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About whereisbeef

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal
  1. Hi there. In my mission, there are two helicopters that fly around and shoot things, at least they're supposed to. They fly around fine, but they don't shoot at all. Here's my script for one of the choppers: fly=[[0,[29975.8,30003.6,50.8451],..(lot's more here); shoot=[[318.776,"missiles_DAR"],...(lot's more here); _sequence = [h1, fly] spawn BIS_fnc_UnitPlay; [h1, shoot] spawn BIS_fnc_UnitPlayFiring; waitUntil {scriptDone _sequence}; In my init I have this: h1Data = compile preprocessFile "h1.sqf"; The choppers fly around with no issues, but they refuse to shoot. Any tips? Or is UnitPlayFiring not working right now?
  2. whereisbeef

    Static Weapon assembly issue

    Have one of the bags on your back.
  3. Is their a way to get all of your local mods to show up in the 'Local' section? I only see one mod, while I have 3-4 that do not show. Edit: It seems if the mods are included in Six, they don't show up in the local section.
  4. They need to be in the view lods.
  5. Look at the configs for guns that have been released already. That is the best way to figure out how things work.
  6. Not really. Just copy the model over to the new lod, it should work fine.
  7. Ok, your problem is easy to see. You only have a viewdistance LOD, which is only seen in third person. You need a view pilot LOD, which is your first person model, and a memory LOD, which tells the game where certain things are on the gun. Memory LOD is where you put the Eye, Konec Hlavne, and Usti Hlavne.
  8. Can you upload your model anywhere so I can look and see what your problem is?
  9. Try this, or something like this. You've done your's strangely. For the aiming, you need two points, usti hlavne, and konec hlavne. Konec where you want the bullet to start from, and usti where you want it to exit. Put them in a straight line. Also add another point called "eye". This is where your eye would be if you were aiming the gun. You can then put "memorypointcamera = "eye";" into your config.cpp under your guns class. I haven't tried attachments yet, so I can't help you there. But I assume all the info is on the biki. class CfgSkeletons { class Default { isDiscrete=1; skeletonInherit=""; skeletonBones[]={}; }; class L85A2Skeleton: Default { skeletonInherit="Default"; skeletonBones[]= { "magazine", "" }; sections[] = {"magazine"}; }; }; class CfgModels { class Default { sectionsInherit=""; sections[] = {}; skeletonName = ""; }; class L85A2: Default { sectionsInherit="Default"; sections[]= { "zasleh" }; skeletonName="L85A2Skeletonl"; { class Animations { class magazine_hide { type="hide"; source="reloadMagazine"; selection="magazine"; minValue=0; maxValue=1; hideValue=0.22; unhideValue=0.55000001; }; }; }; };
  10. That's what the Carl Gustav is for. Though I don't know if it's in this mod.
  11. Trying to view my model in the viewer, and it crashes every time at startup. Is there a log or something I can post? Only thing I can find is net.log, but that doesn't seem to have anything useful.
  12. Arma Wargames was started in December 2011 as an online tournament, that focuses on large scale combined-arms PvP battles. Players can join one of two armies and meet during the week in their private Teamspeak channels and on the forum to plan and practice their battle strategy for the upcoming weekend. Come battle time, you will follow your General and Squad mates into battle and help your team to achieve victory over the opposing force. We have just finished our second campaign and are about to begin with our third. Each campaign lasts 8 weeks with weekly 3-hour long battles every Sunday evening (UTC +1) Campaign 3 has just started and with the new units getting ready it's an ideal time to join in. Come check out our teamspeak 3 server at password is echo. Watch some of our previous battles and get an idea of how we play. Campaign Two playlist http://www.arma-wargames.com
  13. whereisbeef

    The name of a community that I`ve passed through a few times

    My mom's family has live there since the 70's. We have a cottage in Kenogami if you know where that is. Funny seeing this here.
  14. whereisbeef

    CMF_Units = Canadian units

    Are you going to add the C79 to the C9?
  15. whereisbeef

    Two people, one turret

    Well, I think I have got it working, but when I try to use it in game, I get this: which is then followed by this: It seems that is looking for a weapon, which the turret does not have. Does a turret require a weapon to work? Here is the config for the turret. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class Turrets : Turrets { class RotTurret : RotTurret { body = "Mortar"; gun = "Mortar"; GunnerForceOptics = 0; minElev = -0; maxElev = 0; initElev = 0; minTurn = -360; maxTurn = 360; initTurn = 0; gunnerAction = "D30_Cargo"; soundServo[] = {"\ca\Weapons\Data\Sound\gun_elevate2", db-70, 1.0}; gunnerOpticsModel = ""; }; };