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Happens no matter what we're doing before trying to open the field manual via ACE3 menu but usually just standing around...
ACE3 - A collaborative merger between AGM, CSE, and ACE
watarimono replied to acemod's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
I've been trying to find info on what we need to add to a vehicle addons config to make it "ACE compatible". So you can access the interaction menu inside the vehicle for medical actions etc. Could anyone help me with this info? -
Really fun mission, good job. One problem though. Whenever we try to open the field manual Arma3 crashes back to desktop. Tried on all three map versions. Happens in editor, local server and dedicated, for me and all players on the server.
We also had some problems with no tasks showing up, We're using the latest Chernarus version. Sometimes no tasks show up at all at missionstart, sometimes we get the hint in top right screen but no info or markers on the map and sometimes one or two tasks work then nothing more :( When it works it's a really fun mission, great work :)
Another testrun with 1.2: - Takes alot longer to start the mission, but once running it works fine. - Now we get tasks for town #3 and onwards. - Maybe add the the air vehicles in fn_initTarget.sqf to the arrays in init.sqf as well, will be easier to port to other addons. Really fun mission :)
Using a dedicated server Lol, missed that about the notifications... thx
We did a testrun on 1.2beta and I wrote down a few notes: - Whenever you call in any support your player stands up, can be a problem when trying to hide from enemy fire in a ditch... - All support except ammodrops seems to work, are we doing ammodrops wrong? press 0-8-X and expect a map to show up for a location mouseclick? - We cleared out the first two towns and got objective complete notifications. When we got to the third town we got a chat message about "objects located, map updated..." but the tasklist still showed town#2 completed objectives (http://i.imgur.com/XTdVEQZ.jpg). We blew the radiotower in town #3 but no notifications, mission seems to be stuck waiting for something (http://i.imgur.com/O4suDXF.jpg). - Would it be possible to move the notifications for new available support? It creates a bit of a problem when in the middle of a firefight and your view/crosshair is blocked by a message (http://i.imgur.com/3j6tYx2.jpg)
Yes, we're using 1.1 Active opfor doesn't despawn but dead opfor bodies disappear directly after killed. They don't even hit the ground before disappearing. This happened the entire gamesession, no difference if the AO was cleared or not. As soon as an opfor was killed they disappeared into thin air. We haven't used MHQ so I can't answer if it despawns quickly
A few notes after a couple hours on our dedicated server. - Vehicles despawn/respawn very fast. A couple of times they despawned with players still in them. - After we cleared the first town no new tasks appeared in the list, we saw a circle around the next town, headed there and were attacked by opfor but no tasks listed... - Mortar/arty support not working but you're already aware of that. - After I got revived I had two backpacks, one on me and one on the ground in front of me, every time. Random equipment sometimes disappearing after a revive. - Opfor despawn immediately when they are killed, looks a bit strange when they disappear in midair in front of you. - Would it be possible to make the cities more random? After a few mission restarts it's a bit repetitve to so the same towns over n over Other than these notes it's a great mission :) Thank you
After a couple of hours playing on our public server we noticed a huge fps drop, I zeus'd in to the AO and were greeted by this... https://imgur.com/a/NKIyb
"Fixed" Arsenal - an Arsenal-improving workaround
watarimono replied to ImperialAlex's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
Thx :) I tried your script and it works when you open the arsenal and add gear manually. Is there anyway to get it to work when you load a saved kit? Right now I get a "tf_anprc152_X is not whitelisted...". and if I add: to whitelist them I end up with the unique radio I saved in the kit, not a new one, which might create the scenario with two players with the same radio_id -
"Fixed" Arsenal - an Arsenal-improving workaround
watarimono replied to ImperialAlex's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: COMPLETE
Could someone show me an example how to set up the force-replacements for TFAR? -
Will try this mission out with my group later on. Question, is there an way to see the task info if you missed the hint when the task was created? I only see an objective marker on the map but no info what is supposed to be done at the marker... EDIT: Also seems to be some leftover references to AGM in the mission.
Your launchers (excellent btw :)) together with ACE3 gives the following errrormsg, is it something that needs to be adjusted in your mod or ace3? https://imgur.com/4VCYvfq
ACE3 - A collaborative merger between AGM, CSE, and ACE
watarimono replied to noubernou's topic in ARMA 3 - ADDONS & MODS: DISCUSSION
Could someone share an example on how to set the variables in serversettings.hpp? Not quite sure I follow how to do it...:confused: Or is it just as simple as adding them like this? ace_medical_enableadvancedwounds = true; // Enable Advanced wounds - Allow reopening of bandaged wounds? (Adv only) ace_medical_bleedingcoefficient = 1; // Bleeding coefficient - Coefficient to modify the bleeding speed ace_medical_level = 2; // Medical Level - What is the medical simulation level? - Basic = 1, Advanced = 2 ...