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Everything posted by Ville-Valo666

  1. Ville-Valo666


    well i still have that APU on my harddrive but i dont really have time to finish it...
  2. Ville-Valo666


    yeah, but maybe they dont get released.... damn why i dont have an evil smiley... got the "STUFF" now works fine now, so be online at MSN hehe greetz ville
  3. Ville-Valo666


    hm you eman that the tryout pcs are shit? yeah you may right but even on better pc the old stuff made lags but now even on my old machine everything works fine
  4. Ville-Valo666


    thanks guys
  5. Ville-Valo666


    Ok this thread is for listing up reasons why she should get back and why we need her: ill make the start: -lot of good stuff you made -GREAT help by SST MOD -USCM would kick ass -nice person  -i got a bad machine, i cant play doom 3 , so I would be happy about your d3 for OFp  so dont want to take you away all reasons post your own ones. @ Manti You left the community because some pissed you off, but thats why it is called COMMUNITY someonse (most here) loves you stuff, some others wont believe that its possible, but their skilled to learn that it is possible, and then they will respekt you. Plz think about it DONT GIVE UP
  6. Ville-Valo666


    well shes german, iam from switzerland well but i cant understand americans, voting bush again.... well thats just my point of view oh and manti, youre not replacabel, thats no one, everyone is specially and unique. oh got another important reason: you left because you dont want to give the peeps that font believe bump mapping is possible, the know-how how to do it in OFP, right. but im sure if you doont do it another one will do it, maybe later, but im shure someone else would figure it out, and even you told me if i need a bump mapped texture i can ask you, ok maybe thats something thats not actual anymore....
  7. Ville-Valo666


    @ hardrock well shure its on her own, i just think she made grat stuff, and maybe you should read the post about bump mapping, you know she leaves because she gets annoying about peeps like in this post, its not like she stops for free, its because some peeps made her mad... @manti sry jennifer aber ich werd ned aufhören, du hast soviele gute sachen gemacht und willst das alles wegen 1ner Person abbrechen....
  8. Ville-Valo666


    well may you dont know her cause her name in the BI forums is nephilim... anyway some pics of her work 1 of the D3 monsters for OFP (with Bump Mapping) New Arachnid for SST, also with bumpmapping her anatomy pack, for soldier part replacement, face texture is samus aran for her Metroid Prime MOD pics of her babylon 5 stuff her alien attack vessel from Independence??? day (ah DK how to write that) her USCM MOD (about the alien movies) etc i thin you now agree with my opinion, that she shouldnt leave
  9. Ville-Valo666

    bump mapping ?

    yea i fully agree eith hardrock, come BACK
  10. Ville-Valo666

    bump mapping ?

    BTM this doom 3 "thing" for OFp looks scary good
  11. Ville-Valo666

    bump mapping ?

    YEAH, manti, is that your comming back? sig away, and even not 1 word of hate please tell me youre back in business
  12. Ville-Valo666

    bump mapping ?

    if i remember right, you really just asked, so no point at you, you couldnt know taht it will come this way. but this ones that think they now it better then the rest, ah damn ill stop now, or i may get banned for long time
  13. Ville-Valo666

    bump mapping ?

    Damn that fucking anoyes me, because of some stupid "i-know-everything-better" guys, nephilim LEAVES, and i f*ck*ng know that she leaves, cause she wrote mew a mail, i know maybe she had a hard day or so. BUT she knows what shes doing so you peeps dont have to think you know it better. and nephilim, i agree with Soul-Assasin, plz come back BTW, to the moderators, sry for my rude answe to this topic i agree with banning or what ever im jst damn angry
  14. Ville-Valo666

    Some c&c stuff

    uhm guys there is already a c+c MOD, its about Tiberian Sun, STU you could ask the leader if you can work there im just texturer (look sig) gimme a PM if youre interested, then ill give you the mail and hompage greetz ville
  15. Ville-Valo666

    useless poll i guess

    well manticore (or nephilim) made some new ones, they look better and they dont create so much lags, as soon they finished well make the anim for it, (and yes thye will be faster) chameleon still has an anim but still some work on it greetz ville
  16. Ville-Valo666

    useless poll i guess

    hi guys you may know the SST MODification, im just interested how much you like it. greetz ville SST MOD Leader
  17. Ville-Valo666

    useless poll i guess

    well we got teh nukes, the sniper and teh moritas, and i will release a VIDEO with new warrior bug etc. and gandalf what did i rejected? the new model of cheetah? then i have to say no his model looks great.
  18. Ville-Valo666

    Hunter anims big pack

    hm hunter are you back in ofp now
  19. Ville-Valo666


    k, thanks it works now :-)
  20. Ville-Valo666


    well ill try it agin :-) when i make texture in photshop (witch the correct size) convert it into paa everything work but when i will ad it the part of the model that should have the texture is white (just like if the texture path isnt right) understood now?
  21. Ville-Valo666

    Unified Anatomy Pack

    i thinks someones in here nedd a girlfriend
  22. Ville-Valo666

    Operation Farmland Mod

    wooo youre the man :-)
  23. Ville-Valo666

    Unified Anatomy Pack

    QUOTE FROM OFPBASE got a question to that, what is ment with it? dont understand... plz mail me, manti greetz ville
  24. Ville-Valo666

    Operation Farmland Mod

    hey mig in you horror pack 3 will there also be some stuff from unerworld? i think about people that can transform into werewulf etc greetz ville