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Everything posted by Winters1807

  1. Doesn't have to run it on high, jus low, anything really as long as it works :P I currently have 2 gigs of ram, an AMD 64 3000+ (1.8ghz), and a Nvidia 6800GT, and it barely runs, so ideally, a laptop that is the same, or better running than that, im sure thats possible for £560.
  2. Hello, im looking for a laptop that would be able to run Arma II, and other games of similar quality, but im on a bit of a budget, no more than £560 basically. Now, the other catch, is that i can only buy from one of these two websites due to credit and such. http://www.premierman.com/shop/product/window/show.action?order=N%3D4294927549%26LpgUid%3D11141410%26Ns%3DP_PriceFrom%257C1%26fdd%3Dtrue http://www.jacamo.co.uk/shop/product/window/toplevel/show.action?N=4294938496&LpgUid=11152076 Now, the thing is, i know very little about laptops, and these websites give no information on the graphics card/chip inside. Can anyone shed and light or offer suggestions? Cheers
  3. Hey, im after a laptop that will be able to run arma 2 to a decent level for the UK release, i have a spending limit of about £500, now, i have been out of the PC building game for quite a while, so i dont know whats good in terms of video cards and processors, and especially, i have no idea whats good in laptops, due to the onboard video cards and stuff. So, does anyone have any suggestions of the video cards and processors i should look for in a laptop, cheers Winters
  4. Hey, im after a laptop that will be able to run arma 2 to a decent level for the UK release, i have a spending limit of about £500, now, i have been out of the PC building game for quite a while, so i dont know whats good in terms of video cards and processors, and especially, i have no idea whats good in laptops, due to the onboard video cards and stuff. So, does anyone have any suggestions of the video cards and processors i should look for in a laptop, cheers Winters
  5. Winters1807

    31st Normandy mod -WW2

    i think im gonna.....i think....... oh crap, i just sex weed, i am soo excited
  6. Winters1807

    31st Normandy mod -WW2

    i actually cant wait to play this When you say watch this thread, i hope u realise that i am gonna be refreshing ever 5 minutes :P Just to put me out of my misery, are we literally talking of a release today?
  7. Winters1807

    31st Normandy mod -WW2

    shit me a brick, this mod is storming ahead, jus wanna say good work guys and excellent progress in a short amount of time!
  8. Winters1807

    31st Normandy mod -WW2

    i definately think that black faces should be removed from the german army, but not from the US and UK armies, as black people did fight on front lines, normally in all black regiments (US only). As for russia, i dont really know, but i am guessing that as its such a huge country some portion of it has a black population
  9. Winters1807

    RPG to rifle changes

    i imagine well equipped modern soldiers have slings, so when they let go of their rifle it just hangs, dunno the exact procedures for firing an AT tho, perhaps an ex military person can give us an insight?
  10. Winters1807

    SLX MOD public release

    Hello, i would like to document and illustrate a bug that has caused me much frustration in the game. When in multiplayer, and another player is shot, and is dragged by another player, this happens http://es.youtube.com/watch?v=YIqqOTG5VsI for some reason, when drag is selected, the player is instantly kicked out of drag on MP. I read earlier that this has something to do with AI squad leaders, bit it doesnt as i set us in separate groups and the error still occurred. Also, when the person cannot be dragged, one naturally gives first aid, but when that person stands up again, (aid receiver) , he has the headbug / freelook bug. Can someone explain this, or at least acknowledge the existence of this bug? Cheers, just want to help Winters
  11. Winters Realistic Artillery Support Script The featured artillery has been based off of real dispersion, frequency and numbers of artillery units in a battery. Although they may not look pretty i have tried to make them as realistic as possible. It features the following: Flares: 50mm Mortars : 80mm Mortars : Artillery : Precision Artillery : Spot Round : Smoke : Copperhead : (Guided Artillery Shell) http://files.filefront.com/WintersRealArtyrar/;9299734;/fileinfo.html Again, Credit goes to Psych for making the original script. Armaholic : http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=2540 Combat Prison : http://prison.tibet225.server4you.de/ww2pn...._id=377 Cheers for the mirrors.
  12. sorry dude, the only way i can think of doing that would be to set co-ordinates in the sqs file, but i wouldn't know how to do that as i did more research concerning this script and kept script monkeying to a minimum
  13. Winters1807

    Hifi Sound FX V1.00 Released

    oh, good idea lol
  14. Winters1807

    Hifi Sound FX V1.00 Released

    I think its bloody brilliant, one of the best sound mods out there, but i have two very small problems. Need a GAU8 sound!! And i am a little confused as to why the M16A4 and the M16A4 with acog sounds different? Plonking a scope onto a rifle doesnt give it a different sound. I could be wrong however, as maybe a slightly different version of the rifle is used for more precise marksman ship However, i totally love the cobra sounds, and the 249 and pretty much the rest of the addon, good work!
  15. Winters1807

    AI in Warfare?

    Just a quick question, after a game of warfare, and i return to the main menue, the background video is of a UAV/TV cam watching either a building, or a vehicle surrounded by a bunch of troops, is it possible to TV guide GBUs or something with this game mode?
  16. Winters1807

    A-10 in ArmA way unrealistic

    The reason why the A10 has obscene thrust problems is because it is made using the flight model of a helicopter. Thats what i heard at any rate.
  17. Winters1807

    SLX MOD public release

    as for the dragging, it happens any time, injured or not, flat or slope, on a non dedicated server, with any unit. I have only been able to do it once, i retried it in similar circumstances, but no luck. Under fire, or alone edit Also, is it possible for the player to call backup using the radio, or can only AI do it?
  18. Winters1807

    SLX MOD public release

    Is this mod actually designed to be used with ECS, or was it designed to stand entirely alone, i know it was made to be compatible, but was it intended to be used with ECS, as the AI arent that smart when i play. They do use GL2, which is awesome i must say, and they do out flank, but they do seem a bit dopey sometimes. Just for the record, i am having some pretty confusing dragging MP problems, it goes into the drag animation for a split second, then back to standing, the problem only happens when dragging other players, not AI.
  19. Winters1807

    SLX MOD public release

    Does this run only with 1.09 and above?
  20. Winters1807

    Resistance Units

    Ah ok, what about the opfor dudes, cos they look pretty awesome and i can think of some uses for them on blufor
  21. Winters1807

    Resistance Units

    just a quick question, i have been looking through the configs, and i am just wondering how i change it so that i can spawn the units in the editor as blufor, i now you can change the mission.sqm , but its a bit of a hassle. Would appreciate the help Winters
  22. Winters1807

    Resistance Units

    ok, just a small problem. When i load up the addon, and place a unit in ramadi, i get an error wen i preview the mission, somthing about OFP and skeletons. I click preview again and the game is all fooked up, random coloured spikes everywhere. So i close the game, start it up, place a regular unit in ramadi, preview, its fine. Then i place a freedom fighter, and its working, but for some reason i hav to place the regular dude first, any idea?
  23. Winters1807

    Music from a radio

    Hi, a little problem i have placed a custom sound in my mission folder in the /sounds directory and in my description.ext this is the code <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgSounds { sounds[] = { radio }; class radio { name = "radio"; sound[] = {"\sound\radio.ogg", 0.001, 1.0}; titles[] = { }; The thing is, i want to make this sound play from a particular object, dynamically, so, if you move closer, it gets louder, move farther away, it gets quieter, but i am struggling on how to do this, can anyone help? cheers Winters
  24. Winters1807

    British kit mod for arma

    never done any modeling, but could it be that the models are so similar because they are both extremely accurate to real life? Maybe if rambo could post pictures of the stages of his development to prove he made it from scratch?
  25. Winters1807


    retexes you say? The helmets look like new models, or is that some crafty photography? :P