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Everything posted by Wa_Va_Voom

  1. Sorry to bother you people, I havn' been as active in the OFP/AA community as I would like to be but I have always kept a close eye and its good to see developments happening. While go through the AA photography section I still saw the 100kb limit on posts.I remember when the 100kb rule came into effect it was a long time ago. I think maybe the 100kb rule should be reviewed for 2 main reasons 1) advances in graphics 2) generally faster internet connects with broad-band being the norm opposed to the exception it used to be. In addition many posters combat the 100kb rule by sub-dividing the picture into less then 100kb lots. I am not asking for it to be changed that is the call of the moderators of this forum, but I would like serious consideration while making this re-view. Remember keep the thread constructive.
  2. Wa_Va_Voom

    ADF mod back up!

    Rico that looks good, if you have a chance start adding seem lines to the fabric it will make it look alot realistic i.e. on the Boonie hats add seems to where the fabric are sown together etc. I would love to help but i'm a bit busy with study and work. I'll do some internet searching and find some tutorials.
  3. Wa_Va_Voom

    ADF mod back up!

    I think the ratios are a bit wrong(i.e. in some areas the auscam looks too big and in some areas too small) and texture fabric is also a bit disjointed i.e. where the seems are and the actual fabric itself looks a bit different, if you change this is would look really good.
  4. Wa_Va_Voom

    ADF mod back up!

    Common Cam use your patriotism and help out dude, make the Infantry for the ADF mod.
  5. Wa_Va_Voom

    world war 1

    There were also quite a few free flowing battles such as Palenstine and OFP has shown us that horses can be used. I reakon take a shot at it. Also personally it may be better to map the trench into the map
  6. Wa_Va_Voom

    D addons in works

    btw Delirium did you ever go under the name Drill Sargent, becuase he too used to make high poly extremely detailed stuff in OFP. PS. i am not implying that you are taking his work if you are not him.
  7. Wa_Va_Voom

    Russian Federation reskins

    Hi Shadow, You should ask if you can re-skin MechaStalin's BMD-1
  8. Wa_Va_Voom

    ArmA Turkish Mod

    Excellent great to see you guys back
  9. Wa_Va_Voom

    1st ID Infantry

    Btw comming back to what policy is. CamMcD you would have to look at what the GIs wear and what policy is. I mean we just have to look back to Vietnam where policy was flaunted by GIs. A classic example was the GIs were required to wear flak vests at all times alot of GIs chose to ignore this policy in the field. P.S. or is it just me or is the US army looking more SI-FI. Troops are now looking like what SI-FI troops looked like in the 80s.
  10. Wa_Va_Voom

    WW2 Afrika

    How about making a large World War 2 mod and have sub-divisions such as an Africa campaign in it
  11. Wa_Va_Voom

    a few addon/mod ideas i had...

    I think what was meant was: When you get shot (and dont die) the wound it leaves will eventaully kill you becuase you will loose bleed out, so you might have 2 minutes before you die, but if you are healed by a medic, it will stop you bleeding out, but you are still wounded and need to crawl around if shot in the leg or have bad aiming if you are wounded in the arm. Personally I think it is a great idea becuase it really makes the medic an important part of the section and eliminates the i've been shot 15 times in the leg but everytime the medic came to rescue.
  12. Wa_Va_Voom

    WWII Mods

    Hmmm I think it would (look at WW2EC in OFP) work at worst it would be rather easy to set up a co-operation on World War 2 addon makers and mods which are either 1) Self governing and negotiate standards such as armour values and sharing of addons between themselves or 2) A parent body which over looks all mods which have agreed to co-operate to make sure co-operability is used to the most maximum of their content. For example this a parent body was set up and under this mod there are 4 "mod" projects going such as 1) Western Front pre-Normandy, 2) Western front post normandy, 3) Eatern front and 4) Pacific theatre These guys can share models, sounds, textures and most importantly configs and then one day a bunch of guys come up and say "hey I want to start an African Campaign" you can look at the previous mods and canibalise previous made addons and just do a re-texture job saving alot of work and most importantly saving addons space and valuble time which can be used on other projects.
  13. Wa_Va_Voom

    WWII Mods

    Personally I would like to see a World War 2 mod which covers all theatres. The reason I was this is so I dont need to d/l 15 german infantry addons so I can play the western front, the eastern front and the north african campaign. Also so that the German Troops look the same. Same thing for the other countries involved in the war. I would like to just see one World War 2 mod instead of several small ones with several working on the same theatre campagin etc. In my opinion by combining talents and knowledge it will benifit not only the player but also the mod maker becuase he/she will have to do less work.
  14. Wa_Va_Voom

    35th Signal Brigade

    Great humor I bet all serving folk can relate to that. I quite like the idea that these addons are more organised in US Army ORBAT (ORder of BATtle) style and not using a generic ORBAT system which is currently employed in Amred Assault.
  15. Wa_Va_Voom

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    Are you critising or suggesting, because it looks like HYK spent alot of time doing this.
  16. Wa_Va_Voom

    WWII Mods?

    I always taught the Amred Assault engine just as the OFP engine would be suited to pretty much any war from (some theatres of) World War I on-wards. The engine is suited from everything from your light class war, peacekeeping, gurrilla ambush wars, to your full fledged conventional war. Even with clever scripting I'm pretty sure you can do "nepolionic" style warfare and even maybe "mediveal" style warfare. Relating back to this question: WWII mods should heopfully start soon. Give it time after 505 complete their world wide release you will see mods of every calibare and everything you can imagine start up. Mods releasing stuff is another thing.
  17. Wa_Va_Voom

    Woodland BDU Soldier

    Great work Zerg
  18. Wa_Va_Voom

    Woodland BDU Soldier

    Great work Zerg
  19. Wa_Va_Voom

    Mods/Addon Ideas

    Also other stuff I would like to see is more sharing in the addon world i.e. aobut half a dozen countries have signed up for the j-35 therefore it would be great if only one model was made and it would be shared between the addon makers which need it.
  20. Wa_Va_Voom

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    HYK I seriously can't wait until you get Armed Assault. I should start a gwet HYK Amred Assault Fund.
  21. Wa_Va_Voom

    Marpat soldiers WIP

    Check the thread a bit more towards the beginning Edit: I'll save you some time, I'm working on that part. I'll be using the same gear textures as him so we can have an addon that actually looks alike. http://img85.imageshack.us/img85/6540/acumarpatuy2.jpg Awsome this is what I was looking for, I was aware that you were making desert varient but one thing i wasn't sure on was texture co-oporatability, that is awsome that you are using the textuers of the Woodland Marine.
  22. I just got Amred Assault and enjoyed playing it but I can't seem to the the English translator addon: 1) What I'm lookin for is the Czech to English translator. 2) Also how do you install it. I 6th Sence's version (version 0.6) I tried to install it and nothing seemed to have work 3) Apart from the "actual" gaming side does it translate stuff on the menu? Your help will be greatly appriciated.
  23. Great thanks for you help guys. And a huge thanks to 6th Sence which made all this possible.
  24. Wa_Va_Voom

    Marpat soldiers WIP

    HePCat any chance of Desert Versions?
  25. Wa_Va_Voom

    Mods/Addon Ideas

    I'd be willing to incorparate my Australian/"Chindit"/New Zealand/Papuan/Japanese Second World War units into some form of "World War 2 pack", even before the release of my mod. I like the idea of being able to download one big addon pack with alot of units, instead of hunting for them all - and then having compatability problems. See that's what I'm talking about, so we dont end up with 15 versions of the USS enterprise and no Chinese National Army Oh btw you need a hand just PM me.