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Everything posted by VladAlex

  1. VladAlex

    New error !

    Hmmm... I think it's better if it is something like: "terre_mco.paa"
  2. VladAlex

    New error !

    OMG... It was so simple. It's a shame I dont see it before. Thanks Plank
  3. VladAlex

    New error !

    Ok, 10 hours to solve the problem... Now it's work... But it not work WELL ! Here is my layers.cfg And on of my two .rvmat And the result is: Where is my SAT MAP
  4. VladAlex

    New error !

    I dont understand... Visitor 3 work perfectly with others maps. I check all the path...
  5. VladAlex

    New error !

    Image size is Ok, what is color depth ?
  6. It's quite complicated to get the terrain match the sat overlay. Basically I take a coordinate. I find the coordinates wich provide a 10 km x 10 km (or more, but the sides of the maps must be equals ! map using this simple website: http://www.lexilogos.com/calcul_distances.htm  (It calcul the distance beetwen two point using coordinates).  Then I use GMID using my new coordinates.  And finally I use this website http://seamless.usgs.gov/  and the sames coordinates. It's not 100% efficient but it save a lot of time.  Finally I use photoshop to have a quasi perfect match.
  7. VladAlex

    Kurdistan !

    Well... For the moment, i'm in the testing phase. So it's a really small map of 10x10 km. Because it's in High Moutain there is no roads, just a very small village of sheep keepers and you will have to go to the top of the moutain with your feet because of the altitude (choppers can't go so high). But when I will have all my sat textures downloaded (It take a very long time ! the map will probably be 100x100 km or a bit less... Let say 60x60 km to be reallistic.
  8. I'm also using GMID in order to export my sat maps from Google Earth but I've got a problem with this software. It's very difficult to extract big ( HUDGE) images because of the ban witch always stop my downloads... What is your config (sleep time, number of downloads...) ?
  9. VladAlex

    Kurdistan !

    I increase a lot the resolution of the sat map and now had a 80 mo .Pbo ! Â Â But the result is wonderfull !
  10. How do you export this sat maps from Google Earth ?
  11. VladAlex

    Map Making (A to Z)

    You just have to select the option TEXT (and not binary) when you import your sat and mask !
  12. VladAlex

    Real size ?

    How to fit your .dem (turned into grayscale) with your sat and map mask. My problem is that I have all the datas: Google sat imagery, and .dem of a same place but dont have the slightest idea of how to compile them !
  13. Maybe I'm not very smart but I cant understand How to do this with photoshop. It will be very interesting to explain your method step by step !
  14. Beautifull building Simba !
  15. I totally agree with you. It's a very fine idea ! I will help you if you want.
  16. VladAlex

    Tutorial for Visitor3 ?

    Any news on the english translation of the tutorial from Alex.Sworn ??
  17. Those tools are really amazing ! But we need a proper documentation to use them correctly ! Especially Visitor 3 wich seems to be very complex and have a lot of news options.
  18. VladAlex

    Textures path problem

    Ok, great job. But you need to update AND to restart Oxygen...
  19. VladAlex

    Oxygen 2

    It's become a nightmare. For the moment I think there are no easy solution to fix it. We must wait a patch... After that I sincerely doubt about the "beta testing phase" ! I dont know what happend in Bohemia Interactive Studio right now, but it seems to be a little bit chaotic !
  20. VladAlex

    Tutorial for Visitor3 ?

    So no hope to make a map before some guys succeed in making a clear and (BIG) tutorial...
  21. VladAlex

    Tutorial for Visitor3 ?

    To sad that it's in german. We need a translation now. I think things are going to be very hard before we had a proper documentation !
  22. VladAlex

    What is landbuilder ?

    I doubt that Bis will release landbuilder for normal customers.
  23. VladAlex

    Thank You BIS for the TOOLS!

    Could you explain what is extrude ? Could you also make a tutorial "How to make your first crate for Arma ?" Popka ?