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Posts posted by Warin

  1. The half life 2 videos are amazing, but I hear the release date of the game is going to be postponed again. sad_o.gif


    But considering how little hype they gave the game, and that they said the release date was set in stone, I am sort of surprised that they will let it slip! crazy_o.gif

  2. I'd rather see it out in December and not need a 50meg patch within weeks of release than out in September in need of such a patch.

    Sometimes I wish it was like the good old days where there was very little hype on upcoming games. That way you dont get DNF/Daikatana syndrome of people becoming jaded and ultimately disapointed with the final product.

  3. I can't believe how gullible some people are when they open attachments on emails, I mean... the subjects give it away!

    I know exactly what you mean. I dont open attachments, with two exceptions:

    Picture files, and VASL turns.

    Anything else with an attachment gets deleted immediately.

    Heh. I havent been home in almost a week, so I am dreading checking my email when I do smile_o.gif

  4. I am totally paranoid about striping on IDE devices.

    I know three people who encountered stripe errors within 6 months of setting up a RAID 0 array with IDE drives.

    So if one goes that route, regular backups are a must.

    That being said, I think I am going to order two WD Raptors next week, and set up a 72gb RAID 0 array.  Just because it will be SCREAMINGLY fast.  Then I will set up a nightly backup to mu current 80gb drive.


  5. You cant put water under pressure?

    So how is water at the bottom of the ocean so many PSI?

    You can put water under pressure, but it doesnt compress. That's how hydraulics work.

    What the hell do they teach you in elementary and junior high science down there?!?!

  6. You could cool it with water or some other more efficient coolant, then get rid of the coolant in tanks, probably compressing it a lot just to save space.  

    Water isnt compressible, dude.

    Hydraulic effect smile_o.gif


    They thought his camera was an RPG?!?! WTF crazy_o.gif

    Not to put too fine a point on it, but I have never seen an industrial news grade video camera that even remotely resembles an RPG. WHat a bunch or irresponsible fucks. mad_o.gif I can understand being keyed up and worried that you might get fired on, but take the time to verify that the target is really hostile before you fire.

  7. denoir
    Quote[/b] ]But then we come back to the issue of shelf life which is limited for both chemical and biological weapons. If it was  produced over 3-4 years ago then it's worthless. As for the infrastructure, it would have been impossible to hide due to the excessive thermal output of chemical plants. Furthermore these things require a lot of electricity and water. It would be extremely difficult to hide that.

    Shelf life isnt an issue if they're continually producing the weapons.  the thermal output could of been contained and released elsewhere.  they could of gotten electricity and water easilly, considering they weren't concerned with giving any to their population.


    You really elieve that?  Do you understand the law of conservation of energy?  When you expend the energy required to run a plant of that size, it has to go somewhere.  And most of it ends up as heat.  You cant just stick a fan on a plant that size to dissipate the heat  wow_o.gif

    It's not a Pentium 4 processor biggrin_o.gif

    Granted, they could probably build a lab capable of producing SMALL amounts of biological weapons into a container that could be buried, but they cant do everything by candle light.

    And unless you've figured out how to send power without wires, you need to run utilities, and that would be just as obvious.  Either as lines above ground, or as the construction required to bury them.  And I would be very surprised if the whole of Iraq hasnt been under satellite surveilance for the last 12 years.

  8. I cant believe I am doing this *bangs head against brick wall for relief*

    The size, materials, and equipment required for building and maintaining an underground chemical weapons facility are of a scope that it is not possible to just build something of that scope without it being obvious what is going on.

    And the last chemical weapons facility that slick Willy bombed was actually an aspirin factory... as republicans like to point out.

  9. There are a lot of ways they could of built something like that underground.  The vietcong had miles of underground tunnels which we never saw coming.  They could of had it scattered in bits and pieces all over the country.  A certain building here, a lab there, which also could of been underground.

    And I wouldn't be surprised if nobody came forward about it, especially considering that the one who turned in the Hussein brothers is now an outcast for betraying an Iraqi.

    The VC tunnels didnt have manufacturing facilities for chemical and biological weapons.

    I think you just simply do not understand the scope of the facilities required to manufacture chemical and biological weapons.

  10. So the man who mailed anthrax to celebrities and other people, he had a giant chemical refinery in his backyard?  10,000 workers who kept their mouth shut about it? rock.gif  How come our high tech satellites didn't spot his chemical refinery denoir?

    Oh, dear, this has reached new lows. The mailed anthrax was produced in a HUUUUUUGE facility called the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases located at at Fort Detrick, Maryland.

    I'm pretty sure that WMD facility can be found on satellite imagery. Or maybe even an American Automobile Association travel map biggrin_o.gif

  11. Because you don't need a facility of large size to create that little of anthrax. Probobly can do it in a shed. Remember ,there was barely even a spoon full in those letters from what I've heard.

    So, theoretically, someone with the appropriate equipment and a tractor trailer could create more than several spoon fulls.  Considerably more over a long period of time, with more than one factory.

    The problem FS, is that none of these tractor trailers you surmise exist have been found. In fact, the ones presented by CENTCOM turned out to be facilities for manufacturing hydrogen gas.

    Thing is, while you might be able to make small quantities of anthrax or nerve agents with minimal facilities, you cannot make them on the scale Saddam was accused of having without industrial capabilities.

    BTW, last I heard, the anthrax from those letters was traced to a US Army lab.

  12. denoir
    Quote[/b] ]Look up any chemical refinery on the web. See how many employees they have and look at the size of the facility. You'll soon realize that you can't hid something that big.

    You can't make chemical weapons in your kitchen you know, and much less nuclear weapons.

    So the man who mailed anthrax to celebrities and other people, he had a giant chemical refinery in his backyard?  10,000 workers who kept their mouth shut about it? rock.gif  How come our high tech satellites didn't spot his chemical refinery denoir?

    Because you don't need a facility of large size to create that little of anthrax. Probobly can do it in a shed. Remember ,there was barely even a spoon full in those letters from what I've heard.


    But there are 25,000,000 people in Iraq. They were TOTALLY under Saddams boot, so he made them all make a few tablespoons of Anthrax or VX in their shed, and suddenly he has ENOUGH TO KILL EVERYONE IN THE WORLD!!!!!


  13. And, even if you could bury all of the facilities required ( rock.gif ), a construction project of that magnitude would surely have shown on satellite imagery.

    Burying a few aircraft with no preparation or protection could be done in a few nights of work. Excavating enough to build osme super secret hidden lab would take a lot longer. Plus, all of the electricity for running the gear would have to come from somewhere ;)

    EVERY shred of 'WMD' eveidence released since the end of Saddams Regime has been shown to be bollocks.

  14. There are few men and women that their death will not make me sad.

    This dictator with this amount of blood on his hands is one this few .

    I will not have a single tear on this kind of people death , sorry but even by forcing me i cant.

    Idi Amin passing away is a newsworthy event. However, I doubt anyone will fault you for not crying that ole Idi is dead. I certainly wont.


    Quote[/b] ]Main Entry: fu·tile

    Pronunciation: 'fyü-t&l, 'fyü-"tIl

    Function: adjective

    Etymology: Middle French or Latin; Middle French, from Latin futilis brittle, pointless, probably from fu- (akin to fundere to pour) -- more at FOUND

    Date: circa 1555

    1 : serving no useful purpose : completely ineffective <efforts to convince him were futile>

    2 : occupied with trifles : FRIVOLOUS

    - fu·tile·ly /-t&l-(l)E, -"tIl-lE/ adverb

    - fu·tile·ness /-t&l-n&s, -"tIl-n&s/ noun

    synonyms FUTILE, VAIN, FRUITLESS mean producing no result. FUTILE may connote completeness of failure or unwisdom of undertaking <resistance had proved so futile that surrender was the only choice left>. VAIN usually implies simple failure to achieve a desired result <a vain attempt to get the car started>. FRUITLESS comes close to VAIN but often suggests long and arduous effort or severe disappointment <fruitless efforts to obtain a lasting peace>.


    Trying to use common sense and rational discourse to prove a point with certain individuals.

  16. ...Truthâ„¢, Freedomâ„¢, and Theâ„¢ Americanâ„¢ Wayâ„¢...

    lol  biggrin_o.gif

    Thank you ;)

    I think the framers of the constitution began spinning in their graves the day the government decided that a corporation has the same legal rights as an individual, and the entire corporate system began to become the million pound behemoth that it has evolved into...

    These days you can trademark anything ;)


    I do agree that trying to compare Iraq to Vietnam is a little on the lame side. Right now. Lets see how things progress over the next two or three years before we begin the comparisons.

  17. But I still don't see what the big deal is.  They got by fine before they got their pay raised (which we didn't see any news articles about, of course).  It's just going back to the way it was before they got their pay raise.

    Um, they got by just fine?!?

    Do you actually know anyone in the military?

    I am not as certain about the US, but I know several people who get food at a foodbank, who are family members of people serving in the Canadian forces.

    Go to a military base and talk to the families of the average joes... not the officers, and I think you'll learn how unneeded more money is.

  18. BadgerBoy
    Quote[/b] ]

    Well that's just wonderful. Nice way to reward those troops wo have suffered and done all the hard work. mad_o.gif

    They don't do it for the money you know.

    You've said some inane things, but this is one of the silliest!

    If you think the paycheque doesnt matter, go talk to some of the military families living paycheque to paycheque.

    While being a defender of Truthâ„¢, Freedomâ„¢, and Theâ„¢ Americanâ„¢ Wayâ„¢ might fill the cockles of ones heart with gladness, it doesnt feed your family.

    I'd say Bush better look at extending hte current pay scheme, or he's going ot create a lot of political enemies among the little people that are normally too indifferent to vote...

    Edit: Hee hee hee. Okie, mebbe he did!

  19. Flaming in the Ask a Mod thread might be considered a punishable offence, so be careful.

    As for ignore, I think that is more a personal ability than something that should be implemented as a feature.

  20. Mostly it isn´t Intel or AMD, it´s the USER that makes a system unstabel. tounge_o.gif

    Install drivers correctly, don´t overclock your system and be happy with a fast and stable computer.

    MfG Lee wink_o.gif


    The most unstable component in most systems is the user smile_o.gif

    BTW: The newest P4's dissipate just as much heat as any of the Athlon processors. Dont believe me? Look at Intel specs smile_o.gif

  21. I wouldnt buy a AMD and the motherboard for it if they are giving them away for free. I have never owned anything else then intell. Friends and clients who own AMD have nothing but mystery computer trouble which tends to go away after buying intell. Compared side to side AMD isnt all that much better performance wise. The few servers i know to have AMD processors also arent all that stable at high workloads.


    I've used AMD since 99 and not had a single problem with any of my systems.

    What happense the most often is that in order tot totally sheap out and make the most affordable system possible, PC makers use the cheapest PSU's they can, and that is the core of the problems in a lot of case, not the processor.

    AMD is everyy bit as stable as Intel. Currently the P4 is the astest processor, but for price performance, AMD still wins. However, if the Athlon 64 doesnt lift the bar, my next system will be Intel.
