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Everything posted by Wilco

  1. Wilco

    Httv released

    Friggin amazing! If Inquisitor doesn't mind, Ill add mud and such to it.
  2. Well guys, here it is. My rest-statics animation pack. Simple, not many, and hopefully I'll get some more done before the final release. Comments and questions welcomed.
  3. Wilco

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    Wallpaper Version
  4. Wilco

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    Russian Tank crew watches as Mi-24 launches AG missle at BTR-80. Russian Tank crew watches as BTR-80 is destroyed by Mi-24 AG missle.
  5. Wilco

    Animated chicken version 1.0

  6. Wilco

    Tarawa class lsh

    Wow, carriers are starting to come back
  7. Wilco

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    Russian GRU units take heave casualties in Chechnyan city
  8. Wilco

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Oblivion Lost

    EDIT: MUHAH! Did it before I could get PRed! Can't wait for this badboy.
  9. Wilco

    Situp animations

    Hmmm, get a hold of me either pm or something, I think The Unsung could use you if your not affiliated with any other mods .
  10. Wilco

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    Operation Desert Rattler(Continuation) Chechen Rebels gunned down in firefight IDF Zelda's come from the West like Angels from Heaven Anti-tank team sets up for BTR-80 attack BTR-80's run into an unsuspected IDF force Chechen Rebels round off on IDF forces Anti-tank round heads towards the BTR-80 Chechen Rebel is gunned down during IDF confrontation Chechen Rebels are decimated and stand no chance Chechen Rebels try fighting back, but soon surrender to the overwhelming Coalition Force Chechen Rebels are rounded up after surrender-Operation Desert Rattler is a success Expect to see more long stories like this from me.
  11. Wilco

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    Operation Desert Rattler IDF-US-AUS Soldiers talk during preparation for Operation Desert Rattler Another view of soldiers with M1A1's in the background Chechen Forces in preparation for Coalition attack Australian ASLAV25 Scout APC ahead of main force-1 mile Attack has begun- Australian ASLAV25's carry AUS-US soldiers over Red Sea M1A1 Abrams moving in line formation along desert road Chechen BTR-80's and Iraqi T-55's move in to meet M1A1's IDF Zelda's following M1A1 Abrams as infantry support IDF and M1A1 Abrams column M1A1 Abrams meet Iraqi T-55's Another shot of tank battle-no M1A1's were lost APC Zelda's passing through destroyed T-55's ASLAV25's land on shore-AUS and US troops disembark for attack Infantry Attack begins Chechen forces lie in wait, an ambush All hope looks lost, casualties are high AUS forces push on, defying the gunfire Too be continued.......
  12. Wilco

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    My images are getting bigger!!! My OFP SPECS ;) Specs 2 Specs 3 Specs 4 Those are my settings I play with
  13. Wilco

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    I think its Devils(Old guy) carrier deckmen.
  14. Wilco

    VIP awards

    Hooah, has my vote. Funny ones are the best probobaly, keep the forum and little more insane
  15. Wilco

    Vietnam island progress

    We have a creative idea for tunnels. Rope bridges and such are in the work, more bunkers are needed, and modellers are needed. So if any of you guys are modellers or texturers, please drop either me or Drow an email if you wish to help.
  16. Im in, I'll do textures for yeah. Bah, not your site :P
  17. Heres the pictures, sorry guys for not getting them up soon. I handed them over to WaffenDennis to see what he can do, later he'll send them back to me for texturing.
  18. Wilco

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    Here it is: http://ofp.edgegaming.com/pafiled....&id=225
  19. Wilco

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    MH60 downed in Tonal Force Recon establishes a parimeter around the MH60 Bird 2 heading towards the scene Bird 2 on the scene while force recon extracts
  20. Wilco

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    Now, I shall go make some more stances! I need to catch up  I wonder if anyone downloaded mine
  21. Wilco

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    Personally, some of those stances in Hunter's pack look SCREWED up and PAINFULL. Just my opinion. OWNED
  22. Wilco

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    One pic today MORE SHALL COME!
  23. Wilco

    Ofp community history project

    When I clicked the "Help Avon with the Groceries" link, I thought I was going to get to play shockwave game
  24. Wilco

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    Past wars are not forgotten IDF Patrol IDF Patrol Zelda taking RPG hit Overturned Zelda APC-RPG RPG headed towards IDF Zelda RPG headed towards another IDF Zelda RPG clearly seen in this photo Night OP