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About Web(13)

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    Private First Class
  1. http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2009/02/27/bohemia-theres-only-one-real-flashpoint-sequel/
  2. Web(13)

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    ....and people wonder why they asked for Q1 2007. edit: i had a GREAT idea. Â -- ok it's christmas time soon right ? (can you see where this is going ?) well, maybe 505 could give a shipment to santa. I heard he can get round the entire planet in one frikking night. - Even does delivery house to house. its fool proof ! Â and yes, exactly, that list shows the extent of the work 505 have ahead of them, hence Q1 2007 ... the vatican city?! Â Â Â edit: with latin subtitles?
  3. Web(13)

    Any other (ex) Battlefield 2 players?

    sry for going of topic... (the whole discussion is imo of topic already) but the point that you couldnt just respawn and that you had no "tickets" in game, is what made the difference. that is what made ofp (and hopefully will make armas) unique and thats one of the reasons why I am waiting for it.
  4. Web(13)

    ArmA Progress Updates

    do you just think or do you know? if you just think stop speculating plz, cause speculating makes the people crazy. if you know, please tell us your source!
  5. Web(13)

    GameSpot's E3 2006 impression.

    sanctions for beeing killed fast is a good idea. if there will be no real time limit (or something like that) for respawning, armas will be just another respawn- run and gun- game. Â
  6. Web(13)

    Idea Games NOT publishing Armed Assault/

  7. Web(13)

    Armed Assault Video E3 Presentation

    check out the 16min vid, there you can see a river and a lake (its the scene with the flying cobra).
  8. Web(13)

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    hahaha... you are absolutely right!
  9. Web(13)

    Game Specs roughly stated

    I have seen them on the site you posted, but I didnt know that the EÅ‚insider site is just for new stuff. thx for the info.
  10. Web(13)

    Game Specs roughly stated

    Yeah next week we should hopefully get some new info, screenshots and videos - http://www.e3expo.com/default.aspx btw. has anyone seen BIS on the EÅ‚ exhibitors list?! clicky => http://www.e3insider.com/exhibitors/
  11. Web(13)

    Game Specs roughly stated

    cross your fingers that bis will find a publisher on EÅ‚... btw: is EÅ‚ next week?!
  12. Web(13)

    Precise year of setting and weapons...

    ^ ? we have 2006 already.
  13. Web(13)

    Don't need all the eye-candy!

    I want good gameplay + eye candy. graphics is important. If your pc cant handle the graphics, then you can turn it down - like in every game. If it can handle it, its even better.
  14. Web(13)

    Idea Games NOT publishing Armed Assault/

    If the information and footage is objective and acurate it can only do good, i believe many people who tried flashpoint couldnt see past its bad performance, jerky colision and graphics, i am not sugesting overhype, i am sugesting objective advertising and info. Tech reports, improvements, etc. The improved Flashpoint engine seems capable of pissing on everything else out there, the gameplay and graphical improvements, the capacity of drawing bigger, better and more detailed environments and units, etc. I strongly believe Arma has the capacity of making a small revolution out there and to crap on all the small, shiny corridor, limited shooters. I believe BIS should try to release more impressive images and show off a bit more. I dont mean releasing hundreds of pictures but ensuring that the few they release leave a very good impression about the game . well... in my opinion it will be a small revolution for ppl that are waiting for the successor for years now (like me ) and for ppl who loved ofp (like me )... but I dont think that it will be this kind of revolution for the regular gamer who plays cs and stuff like that.