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Everything posted by Wilco

  1. Wilco

    New sprinting animations

    Tried Blackdog, unforunetaly it didnt work very well. let me try one more time.
  2. Wilco

    New sprinting animations

    Also some other goodie animations in there :P Like firing position for instance, thats mine
  3. Wilco

    New sprinting animations

    Alright, couldn't get a video to work, so here is the anim.pbo. Make a copy of the anim.pbo located in your res/dta folder(backup), then replace the original with this one. http://e.domaindlx.com/WilcoOFP/Anim.pbo Right click-Save target as
  4. Howdy again, Been messing around with my animations again, and I was wondering if anyone knows the names of the death animations in anim.pbo? Thanks
  5. Just wanting to see if we are actually getting through to the community. Please post any questions or comments you have concerning our mod. I may or may not put some unrelease screens up so persuade me too :P
  6. Wilco

    Animated trees

    Could you be anymore rude/ignorant, take it easy drow, its only a suggestion. You like profanity don't you?
  7. Wilco

    Easter egg in 1.46

    Yes, it also does that in resistance, quite ammusing I think
  8. Here are the screenshots already release I believe. http://www.opflash.org/news/images/stgrommel/hutside.jpg http://e.domaindlx.com/WilcoOFP/newb.jpg http://e.domaindlx.com/WilcoOFP/newb2.jpg http://e.domaindlx.com/WilcoOFP/newb3.jpg http://e.domaindlx.com/WilcoOFP/newb4.jpg We have multiple projects also in the making, we plan to create a new tunnel system for ofp also. Good day
  9. Wilco

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    Uh...............anyone still lost?
  10. Wilco

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    bikeMOD? Credits?? Its just a picture, nothing more....
  11. Wilco

    The unsung vietnam thread

    Final textures http://www.opflash.org/news/images/stgrommel/newb.jpg http://www.opflash.org/news/images/stgrommel/newb2.jpg http://www.opflash.org/news/images/stgrommel/newb3.jpg http://www.opflash.org/news/images/stgrommel/newb4.jpg
  12. Wilco

    All the addons that never released

    I had a few retextures and such, nothing to good.
  13. Wilco

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    I tell yeah, if only Flashpoint looked that good ingame
  14. Well guys, since I saw Ralph's post and didn't see a topic anywhere, I guess I'll make one. The first annual picture contest awards for OFP are now open. Â Prizes will be generously awarded by Parvus (I think ) I'm guessing there will be two categorys. Â One with edited shots, and another with original non edited shots, sound good? Post some rules someone Â
  15. Starstreams: UnPBO the Data.pbo in the Res/Dta folder, then find the four pac's named oblacno.pac zatazeno.pac obloha.pac jasno.pac Open them up with texview, save them as .tga and open them up in a really good paint program I.E. Photoshop or Paintshop Pro. When finished save them back up to pac and PBO data.pbo back up. Remember to make a copy of data.pbo first
  16. I wouldn't mind a reskin to make it look like a C-47, that would be pretty neat and close to one. Who's up for it?
  17. Wilco

    Infiltration 2.9

    From some of the few screenshots I've looked at, it looks pretty promising. Not as real as OFP
  18. Wilco

    Operation flashpoint picture awards

    Ahh I ee, I thought it was just fading away :P
  19. Wilco

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    I say the same, what the hell?
  20. Wilco

    Unscripted war: vietnam pack

    WOOPS!!! that was only the demo he gave us