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Everything posted by WTE_Grendal

  1. WTE_Grendal

    WG Flag Fights

    Addons required - WGL and editorupdate102 Missions zip Missions zip Missions zip Missions zip Missions zip Requires Sarugao island addon. Enjoy!
  2. WTE_Grendal

    WG Flag Fights

    Yep WGL version 1.12. (Although some where created with WGL 4.11.)
  3. WTE_Grendal

    WG Flag Fights

    Added some extra flag fight maps to my post. Each zip contains maps based on the different islands. We used these maps for a unit tournament we've been running.
  4. WTE_Grendal

    The Bastige Island 6

    We've been trying to play the latest versions of Bastige and are finding a problem with the heli. For some reason you need to keep the UP key pressed to keep the engine engaged. Consequently releasing the UP key to land makes the heli fall out ot the sky! This makes the heli unplayable. With the leader setting the spawn point, is all that is needed is for the leader to stand stationary for 30 seconds?
  5. WTE_Grendal

    WG Flag Fights

    Cool, thanks for that. Anouther useful bit of information I'll forget in 24 hours from now
  6. WTE_Grendal

    WG Flag Fights

    Why are my links not working properly in this post? I did the same as have on my other posts and they work??
  7. I'm using the original flag fight mission as a template for my flag fights. Of course I am changing the default starting units. But I need to work out how to have players respawn as the unit I have chosen and not the default rifleman? Any ideas please?
  8. WTE_Grendal

    Respawn question

    Yep, was pointed to a script that fixes the respawn weapons... Respawn weapons script.
  9. WTE_Grendal

    WG Coop mission

    Well, I've fixed the "scud destroyed" camera. Thanks to my squad mate Vortrog
  10. WTE_Grendal

    WG Coop mission

    @WG CO 1-8 Scud Hunt Eden A multiplayer coop with group respawn. A single recon unit must sneek in and hunt for a scud at night on Everon. The eight man unit is in two sections for flexability. Random spawn of the objective and some of the enemy units. addOns[]= { "bas_soar185", "wglvit_bmd3", "BAS_RUSOPFOR", "wgl_men", "wgl_veh", "oh58", "newwire", "editorupdate102", "radiotower", "bis_resistance", "bas_mh47185", "Kolo", "Trabant", "Mini" }; Enjoy...
  11. WTE_Grendal


    I was just wondering the other day, how Mechs would go in OFP? It would be very cool to see one of those cresting a hill as you where making a run across open ground
  12. WTE_Grendal

    WG Flag Fight maps

    WG Flag Fight maps Here are a couple of custom flag fights I have converted to WG units. Nothing too special, eight player slots. Fun for a quick warm up to get the fast twitch muscles working
  13. WTE_Grendal

    WG Coop mission

    Thanks for the idea of using mod folders Oyvind. Don't know why I didn't think of that myself Now the problems of sorting the BI for the non BI addons. I certainly hold to the idea of trying to use one group of mods and I will try to restrict myself to WG in the future. I was surprised when I looked to see how many add ons were there. I guess I could have left out the radio tower and there is a light that I used. Both are really only there for atmostphere. Are the cars BI add ons? "wglvit_bmd3" shouldn't this be covered by wgl_veh?
  14. WTE_Grendal

    WG Coop mission

    Not really certain on the "BAS_RUSOPFOR" Russin. All the character units (West and East) are Wargames units. So it must be a non combat object I have used. The "scud" is a non WG model, so it may well be that. (WG does not have a missile launcher.) Apart from the scud the only non WG vehicles are cars and a couple of FIA jeeps. Unfortunatelly when putting objects and the like in to a mission it is hard to tell which addon they have come from as a lot do not show any tag in the pulldown menu.
  15. I was driving down a wet road the other day (in RL) and I went to hit the keypad enter key for an external view so I could see the spray off the back of my car! Too much OFP again...
  16. WTE_Grendal

    Wargames addpak 4.0 released

    Tactician, could you post an example of a init.sqs with the correct use of WGLRespawn that stops the blackscreen. I have been trying it in a mission and have yet to get it to work. With or without the " ". And I have yet to dload any other missions that have solved this problem.
  17. WTE_Grendal

    Wargames addpak 4.0 released

    Ok I have tried adding the wglrespawn= "false" to the init.sqs, to get rid of the blackscreen of death. It didn't do it I am afraid. All it did was disable the respawn. I can understand why the blackscreen is there. But you really need to fix it so it can be turned on or off in mission building. You must also fix it so players can always access the game menues. Otherwise this mod will be useless outside of competition play with your WarGames league. Which would be a bad thing.
  18. WTE_Grendal

    Wargames addpak 4.0 released

    Hmmm, just installed the 4.1 upgrade and tried out a couple of missions, but everytime I die the game goes to a blank screen. The game is still running (I can hear the sounds) but I have no access to any menus, even after hitting esc? I end up having to minimize the game and close it. Is something wrong here or am I doing something wrong (apart from dieing )?