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About Volk

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  1. Hello, I purchased ArmA: Combat Operations yesterday,  and the installation went flawlessly. there were no error messages, and nothing  appeared to go wrong. I restarted my computer to wipe the RAM, so the game would  run smoothly. I Clicked on the Icon to start the game. My cursor turned into a  DVD and looked as though it was in an animation like it was trying to read the  game. The ArmA Logo appeared in the tray at the bottom of my screen, and a tan  box appeared in the center of my screen. It had several check boxes in the big  box, and all were checked except for two. both the tray icon and box  disappeared, and the error message appeared stating that it had reached an  unexpected error and had to shutdown. I looked in the Reedme file in the game  and went through the remedies until I came to the Analysis log  Remedy. I sent the Analysis log to the proper provided email, and the sent a reply stating that they checked the log and it was not SecurRom related. I Have a K7N2 Delta Chipset, AMD 2600 processor, 1 Gig ram, Radion 9600 SE, Windows XP I searched the Forum for a good 9 hours between yesterday and the day before. I decided to regester to ask if: 1. Has anyone had this problem and fixed it? 2. How? Thank you, and sory for the long read.