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Everything posted by VXR

  1. At this moment it would be beaming it into the Hercules, like seen in the Cargo system on our Youtube page I think.
  2. Can't remember and again wild step in the dark, but thought it was a proxie magic they used. The ramp itself already has a roadway and geolod I believe, loading in the car and closing the ramp would do to prevent the car from falling out off the back in your theory. Sadly I already had an attempt but it just leaves the car behind. About the side doors, I only know a little about what is gone be scripted in the C130 so I can't tell anything about it, I just paint the creations I'm sure UNN and Rock will find a solution.
  3. Without any scripts I can drive up the ramp into the airplane, it becomes a problem when I start to fly with the Hercules.. the car just gets left behind. (without scripts)
  4. If you want something really badly you could have an attempt to create it yourself now the tools are out the glasses are a nice start to learn with.
  5. VXR

    ADF mod back up!

    I think these are the first pictures of their WIP, Don't worry I'm sure they will release a very nice product. If youre interested in the old reskins of the Arma troops in Auscam and newest Descam in Photoshop format send me a PM mate.
  6. Don't worrie about other aircraft beeing added, that will happen. Maybe not by Bohemia but for sure by the modding community. If you like to request addons or so please use the Request sticky threat.
  7. I think there will show up new SF made by mods so dont worry  and this request should be in the request topic I think
  8. VXR


    could use o2
  9. You might add requests or questions if something is made in the Request topic here
  10. I was lucky enough to be driving past RAF Benson one summer morning when I saw a Merlin doing some extraordinary maneuvers, steep climbs from the runway, (helo equivalent of) wingover turns and very fast passes  over the apron. Fantastic to see it in real life being given some proper stick. If you are near an active Airbase it's always worth to take a look outside when you hear something. I live close to the dutch helicopter base, Apaches flying over every day. Sometimes there lands an Antonov to pick them up for transport to Afghanistan. Very impressive to see that big one fly over.
  11. If we have something to show in a update we will show it right away! Don't worry but we just can't work on like 10 things at the same time  Not to sound rude but there has been an update promised for few weeks now. Ive been told that there would be something shown in week but nothing appears.  Sometimes real life eats alot of time, sorry that there has not been a update yet about the C130. I won't be long from now.
  12. If we have something to show in a update we will show it right away! Don't worry but we just can't work on like 10 things at the same time
  13. For some reason BIS didnt activate the RACS Ambu M113, the model is there and the textures also in the game folder but not activated. Anyway nice work
  14. I will be away for a week on vacation, when I am back.. school starts and I hope to have alot more time to work on stuff There are 2 colors for the Cessna at the moment, one still has to be made but that wont take long.
  15. VXR

    MH-60M Blackhawk

    Let's also hope it will be possible to edit the BIS UH60 model.
  16. VXR


    using this will get you a step by step guide.
  17. VXR

    Iraqi T-72 by Plasman

    I believe the Chocchip camo of the New Iraqi Army is a little bit different than the normal chocchip camo used back in 1991 US Forces.
  18. VXR

    Iraqi T-72 by Plasman

    Looking nice, is it a T72 from the New Iraqi Army?
  19. VXR

    RACS M60A3

    How many textures are used on the model or are they all out of one UV-map texture?
  20. M-48 Chaparral is no longer used by the US I think. Would be a nice one for RACS.. got the model on my HD but dont have any plans with it yet.
  21. VXR

    RACS M60A3

    Good looking M60 Are you still interested in my request?
  22. As far as I know, BAS did not accept any modified versions of their blackhawk and I don't think they accept a converted version for ArmA.
  23. Warfare Designs is about creating addons for Armed Assault. We do not aim for one big project with one Era or Type of warfare. For everyone there will be something interesting. Creating the addons is just for fun in our free time, we are not using deadlines or releasedates. The only thing we want is realism and perfection as far Armed Assault allows us to be. Every member of WFD is free to suggest a project he would like to approach. It is then discussed in the group and a brainstorming session will be held. Tag: WFD Website: Soon Contact: Forum, PM (at the moment) Projects: - <span style='color:red'>Australian Infantry/SASR</span> This Project will be a Reskin of the US Soldier and Sniper model in Armed Assault. The Addon will feature Australian infantry in Auscam and Auscam Desert Mk3 Camo. Also featuring weapons used by Australian Forces. Status: 75% - <span style='color:red'>Me109</span> The Me109 is a project that comes from OFP, back then Marcel created the Me109 and I modified the textures to Afrikakorps. For some reason Marcel's project never got released. With his permission we are allowed to finish the Project and release it for Warfare Design. Status: 50% Future Projects: - Predator UAV - Merc's We are looking for: - Scripter - Mission Designer Anyone that has other skills but wants to help us contact me or Peanut by PM. Latest Screenshots: Me109 Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Australian Infantry: 26-03-2007 Australian Infantry/SASR Update Asutralian SASR: 26-03-2007 Australian Infantry/SASR Update <span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>FORUM</span>
  24. VXR

    Warfare Designs

    I have replied in the Aus Armory threat. This one can be closed. Thanks