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Everything posted by WTE_Grendal

  1. WTE_Grendal

    OA Out of memory error

    If you haven't already, try turning OFF any Post Processing. (Mine was set to Low by default.) I had the same error with OA. I've been playing ArmA II without any issues and was using the same setting for OA except I left post processing on. Since I have turned it off the game hasn't CTD.
  2. WTE_Grendal

    CTD: OA has stopped working

    I have the same problem. I believe for me the CTD is a memory issue as the first CTD had a out of memory message. Similar setup to Zorg except Nvidia cards (2 x gtx295). I'm running OA with the same settings as I run ArmA II and even with the 1.07 update I am not seeing this issue with ArmA II.
  3. WTE_Grendal

    This seems hardly fair

    Why is the banana phone a bug? I think it is the best part of the mission :)
  4. WTE_Grendal

    Screen Gets Black

    I have the same issue and it is not confined to ArmA 2. This is a know problem with nVidia cards (and Vista), just see http://www.nvlddmkm.com/ . It is not confined to ArmA 2. Although everyone's experience will be different. When I get this error whilst running ArmA or FSX for instance, I get a blank screen for about 4 seconds, then the game will recover. Unforutnataly with ArmA 2 it never recovers from the blank screen, so I have to control, alt, delete and close ArmA 2. Still hunting for a way to fix my nvlddmkm error issues.
  5. WTE_Grendal

    No ping in mp list

    I am guessing - no one has found a solution for this
  6. WTE_Grendal

    No ping in mp list

    I have the same problem when running an ArmA dedicated server - no ping just a ? mark. We have an XP machine behind a router. I have enabled ports 2302 to 2305 for ArmA. The server.cfg is set up, but I am not really certain about the arma.cfg and the profiles as I have left these out of the startup string. I have tested turning off the XP firewall and that made no difference. Respond to ping is enabled for the router and other game servers that we run do, report a ping back to the clients. So this seems to only be a problem for ArmA.
  7. WTE_Grendal

    Projekt Gardinas Island

    Now this does sound exciting. Waiting with anticipation...
  8. WTE_Grendal

    2761: ArmA cheat protection needs rework / updates

    Cheating has certainly impacted my ability to play ArmA. I now have no choice but to play on a limited number of servers that I know have active measures in place to prevent the impact of cheats and hacks. It seems that there are enough idiots out there who just want to prevent people from playing this game. I’d guess that the impact of this will be less and less people playing multiplayer over the coming months. I doubt it can be done for the current ArmA, but for future games, (ArmA 2) I really think BI must implement a more active cheat/hack protection such as Punkbuster and/or linking multiplayer to a Steam ID or a central user database as is used for games like BF2.
  9. WTE_Grendal

    release over steam

    I think that Steam would be a great way for BI to distribute ArmA. It would have to be better than the download distribution they are using at the moment. From my experience, Steam has got the digital distribution right and are the best at it. It would certainly help out with the curbing multiplayer cheats if BI used Steam player authentication for online play. We might also find that you would be able to download mods directly from the game server you are joining to play, which is how it works for Red Orchestra, HL, CS etc. All played via a Steam login. For those with limited internet connectivity, you would still be able to buy the game on DVD and play it offline. For instance, I purchased Half Life 2 via steam, but I can still play the single player game without having to connect to a Steam server.
  10. WTE_Grendal

    ATI x1950XTX Stuttering

    I was using the 6.7 drivers with my ATI 1850pro without any problems. I have since installed a new HD 2900XT. Much better frame rates and resolution, but with the hotfix drivers, LOTS of stuttering With the 2900XT I need to use the 7.5 drivers, so I've installed the non hotfix 7.5 drivers and the stuttering has disappeared The handle leak is there (was up to 300000 after a couple of hours) but after three hours of playing last night it does not seem to be affecting the game.
  11. WTE_Grendal

    SecuROM problem - Error 7001

    This fix worked for my no starting game issue. So thank you.
  12. WTE_Grendal

    1.08 Troubleshooting thread.

    Tried that file Sickboy and still cannot start ArmA. Thanks for the effort.
  13. WTE_Grendal

    1.08 Troubleshooting thread.

    I too am unable to start ArmA after installing the 1.08 patch to my Aus DVD version. The 1.08 update file is fine as other people have successfully used it to update and are able to play. I previously had no issues playing the 1.05 and 1.07 beta versions.
  14. WTE_Grendal

    ATI Catalyst 7.5 hotfix for ArmA leak

    Downloading the hotfix now. From the info on the AMD/ATI site I'm not certain if I install the fix as a new driver install or if I need to install the 7.5 drivers first? Anyone?
  15. WTE_Grendal

    ArmA Squad Directory

    Squad name: 4th Eagle Recon Company Squad acronym: WTE Squad location: Australasia Squad webpage: wte-anga.com Squad contact: admin@wte-anga.com Squad status: Always looking for team players who want to be active in our online community.
  16. WTE_Grendal

    ArmA Disappointing

    I do agree there are issues with ArmA that will limit some people enjoyment of this game. I was also aware when buying the game that it is an update of OFP and not Game2. Like others I would have really liked to have had a fully finished game installed right off the DVD. This being noted, I am having too much fun playing online with and against both humans and AI that it is worth the “beta testing†we might be doing not to have to wait longer till we would get the “finished†product. I am anticipating the wonderful addons that I know are and will be created by the community and once the mission making community matures, we’ll see some great missions that will show the full potential that ArmA has. (I am taking into account here that there are already some fantastic missions out there, I’ve just been playing Evolution too much to get around to trying them. )
  17. WTE_Grendal

    Dedicated server connection error

    It is showing up listed as v1.05 and as far as I am aware there would be no mods. It looks like the server has the "no mods" switch set on. I am now able to join the server without any mods turned on. (By default I have the FDF sounds mod turned on.)
  18. One of our local ISPs has set up a dedicated server for ArmA (version 1.05). The problem is that the server is appearing on the in game server browser with a red cross next to the server listing in the left hand column. When I try and connect to the server via the in game browser, I get the message “bad version, server rejected connectionâ€. What causes this message and what can I suggest to the server admins to try and correct the issue?
  19. WTE_Grendal

    First person vehicle views

    This view issue is solved when using TrackIR. Now I know not everyone has TrackIR, but maybe this is another reason to consider using it?
  20. WTE_Grendal

    Multiplayer Map Indicators (Poll)

    If there is a way to change the direction of the arrow marker, you could use that to point to the general direction that you think the sniper is located. (The arrow is accessed by scrolling your marker with the up and down buttons on the keyboard.)
  21. WTE_Grendal

    Choosing Weapon Loadout

    There are ammo boxes at the spawn for your weapon choice in the demo CTF. Weapon selection at the briefing screen is a function that is setup by the mission builder in OFP. I'd assume that this is the same for ArmA?
  22. WTE_Grendal

    WG Coop Missions

    9C Op.Thunderbolt_V5.1 Clear Vernon of Soviet Forces and Intercept Supply Convoy 08C SoftLanding_V5 Recon and clear AA in preparation for NATO Landings. Both created by WTE Vortrog.
  23. I would really like to see Track IR supported by OFP2 Being able to use Track IR for head movement (separate from weapon facing) would be a great addition. I use the side head look (number pad keys) in OFP1 and really notice that it is missing from most of the other FPS game I play.
  24. WTE_Grendal

    OFP graphics...

    Yep nice looking. But I bet you won't be able to leave one castle, walk/ride 15km to the next castle and explore it's cellar...
  25. WTE_Grendal

    OFP graphics...

    The graphics in OFP are showing their age compared to a few of the newer games especially as it doesn’t support some of the newer graphic tweaks available now with newer hardware and dx9. But also remember that most of the new games (HL2, D3, AA, CS-S etc) still don’t do what OFP does so well: have an open, realistic landscape! HL2’s graphics are very nice but remember how often it loads new level as you travel from section to section. Also, most of the other FPS games use a highly saturated palette of colors which gives them rich but cartoon like images. OFP has chosen a more realistic palette to represent the landscape and lighting to enhance the “realism†of the simulation.