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Everything posted by Stag

  1. I can do this, but I could really use some help on skinning and the config:
  2. Stag

    Warrior micv

    Thanks for the suggestions. I'm in touch with Project UK Forces, and they can help with the Config, but good skinners seem to be rarer than honest politicians.
  3. Stag

    Warrior micv

    Update: Needs a pot of paint
  4. Stag

    Iraqi t62

    The T62 isn't amphibious. I could cross rivers underwater by using a snorkeling kit, but you would need special models and scripting to implement that. Not that likely to need it in a desert anyway.
  5. Stag

    Rapier launcher completed

    1.Download the Rapier. 2. Go to Project UK forces, and download their Royal Marines, or find any other UK troops of your choice. 3. Bung the Rapier into your mission empty, and name it R1. 4. put: this moveingunner "R1" into a troops init field. 5. Better do another one, just in case. 6. Run mission. Destroy any bad guys flying. Damn, Miles wuz quicker. Hang on: who said it can't turn 360? Just tested; it can, but you've got to hit V.
  6. Stag

    Bas mh-47e

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Miles Teg @ April 17 2003,17:44)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Nah... Â I like the ramp open while the helicopter is flying. Personally I would just like it to carry a vehicle inside, but I don't think that's possible with any amount of scripting in OFP. Â If it is it would be a major breakthrough in addon making. Rapelling is usually not done form the MH-47 although it's possible if done from several of it's doors simultaneously. Â Â What I think would be nicer is a script for picking up vehicles. But this can be done with an external script so no biggie. Lets see... Â hopefully the minigun won't have bullets that act like 30mm cannon rounds. Â Please make them regular bullets but with a nice high fire rate... also keep the sound. Â I LOVE the sound of the minigun on the older version of the MH-47. An ECM system would be nice. Â Another nice thing would be a M2 or M60 gunner on the rear hatch, but due to OFP engine limitations I know that would be impossible unless someone figures out how to get around the problem of the game only allowing one gunner. Â How about the ability to drop ammo boxes by parachute. Â Where you give a command and it creates a ammo-box (with BAS M4, M4S, M249, M240, AT4, ect... ammo) that on command can be "cam-created" and parachuted out of the helicopter. Â There is a nice script that adds parachutes to objects and which possibly could be incorporated into this addon. Â That might be nice. Finally.... I hope you all make it handle a little better because the old version often crashed while landing because it "skids" too much when trying to land as it often slides right into the side of a building or a hillside. Anyhoo.. those are just some ideas. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD><span id='postcolor'> So open it. Having the position normally governed automatically will save a wee bit of time on mission scripting. One less thing to think about.
  7. 3-4 tubes is a company? So is the rest command and logistics? Damned ESP, asking the question before the comment that provoked it!
  8. Stag

    Bas mh-47e

    How about automatically opening the ramp when it's on the deck, and closing on takeoff?
  9. Stag

    Susat optics / sights

    One here. Black and white picture, but should be enough to go by.
  10. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (quakergamer @ April 17 2003,04:13)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Wardog @ April 17 2003,20:52)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">QG, maybe you should have a word with hawk about his artillery scripting, see if you can package your M109 with it. Your model is more accurate than his. Better still, have words with snYpir; see if you can adapt your model to his support package; rather than use the current marker maybe it would be possible to have arty available if a battery is in place and radios are available.<span id='postcolor'> We already have planned new artillery script and realistic MLRS SCripts that are as follow: -You CANNOT shoot when you are moving -Realistic Smoke -Explosions around a defined range -Indirect Fire (Accurate), I mean by this that you will be able to click on map or say at how many Meters you want the missile/shell to go. We are also planning other things too. And do you have a link to Hawk's artillery scripting ?? Thanks!!<span id='postcolor'> Not as such, but its packed with his artillery units, the 2S19 and an M109. The hull shape for his M109 is wrong. I think it's still the same one as he "borrowed" from the DKM ADATS. combine those scripts with your model, you got a winner. Having said that, snYpir's scripts have more detail, giving you a choice of munitions. bit of tweaking, maybe even get a real Copperhead up and running.
  11. QG, maybe you should have a word with hawk about his artillery scripting, see if you can package your M109 with it. Your model is more accurate than his. Better still, have words with snYpir; see if you can adapt your model to his support package; rather than use the current marker maybe it would be possible to have arty available if a battery is in place and radios are available.
  12. Stag

    An oil refinery

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (der bastler @ April 15 2003,22:19)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Jahve @ April 15 2003,15:50)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">holy crap! now someone make me a oilwell<span id='postcolor'> You mean something like this? <span id='postcolor'> Could well be. But I just tried using bits from the pack in an island I'm building, and got the message: Old (demo) model, which normally gets sorted by binarising before packing.
  13. Stag

    An oil refinery

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Hit_Sqd_Maximus @ April 15 2003,03:06)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Now all he needs to do is make some large warehouses w/ catwalks and such  <span id='postcolor'> Check the pack...
  14. Stag

    An oil refinery

    Definitely the Canines Cojones! One thing that may be missing: I believe there would be a central control building for a refinery complex as well. May be reading too much Tom Clancy, but such a place was in the first chapter of "Red Storm Rising."
  15. Bloody hell! He DOES look like Alan Arkin!
  16. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (GrimmDraco @ April 13 2003,02:31)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">HAHAHAHAHAHAH, bail out, right... my MOS has a motto folks.... DEATH BEFORE DISMOUNT!!!!!!! oh, that was funny, thanks for the laugh....on a more serious note...to clear a few things up, when the drivers hatch is open, the turret dont move, unless you turn the override on...dunno why, if the barrel rotates to that mil, the barrel atuomatically elavates to go over it...but all the same its a safety issue.<span id='postcolor'> That's odd. Granted we're talking about WW2, but My dad's mob had a motto too: "Get the fuck out before you're burned alive."
  17. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (benreeper @ April 11 2003,18:46)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">That's why the BIS RPG's are as powerful as they are. Â In SP (this was meant to be an SP only game) you are routinely outgunned, so if have 2 troops and a single RPG left, having to kill that lone APC would not become a mission_stopper. Â If the player had to fire at that vehicle 3 times, he would definitely have been fired upon and killed. Â It's pretty hairy now trying to off that 1 shot. Now that the PC's we use to play this game are more powerful than the ones used to play the CWC campaign (generally), we are making missions with realistic numbers of combatants. Â The conservative intent of SP game balance is not needed anymore. Â I believe if we reduce the power of all shoulder launched weapons by 2/3rds we would achieve a more realistic infantry to armor balance. Infantry will become more vulnerable to armored vehicles, as they should be. Â This is the main reason tanks are important on the battlefield: without a tank to kill another tank, the infantry is toast. Ben<span id='postcolor'> Said it before and I'll say it again. To get the balance right, armour AND AT weapons both need increasing by about a factor of 100. Why? so that the more powerful anti personnel weapons (like the Mk19) ar no longer so devastating against armour. AT would include anti-material rifles as well; I have evedence that these are effective against MBTs. NOT by trying to penetrate the armour, but they seem to be fully capable of breaking tracks, destroying electronics and vision equipment. What good is a tank if it can't move and the crew is blind?
  18. Stag


    Or on of them with wires hanging down where the ignition lock used to be? Man, that's purdier than a five-dollar whore in a twenty dolar dress! I can't believe I just typed that...
  19. Stag

    Warrior micv

    Damned double post.
  20. Stag

    Warrior micv

    NOYB. Stick to the subject.
  21. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Lee_H._Oswald @ April 04 2003,16:15)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Found out a very Funny thing! Take a BAS Ranger/Delta and stand near a Kiowa. Now let a person enter the kiowa as pilot an give the command to start the engine! Absolutly Great!!!!! MfG Lee P.S. Try Lower googles!<span id='postcolor'> Very slick. Will that be retrofitted to all BAS Helos?
  22. Stag

    New version 2s19 msta

    On its own, it's okay. with the scripts, VERY Nice! Maybe take it a stage further by linking the ability to call support via radio or special fire-support vehicles like the US FIST or FISTV. So, is anyone working on Counter-Battery radar?
  23. Stag

    New helos whooo!

    No pusher rotor on the Cheyane. OFP engine limitation?
  24. Stag

    Bas mh-60 released

    Oh, LOLOLOLOLOLOL...somebody make it stop, please shoot me! LOLOLOLOL No, on second thoughts, shoot Solidsnake.
  25. Anybody want to take over that F100? I've wandered to other things...