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About West_76

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  1. West_76

    Helo unloading

    Hi If you want you can do it this way: Make a trigger with a certain dimension (e.g. Ellipse 50*50) point where your chopper's "Unload Transport"-WP is. Group this trigger with your chopper. Select on "Activation"-field "Vehicle" "Once" "Present". At "Condition"-field enter: "this and (getpos yourChopperName select 2 <5)" At "On Activation"-Field enter: [yourGroupLeaderName,yourChopperName,0.1] exec "eject.sqs" my eject.sqs-file contanis this simplified version of gustaffson's editing tutorial eject-script: _Egrp = _this select 0 _Object = _this select 1 _freq = _this select 2 _GrpVektor = Units _Egrp _numEl = count _GrpVektor _i = 0 #Update (_GrpVektor select _i) action["EJECT",_Object]; UnassignVehicle (_GrpVektor select _i) _i = _i + 1 ~_freq ? (_i < _numEl) : goto "Update" exit you may copy these lines in your own eject.sqs (or whatever name you want)-file or think out something of your own in this way. Hope this helped
  2. West_76

    Heli landing again

    Ok, I didn't said anything. Curiously the operator land is only not known in this specific mission. I made a test in a fresh map (same island) and everything works fine. So I have to start again in building this mission (except the scripts and briefing) thx again
  3. West_76

    Heli landing again

    Thx a lot but it doesn't work. just comes an error msg: "chopper #||land "get in" ;unkown command land" strange thing because its mentioned in scripting documention and seems to be widely used. I already tried various other solutions from this and other forums but it all didn't work. Anyhow, it seems to me that several things work different in scripting on different computersystems. I tried this mission on an other computer using same installation (opf+resistance) and the AI did completely other things.
  4. West_76

    Heli landing again

    yes, affirmative. The point is that its working at all, but the AI only lands the chopper after I order my men to board the chopper. So i want to know if there is an action command or do**** command which can order group members to board the chopper.
  5. For an overview: Player is leader of the group, chopper comes and hovers over the landing pad. He will just hover short over ground/land until the player orders his group to board chopper. Hi, I tried out every tip I found in this board but nothing works. I also get error messages that land is an unknown command. Whats that supposed to mean? (Using Resistance/OPF ver.1.75 editor). And before someone asks: yes, this land-order came when the choppers speed was 0. chopper action ["land"] did also not bring the proper effect. also chopper flyinheight 0 was not recognized, the chopper is hovering and waiting for me to command my men to it Is there a possibility to order the unit to board chopper by script or activation field and not by mouse? I already tried it with: unit action ["getin cargo", chopper], but it didn't work. I'd grateful for any hints to make this heli land when he has reached the land/ hold whatever waypoint.
  6. does someone already tried to find out how to equip handguns? what file was it where the names of weapons and ammo stand in? data.pbo? i already forgot
  7. This is somewhat like an artillery script. _target = _this select 0 _shellnum = _this select 1 _delay = _this select 2 _rad = _this select 3 _grenade1= "grenades" _area = _rad * 2 _count = 0 _TPos = (getPos _Target) _x = _TPos select 0 _y = _TPos select 1 _z = _TPos select 2 #replay _grenadeall = _grenade1 CamCreate [_x + (random (_area) - _rad),_y + (random (_area) - _rad),_z + 2] ~(random _delay) _count = _count + 1 ?(_count >= (_shellnum/2)) : _target setdammage 4.0 ?(_count <= _shellnum) : goto "replay" exit I do not understand why there are no grenades created. normally they will explode by contact on ground, but they don't do. I already tried this with "smokshell" an it worked properly, "Heat125/120/73" is created too but seems not to affect infantry when impact near of them. But with "grenades" nothing is created. "handgrenade" doesn't seem to work too. So where did I made a mistake? Thx for any useful replies
  8. West_76

    Ammo drop from heli

    As far as I understood the syntax for adding ammo and weapons to a unit you have to clear all in first and then set up new mag's and weapons don't know if this helps you