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Everything posted by waycool

  1. Where do you find them in an ammo box for trying out in the editor? I see them in the armory but I want to place them on a map. They look very good.
  2. Is the acex_sm a seperate item>>?? sound mod?
  3. OMG Hunt IR that is so amazing! nice work ACE2 team!
  4. Just installed with SixUpdater went well. My STeam version of Arma2 is working fine with Ace2 launch switches. Kudos on the beta to the ACE2 team it looks like a great addition.
  5. Is there a step by step for steam users? switches etc? I really want to dive in to ACE 2 but want to make sure I do not toast my Arma 2 install. ALso if you follow the Lazy way are there any issues or lack of items. Any downside to ACE when using with an Steam Arma 2?
  6. Amazing ACE 2 looks fabulous. Can't wait it will be a must have. Cheers.
  7. Hi All I have been running Arma2 fine prior but recently I am getting a crash with my Steam version of Arma 2. The debugging info is below. Any debug guru that can decipher the data below? Any help appreciated. Debugging Details: ------------------ BUGCHECK_STR: 0x9C_AuthenticAMD CUSTOMER_CRASH_COUNT: 2 DEFAULT_BUCKET_ID: DRIVER_FAULT PROCESS_NAME: arma2.exe LAST_CONTROL_TRANSFER: from 806e9bf7 to 804f9f43 STACK_TEXT: ba33c028 806e9bf7 0000009c 00000000 ba33c050 nt!IopShutdownBaseFileSystems+0xbf ba33c154 806e4c52 ba338d70 00000000 00000000 hal!HalpPCIWriteUshortType1+0x43 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 hal!`string'+0x6 STACK_COMMAND: kb FOLLOWUP_IP: nt!IopShutdownBaseFileSystems+bf 804f9f43 5d pop ebp SYMBOL_STACK_INDEX: 0 SYMBOL_NAME: nt!IopShutdownBaseFileSystems+bf FOLLOWUP_NAME: MachineOwner MODULE_NAME: nt IMAGE_NAME: ntoskrnl.exe DEBUG_FLR_IMAGE_TIMESTAMP: 498c114b FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: 0x9C_AuthenticAMD_nt!IopShutdownBaseFileSystems+bf BUCKET_ID: 0x9C_AuthenticAMD_nt!IopShutdownBaseFileSystems+bf Followup: MachineOwner ---------
  8. waycool

    Arma2 youtube tutorials

    Thanks Gnat much appreciated these type of resources are very useful to hit the ground running.
  9. waycool

    Tools Released

    Are the Arma 2 tools compatible with STeam version of Arma 2??
  10. This does not make sense Steam has the capability for server side integrity checks and the patch is 130mb retail. So why the heck does the dld have to 4gb. the 130mb retail changes data and file sizes/dates so why can't the steam server side just check with the table to ensure integrity of files and correct if a post patch user needs fixing. It would be a much smaller dld, come on 4gb is ludicrous for a non feature laden patch/non DLC free content.
  11. A whole 4.3 gb. from steam for an update??? The patch is only 134mb why am I having to waste this bandwidth???
  12. waycool

    ATI Catalyst 9.7 is here

    Yeehaw xp ones tomorrow thanks for the heads up.
  13. waycool

    Weapons with Tripods

    Was the bipod animated in the ACE mod?
  14. Super looking vehicle.
  15. Nice.. How many seated soldiers can this baby handle?
  16. waycool

    CSLA Studio

    Very nice I await them:)
  17. Yup drops weapons in Steam when swimming.
  18. Fraps (google it) is used for showing fps. I get ocassional spikes of fps drop be at 40 or so and get a split second spike to 10 video card ATI 4770.
  19. I see I am getting some graphic anomaly which I think are ATI related. Arma 2 is playable and I am sure BIS will address these issues with patches they seem pretty good in that regard.
  20. waycool

    White Glasses?

    Are they white in game??
  21. I am running a Phenom II 720 Black edition triple core overclocked to 3.3 ghz on stock heatsink fan. 4 gb ddr3 and a ATI 4770 pci-e and I seem to get high 30's to mid 40's fps in fraps on stock scenarios. What exactly is the issue with the AMD processors and will this be addressed???
  22. My dld rate is 260k but it is an ISP issue. t minus 6 hours to Arma ;)
  23. Is the Steam download of the retail game the latest 1.02 build that was released today or is it the old 1.02??? I am dlding my Arma 2 right now yeeeehayyyy
  24. waycool

    Congratulations and thanks

    Upgraded my entire rig for this :) Come on June 26th.
  25. Will the Arma 2 version be available for purchase as a printed book>?