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Everything posted by Wardude1987

  1. Wardude1987

    Iraqi National Police

    What is the difference between the Iraqi National Police and the Iraqi Police Service? I assume the INP are paramilitary constabulary/gendarmerie type police while the IPS are civilian police? I know one wheres old US Army style chocolate chip pattern desert uniforms while the other wears light blue shirts with dark blue pants and ballistic vests.
  2. Wardude1987

    holstering pistols

    Is it possible for me to holster my pistol and sling my rifle over my shoulder at the same time? I have seen people in the game walking with both hands free but I assume thats b/c they have no weapons at all.
  3. Wardude1987

    Securite Civile Mod

    Nice mod ... are there any plans to add ground and marine firefighting?
  4. Wardude1987

    Latin America

    Some of it has to do with the lack of internet access. I dont know what the situation is like in San Juan but on the west coast the only form of internet is dial up. Broadband, FiOS, etc is not yet available. As a result most people either use dial up or go to internet cafes. Puerto Rico is still stuck in the late 1990s when it comes to technology. Thankfully I only have to go maybe once or twice a year
  5. Wardude1987

    Latin America

    I have noticed this as well. I have a vacation house in Puerto Rico (yes, I know its a US territory but it has more in common with Latin America then the US as a nation) and I have gone to every mall, Target, Kmart, etc on the western side of the island and they either have no PC games at all or very very limited amounts of them on the shelves (ex. less then 10 games). Yet next to it they have endless rows of PS2, XBOX, etc games. Even in the bigger cities on that side of the island like Mayaguez, Aguadilla, etc the GameStops have ZERO PC games Since my vacation house is on the other side of the island from San Juan (where over half of PR's population lives) I dont know whats in that area but I believe they have a CompUSA or two so one day I will check out what they are like down there.
  6. Wardude1987

    Combat Mission: Shock Force

    Wow, this game looks great. Even if it sucked it would still be good as its not another overdone 1000 times already WW2 game. I really dont get why developers keep making WW2 over and over. There should be a several year moratorium on all WW2 games.
  7. Wardude1987

    Kelly's Heros

    Can someone please find out why I was banned from their server for doing absolutely nothing against the rules? My username is ICF-PFC.Wardude.
  8. Wardude1987

    Kelly's Heros

    Ok thanks Jman, I will go register over at your forums and send you or the others a PM. I did email Alien on 7/2 but I did not get a reply.
  9. Wardude1987

    Kelly's Heros

    Well AFAIK I dident do anything against their server rules and up until then I had no problems with their admin and clan members. The only reason im really pissed is because A) I dident do anything wrong and B) Its the only COOP server that is not playing Evolution. Oh well, it is what it is
  10. Wardude1987

    Why the fascination with Evolution?

    While I love COOP I am sick of Evolution. Say for example there are 30 populated COOP servers at a given time. Well then on average at least 25 out of 30 are hosting Evolution. Maybe its because the editor hasent been released but I think its time for some new COOP maps ...
  11. Wardude1987

    Protect & Serve

    I say make normal patrol cops for Dallas PD or Texas DPS Highway Patrol troopers next. We have enough FBIish skins out there and I dont think the Dallas Sheriff's Office does police work (I think they just do the jail, courthouse security, civil process/evictions, etc) so therefore they dont really count as cops.
  12. Wardude1987

    Resistance CTI

    Abs ... I dident mean that litterly lol I just think it would be a welcome break from all these games were the human player always has unlimited access to armor, vehicles, airpower, tons of ammo and reload crates all over, etc. Just for once I want to be the hunted rather then the hunter.
  13. Wardude1987

    Resistance CTI

    I would PAY for a Coop Server to have something like this! I seriously cant wait for this to become a reality
  14. Wardude1987

    Police Units needs a good config

    Some SWAT teams have dogs attached to them for tracking purposes. I know my county sheriff's office SRT (Special Response Team) does. Oh and I like the 1 guy with the 2 chevrons of Senior Corporal on his sleeves, nice touch. BTW: howcome they have Snr Corporal but not plain regular Corporal in the Dallas PD?
  15. Wardude1987

    Upcoming MFAF mod

    Any plans to include our side of the border? There have been more then a few intrusions by Mexican forces onto US soil including a few that have resulted in armed confrontations with USBP agents or local law enforcement officers.
  16. How do you salute, sit down, etc? I see people running around the map saluting eachother but I can find the key for this in the booklet. Also what other special movements are there besides sitting and saluting?
  17. Wardude1987

    What's The Obsession With Coop?

    Agree totally, I have had this game since Tuesday and I LOVE ArmA Chicago and BAD Online evolution. Are there Ramboish players? Yes but the majority of the players that I have come across are good teamworkers. The biggest problem I have with ArmA is that the most populated severs are coop servers and even then its rarely more then 20ish people per server. Its just a big change coming over from JO with the 150 and 250 player servers.
  18. Wardude1987

    Despite the rampant disgust of BF2...

    Im going to agree here. I have always regarded BF games to be noob games ... afterall the only skill necessary is throwing grenades, spray and praying and bunny hopping across the map as your throw grenades in every direction ad BF2 was the perfect example of this nonsense on Karkand. IMO the players that are shipped over from Joint Operations are much more mature and better when it comes to teamwork.
  19. Wardude1987

    Long Island scale locations

    Thank you so much I will try some of them and see if they have ArmA in stock.
  20. Wardude1987

    Long Island scale locations

    Now that all 4 CompUSAs on Long Island have closed down does anyone know where I can find this? Does Best Buy, Target or one of the stores in the South Shore Mall have it? I read on a previous post that Best Buy dosent have it and never heard of it!?!?!? Wow
  21. Wardude1987

    ArmA Addon request thread

    Can someone make skins for a generic paramilitary security/police force for both North and South Sahrani. North Sahrani People's Police - Russian/Eastern bloc type uniforms. South Sahrani Constabulary - British style uniforms with peaked cap or US M1 helmet. Vehicles with police lights and markings would also be cool <imagines speeding head on into enemy force with lights and sirens blaring as I run them over> lol. I would also like to see patrol boats like the Cyclone Class Coastal Patrol Craft (http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/ship/pc-1.htm)
  22. Wardude1987

    patrol boats

    Has anyone ever thought of making a little addon that would add patrol boats to the game? Something like the Cyclone class Coastal Patrol Craft ...
  23. Can someone make skins for a generic paramilitary security/police force for both North and South Sahrani. North Sahrani People's Police - Russian/Eastern bloc type uniforms. South Sahrani Constabulary - British style uniforms with peaked cap or US M1 helmet. Vehicles with police lights and markings would also be cool <imagines speeding head on into enemy force with lights and sirens blaring as I run them over> lol.