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Everything posted by Wabbit

  1. Wabbit

    Mission bugs?

    I'm an old OFP player and a big fan. So far, ArmA has been a mixed bag. One of the biggest problems are the multitude of bugs. For one thing, I keep getting the crash to desktop problem. Another problem I found recently is when I tried to do the Squad Leader training mission. Everything worked fine until I tried to tell my squad to target and destroy the little car. I tried a lot of different things, such as telling the whole squad, telling one soldier, changing the combat mode, etc. They just would not attack the car. Also, I wouldn't hear the commands after I chose them, like I would for other items. Anyone have any ideas?
  2. Wabbit

    Mission bugs?

    That's what I did. Nothing happened. I didn't even hear the command given, like when I tell them to return to formation.
  3. Wabbit

    1.08>   fastropes

    I keep seeing people ask about fast roping, but I don't see anyone responding to this early post with a link. Has anyone tried it?
  4. I really tried to find the answer by scanning past posts, but nothing seems to fit my circumstances... This is my config: P4 2.53 Ghz CPU (no hyper threading) 1 GB Dual Channel DDR Asus Motherboard ATI 9800 video card OFP GOTY with 1.96 patch When I run the OFP Preferences program, I choose Autodetect and stay with those settings. I have "-nosplash -nomap" (I have no idea what nomap does) in the shortcut. But when I try to play the game, the video (and game itself) seems to stutter and pause for a second or two fairly often, in cutscenes and in actual play.
  5. Wabbit

    Need mission Beta testers!

    Hello! I spent a lot of time working on this mission, currently called "Falling Anvil" and it is essentially done. I am still working on some cutscene stuff and other "polish" elements, but I would like to get the mission play tested while I work out some of these other issues. This is the basic intro: But I'll tell you now, you won't be spending much time in a helicopter! I've got a lot of military experience and I am trying to make this fairly realistic and accurate, within the confines of a game. If this does well, my thought was to make a follow-on campaign that leads you through the process of a Special Forces Unconvential Warfare campaign, organizing, equiping and leading local indigenous fighters and performing Direct Action and related missions. The mission, built in CWC, uses a lot of scripting and the patrols are designed to be fairly randomized, so you can play it differently each time and have completely different experiences. The pbo file is 3.63 MB and requires the following addons: Blast1.pbo STTCivil2v2.pbo trab.pbo I will include these addons in the zip file, including a hint sheet for those who really need one... Please reply or PM me and I will get it to you. Thanks!
  6. Wabbit

    Need mission Beta testers!

    That's ok, I took out the STTcivil2v2 addon and listed a link to the Filefront page for it. That allowed me to post the mission to the website without being over 5 MB. Let me know if you have any problems. And thanks!
  7. Wabbit

    Need mission Beta testers!

    You can also directly download the mission and addon on (from links) at OFPEC: http://www.armaeditingcenter.com/index.p....28636.0 Please do! Thanks!
  8. Wabbit

    Need mission Beta testers!

    I took out the trabant addon, since it is actually an official BIS addon. Now the zip file comes in at 5.17 MB. Please consider play testing this for me! I don't think it is an easy mission, but I could be wrong... But there are some effects that I put in that I would like to get opinions on, especially my intro! Another issue I would like players to check on is if it is too hard to find the survivors. Thanks!
  9. You're right, the autodetect maxed the terrain out. I set the terrain to normal, but increased the frame rate (not sure if this is correct, as I understand it, higher frame rate = better detail?). Just lowering the terrain detail seems to have fixed the problem. It's odd, because my current machine, especially the video card, is SO much more powerful than the machine I had when the game came out. I would have expected that it should run fine maxed out... Thanks for the help!
  10. Wabbit

    Need mission Beta testers!

    Blast.pbo is an old addon by Charon that I use for some explosions. I don't think it made it past one of the old OFPEC server crashes. STTcivil2v2.pbo is a civilians addon by SelectThis, which is still available on the ofp.info site. It has no problems with Resistance or any mods. Let me know if you would like the zip file (just under 6 MB). Thanks!
  11. Wabbit

    need american voice actors

    I am an American and happy to help! Lots of military experience, too, if that helps. spdivr at gmail dot com
  12. I'm trying to fix a mission that I created about 4 years ago before I dropped off the world. Now that I'm back, I've found that my newer, faster computer does weird things to my intro cutscene. I had made a really nice cinematic style cutscene by using waits (~5, etc.) in my script. As I understand it, this is not the right way to do this, and I should somehow use triggers and synchronized waypoints. I have no idea how to do this and I can't find a tutorial to explain it to me. Can anyone help me? As an example, there are about 10 different scenes in the intro. On my old PC, I set the wait in the scripts long enough so that all the vehicles were in place when the cutscene moved to the correct camera. But now, running on a faster PC, I see that that the vehicles must have already moved on, so they don't show up. Any help is greatly appreciated!
  13. I'm trying to fix a mission that I created about 4 years ago before I dropped off the world. Now that I'm back, I've found that my newer, faster computer does weird things to my intro cutscene. I had made a really nice cinematic style cutscene by using waits (~5, etc.) in my script. As I understand it, this is not the right way to do this, and I should somehow use triggers and synchronized waypoints. I have no idea how to do this and I can't find a tutorial to explain it to me. Can anyone help me? As an example, there are about 10 different scenes in the intro. On my old PC, I set the wait in the scripts long enough so that all the vehicles were in place when the cutscene moved to the correct camera. But now, running on a faster PC, I see that that the vehicles must have already moved on, so they don't show up. Any help is greatly appreciated!
  14. I'm trying to fix a mission that I created about 4 years ago before I dropped off the world. Now that I'm back, I've found that my newer, faster computer does weird things to my intro cutscene. I had made a really nice cinematic style cutscene by using waits (~5, etc.) in my script. As I understand it, this is not the right way to do this, and I should somehow use triggers and synchronized waypoints. I have no idea how to do this and I can't find a tutorial to explain it to me. Can anyone help me? As an example, there are about 10 different scenes in the intro. On my old PC, I set the wait in the scripts long enough so that all the vehicles were in place when the cutscene moved to the correct camera. But now, running on a faster PC, I see that that the vehicles must have already moved on, so they don't show up. Any help is greatly appreciated!
  15. Ok, I tried what you said, and it makes sense, and it seems to work, but I've still got a couple problems: Scene5 shows a helo flying in to pick up some people. It starts with one scene of the helo flying by, then another scene of the helo landing. This one now seems to be working, as far as seeing the helo, and seems to work well, but a couple times, while testing, the helo crashed while landing. Kinda spoils the story line... The other problem, and a much bigger problem is Scene6, which is suposed to show the UH60 (a different one, in a different location) flying low over a Shilka, which opens fire. The problem is, I can't seem to get the timing right, and I want to catch the helo just as it flies over and the Shilka turret traverses and starts firing on the helo. I'd like the helo to look like it is damaged, but not totally destroyed. Unfortunately, the Shilka seems to destroy the helo before the scene even opens... Any idea what is going wrong on this? Thanks!
  16. Ok, let me see if I get this: Open the waypoint and change the text in the "Condition" box from "True" to "False"? Then, in my cutscene script (intro.sqs), before it starts the cam in a certain scene, make a line that changes the condition of the waypoint to "true"? I'll have to find something that shows how to do that, if that's correct. Thanks for the help!
  17. Oh, sorry... I started at the top of BI Forums and saw "Operation Flashpoint" and didn't scroll down further. Since I didn't see anything like that under that link, I thought the General page was my best bet.
  18. Wabbit

    Help with Intro Cutscene and Waypoints?

    Oh, sorry... I started at the top of BI Forums and saw "Operation Flashpoint" and didn't scroll down further. Since I didn't see anything like that under that link, I thought the General page was my best bet.
  19. Wabbit

    Saving more than ocnce in a mission?

    What exactly does that do? Does it over write the save you already had? That's cool if you don't need your previous one. Man, people here could be more helpful with people who may not know as much...
  20. Wabbit

    Saving more than ocnce in a mission?

    I'm not sure what the previous post does, but what I did was alt-tab back to the desktop, open explorer to where the game saves (under users\name) and find the save.fps. I then rename it something easy, like save.fps.1 and then alt-tab back into the game. Then I un-pause, re-pause and I am now able to save a second time. A little involved, but goes quick.
  21. Wabbit

    New Setup: Tuning and Downloads?

    I searched around the forums, but couldn't find anything specific to what I am looking for, so please forgive me if this is posted somewhere. I was hoping it might be a sticky, but no luck... I've been out of the OFP world for awhile, and I just installed GOTY edition, and I want to get it back up to current speed. I remember there used to be a list of things to do to tune your installation, and a selection of "Must Have" downloads. For instance, I installed the 1.96 patch, I remember the one about -nosplash, and I found the one about Kegety's dxdll, but I'm sure there is more I should do. Is there one spot all of this is listed? If not, is there a kind soul out there who could make a sticky on this topic? Thanks!
  22. Wabbit

    Been Gone A Long Time...

    Hi everyone! I've been away from OFP for a long time. I bought it the week it came out and got hooked, even learning a little about scripting from such sites as the OFP Editing Center. Ah, the good ole days! Then, courtesy of Saddam, I took a little trip to the big litter box in 2003, and since then I fell out of touch with the game (I must beg forgiveness for dabbling in BF2...), but I recently rebuilt my PC and have installed the OFP GOTY Edition and am ready to go! But how much has changed in the intervening time? What should I look into to catch up? I enjoyed making my own missions, but I imagine all of the downloaded custom objects I have are out of date. Any recommendations? Are there many people still playing OFP? What about online servers? Thanks! I can't wait for OFP2!