  1. Warshaw

    My Opinion On "EDS"

    Completly agree. That's why I bought it from direct2drive.
  2. Hi all, im new to ArmA and please forgive if it has been said but I cannot find the whole documentation of Evolution. In game, it took some time to find how to join a squad. Last night, someone told me to get a medic. I'm feeling as a complete n00b and i'd like to understand everythings in this game. I love that game but I don't really know how to do a lot of things in the game. Eg., I don't know if the ranks are keep on the server and if I'd have to play on the same server everyday.... Can anyone point me where I can find a complete documentation about it? Thanks in advance
  3. Warshaw

    Evolution Documentation

    Thanks a lot guys! Its greatly appreciated. Cya soon ingame
  4. Warshaw

    Help! Please!

    That happens to me on 1.5 everydays. Last time I gave after 15 minutes.
  5. Warshaw

    Freeze After Processing Information

    I have the same problem. More infos: I bought the game from direct2drive Sometimes, I can enter a game, sometimes not. My PC is perfect and all the basics questions (virus, freeware, etc) can not be pointed. 1.5 G ram amd 3700+ 7950gt Any ideas? Thanks in advance
  6. Warshaw

    How can I change my nickname?

    Thanks ! I didnt see the option. That makes me feel n00b... cya
  7. Hi all, I bought the game from Direct2drive. Â My name within the game is my XP profile name (choosen by my girlfriend, so...) Â Â Â and I can't find the way to change it. Â Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks