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About VisciousDog

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  1. VisciousDog

    Walking Vechicles

    I can agree. Although many years ago, I did request a "No Blood" option on some other fps game (Forgot title). For one, that is one realism we can go without. Next thing the replys were, "Yes, for blood". I was surprised at the responses wanting/needing it. And now it is out their in these games, wishing still they will let go of it. A hanging was an idea for intterigation/political situations, but I surely can live without it. For Battletech. Be nice to see BI making a Battletech game using the same type of engine used in AmA, and the same size maps.
  2. VisciousDog

    Walking Vechicles

    Ne nice to add a little Futuristic to this awesome game. I am into Battletech (Starting to be forgotton), and would enjoy having Mechs on these huge maps. OR hopfully a Battletech Mod. Also, having skeletons (with military/civilian outfits on), partially in ground, and to add on maps. That will be something to see. Or heading into a village when seeing people about to be hanged, or hanged already. Skulls there and there. More Animals. Bucks, bears. And getting into fight with a bear. That will be something virtual to see, than in real situations.