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Everything posted by Valdore

  1. Valdore

    AC-130 Script for ARMA2 (0.3)

    So it would need to have the object (RESCUE2) with 'this' then? And the exec needs to be execVM?
  2. Valdore

    AC-130 Script for ARMA2 (0.3)

    Again, just trying different things :) The script is executing fine, as the AirSupInit.sqf loads without fail. but when I set the lines as you would in the init line (this exec addAction ["Call AC-130", "LDL_ac130\ac130_action_map.sqf"]) it still doesn't do anything, I can't see anything that I can be doing wrong, but it just isn't wanting to play >_<
  3. Valdore

    AC-130 Script for ARMA2 (0.3)

    I've had it working, I've had it not working, and just about everything in between (at least that's what it feels like!) At the moment, I've got Draper's Air Support script with respawn working, via an eventhandler on the unit as well as the instruction to initialise the respawn script on initialization. That way there's no issues with getting it up, and multiple options etc. However, I can't seem to get this script to run from said script. I'll grab the code and place it in here in a mo. Any ideas as to what's up are welcome ;) Ok, the init line of the player includes: this exec ""respawn_player.sqf""; this addEventHandler [""killed"", {_this execVM ""respawn_player.sqf"";}]; and the referenced "respawn_player.sqf" is as follows, originally I had it the exact same as you would place them in the init line, but I tried different ways to get it to work, which didn't work :p: sleep 21; ASfirstrun = true; if (player == RESCUE2) then {nul = [RESCUE2,"jadam","lgb","cbuap","cbuat","cbumine","cas","helo"] execVM "airSup\airSupInit.sqf"}; _man addAction ["Call AC-130 (AI)", "LDL_ac130\ac130_action_map_AI.sqf", "_target == RESCUE2"]; _man addAction ["Call AC-130", "LDL_ac130\ac130_action_map.sqf", "_target == RESCUE2"];
  4. Lol, I'd rather not, I have this gut feeling you're right :p And fair enough, though I'm still struggling with getting it working myself again >_> works fine from the init line, but try and initialise it through that script I linked to earlier, and it won't have any of it >_> ah well, at least I've got a decent version of the mission to build on now, I'll be keeping a keen eye out for v2 ;) if you need any help with testing it, fire me a PM. I'll be able to implement it in a Domination port and run it off our dedicated server.
  5. Valdore

    AC-130 Script for ARMA2 (0.3)

    As mentioned previously in the thread, that's just the method that's being used to display the view. You'll have to live with it for now ;)
  6. Yeah, you'd have to speak to Lurch about what the AI version actually uses, but I don't see much that is linked to it, so it would likely be a case of pulling out those scripts that are used, shoving them in a relevant folder as you say, and running it the exact same way you currently run the call chopper etc.
  7. Right, well I've finally managed to get a working respawn, using the method posted here: http://www.tacticalgamer.com/arma-mission-development/143398-briefing-disappears-after-respawn-mp-armed-assault-2-a.html And solved the double menu issue by adding that if clause. I now run this respawn script via the init line and when killed via the init line. It took its time, trying everything I could find in this thread for respawns, then came across that whilst randomly searching the interweb and hey presto :) Now to get Lurch's AC-130 script to work via it, that one isn't playing quite so nicely >_>
  8. The way I seem to have had most success with LGBs is by lasing the target pretty much straight after I call the support, that way the bird should pick up the target on approach and correct to be able to drop (you'd assume) So far it's worked every time, obviously the second bomb might require more patience, but so far it's been on the first pass with the target. Perhaps set the AI skill higher?
  9. Lol, have you thought about editing your opening post with various thugs that have developed in the thread Draper? It would be easier to reference for others responding to peoples posts, as well as people reading the thread for the first time ;)
  10. Sorry, guess I wasn't clear, earlier in this thread Draper posted a dl link to an MP respawn version, but you can do it yourself by following these steps ;) It seems to have worked for me . . . kinda, still trying to figure some of the problems out, like the multiple menus on some respawns but not others, and some other units getting the option on respawn >_< But it seems to work fairly well.
  11. Valdore

    AC-130 Script for ARMA2 (0.3)

    Yeah, I thought as much, unfortunately I'm not a coder >_< Any ideas on how I might go about this? Thanks
  12. Hi, I'm building the script into a version of domination at the moment, in arrowhead: 1) I've not come across this problem, but I think you have to be lasing a target for it to drop a bomb. 2) If you use the multiplayer respawn version within this thread, and place the correct code in the initialization of the unit (I think it's in the file what you need to copy and paste) then it should work, though I'd be interested if you get the same problem I have with multiple options coming up etc. 3) Can't help you with this one, I'm only using the offensive capabilities of the script. Hope it helps a little :)
  13. Cool, as for the AC-130 script, the code defines the radius of the circle it flies in, as well as the length of time it is in the air, so those would likely be modifiable by a dialog box script. But yeah, at the moment the basic script spawns the ac-130 already circling with the centre at a map click for a set length of time. It works well, and I believe there is also a way to set it to spawn elsewhere and fly to the point.
  14. Valdore

    AC-130 Script for ARMA2 (0.3)

    In multiplayer, I have modified one of the domination artillery commanders to be a Forward Air Commander, with access to the AC-130 as well as Drapers Air Support script, if you die and respawn at base, then the action menu item is no longer there. I know that for the air support script, you need to have a separate script that re-runs the air support script on a respawn. Maybe its the same problem?
  15. Valdore

    AC-130 Script for ARMA2 (0.3)

    Ok, the sleep command should work for now, just about to test it. Not even bothered trying to limit the calls yet! But I will do, having that much firepower available is . . . well, game-altering for domination! One issue though, using the AI version, does anyone know how to work around respawns? Currently you lose the ability on a respawn. Thanks
  16. Hi there, just wanted to say that this is a fantastic script, though it did take some co-ercing to build it into domination! And it still has a few glitches I'm trying to track down. Just a few things to consider, particularly if you're working on a v2 already. Multiplayer capability, I know you've got it here as a fix, and it works well enough, but occasionally I'll get other players on the server gaining the capability to call the support in. Also, from time to time, the role I want to have the capability will gain a second menu option also allowing the support. (Any hints as to what I may have done wrong would be welcome ;) Second, I know there is an AC-130 script out there by Lurchi, which might make a nice addition to the list of support available, as it is, I have it running alongside, but having it built-in with the air support would mean it couldn't be called in at the same time as other support, and also it would be far easier to add a limit to the number of times it can be used. I think that's about it for suggestions, but something I found when experimenting is that you can set different start locations for the support by naming a pad something different (ex: I named the second one ASpad1) and then modify the spawn script for the relevant support, changing the ASpad references to your new pad. In the example with the ASpad1, I made it so that all the jets appeared to come from farther afield, with the main pad, but that the Apache's appeared to come from the direction of our base. Oh, and is there any way to add more aircraft to the flight, either to actually drop their loads, or just for a visual effect, making it more epic? It would be nice to see an F35 do a flyby with a wingman whilst laying waste to the enemy :D
  17. Valdore

    AC-130 Script for ARMA2 (0.3)

    lol, I'll take a look into the scripts and see if anything jumps out ;)
  18. Valdore

    AC-130 Script for ARMA2 (0.3)

    Hi there, just found this on Armaholic, and already I'm extremely impressed with it! Just wondering though, is there any way to set a limit on the number of times you can call the AC-130? Essentially, I am looking to use it in a Zargabad Domination, as an added extra for a Forward Air Commander. Clearly it's a devastating weapon, and I wouldn't want it to be overused, so I'd be thinking of limiting it to a one-time call, or possibly 2/3 times. Also, is there any way to add a delay before it appears, as if it were being re-tasked from somewhere else? Thanks.