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Warship NWS

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About Warship NWS

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    Naval Warfare Simulations
  1. Warship NWS

    Invincible paratroops..

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (edc @ Nov. 23 2002,09:09)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I think I remember hearing something about this a while ago. Â Are you in Cadet or Veteran mode? Â Just try right clicking over the chopper and then firing. Â I think the problem is that whatever mode you're in, you have the extended HUD option turned off. Â See if you can get a target box from any other weapon against anything else.<span id='postcolor'> Well.. Ive been testing in the "preview" mode.. Ive targeted Piper Cubs without any problem.. but not military aircraft so far. Odd...
  2. Warship NWS

    Invincible paratroops..

    Hmmm.. cant figure out what Im doing wrong.. I put myself on a cliff with a Strela vs a CH-47 and A-10.. right clicked like crazy all over each of them at every angle.. no lock.. not one. What am I missing here?
  3. Warship NWS

    Invincible paratroops..

    Hmmm.. cant figure out what Im doing wrong.. I put myself on a cliff with a Strela vs a CH-47 and A-10.. right clicked like crazy all over each of them at every angle.. no lock.. not one. What am I missing here?
  4. Warship NWS

    Invincible paratroops..

    Almost forgot this one.. BTW Im using V1.90 with Resistance.. why cant you target helos with hand held SAMs anymore? Use to be able to do this.. just curious. Thanks.
  5. Warship NWS

    Invincible paratroops..

    Almost forgot this one.. BTW Im using V1.90 with Resistance.. why cant you target helos with hand held SAMs anymore? Use to be able to do this.. just curious. Thanks.
  6. Warship NWS

    Invincible paratroops..

    Im sure this has come up a few times before but Ive been busy as heck here..;) Why cant you kill paratroops that are still in the air? Even tried with tank guns at close range and HMGs.. no luck. Just thought I would ask. Thanks.
  7. Warship NWS

    Invincible paratroops..

    Im sure this has come up a few times before but Ive been busy as heck here..;) Why cant you kill paratroops that are still in the air? Even tried with tank guns at close range and HMGs.. no luck. Just thought I would ask. Thanks.
  8. So far I am very impressed with V1.46 but there is a realism issue that needs improvement as it gives the player a dramatic cheat over the AI. I dont know if that has been covered yet.. but here we go.. Attack helos in reality would attract everything from slingshots to bricks to ATGMs like magnets. Most every modern tank gunner in reality for most armies are now trained to try and use their tank guns vs hovering helos, (chatted with a M1A2 tank commander about this matter about a year ago). Attack helicopters are one of the most serious threats on the modern battlefeild and should be addressed with such attention by the AI. Presently you can fly over a convoy and not even piss anyone off while you slaughter them at will unless there is a SAM guy or SPAAA nearby. A hovering helo is vulnerable and even slow flying helos can take weapons hits including light anti-tank rocket or ATGM fire, as has happened in real life. Granted they should take a good deal more to shoot down then your Kiowa. I do like the fact that everyone fires at your Kiowa from what I have seen.. but hovering over an entire convoy with my Apache or being low and too slow with my Warthog should attact some kind of attention. Not every single part of these aircraft are armored, especially their pylon weapons. If I can run around in a practice scenario and wax helos with my LAW rocket.. then why cant the AI be allowed the same ability? I have used my 120mm smoothbore to piss off Hinds before with excellent accuracy.. why cant the AI do the same vs a hovering or slow moving helo that is in their sights? Why am I not receiving at least some small arms fire, HMGs, and other weapons when hovering over a bunch of bad guys? I have not even seen BMP-2s or M2s with their autocannons which are built with a secondary role for AA fire vs helos with their rapid fire and good AP qualities. No Apache or Mi-24 will stand up to a lot of hits from 25-30mm for very long and they will take some kind of damage from even a few hits. Like I stated.. OFP rocks.. V1.46 is damn good. But this needs addressing very badly. Even Gunship! and Longbow did this so there is no reason not to do it with OFP..;) PLEASE do something with this in the next update. I know you could probably do this with specialized scenarios.. but I fully feel it should be automatic in the game engine. Life should be very short for any attack aircraft leaving itself exposed for too long as that IS reality. No point using pop-ups, shoot and scoot, horizontal unmasking, or other real tactics if you are not going to be fired upon. (Other ideas to add are the miniguns for the scouts rather then rockets, the Mi-2 Hoplite, Mi-4 Hound, and Mi-6 Hook {counterparts to the Kiowa, Blackhawk, and Chinook}, OH-6 Cayuse with minigun would be fun also if you wanted a variety between the rocket armed Kiowa and the minigun armed Cayuse). Thanks to the OFP crew for keeping up the excellent work and sorry I have not been able to post here for quite some time.. keeping very busy here at NWS but I still pull out my OFP to release frustration and blow sh*t up!! Take care and good luck!