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About VaiHalen

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  1. VaiHalen

    CAA1 public release

    Thanks guys, it's nice to be able to chose between the two vegetations. Have the green one the Durg's feature (you can hide in bushes or AI cant see through bushes), or only the new brown has it?
  2. VaiHalen

    BC6 Feelings

    Very nice icons, thanks very much for this fine mod.
  3. VaiHalen

    CAA1 public release

    I get Saharani with brown trees but I would like it with the default green vegetation. What addon should I remove to revert the island to its original green trees? Thanks.
  4. VaiHalen

    WarFX Particles

    As we can see, I think previous version was right about the dust in the ground. They are BIG.
  5. VaiHalen

    WarFX Particles

    Great! Thanks!!!
  6. VaiHalen

    WarFX Particles

    I was happy too, and still using first version :D
  7. VaiHalen

    WarFX Particles

    +1 to me bullet impacts are just perfect and now is really a joy to shot with the Arma weapons. You have the sense of shoting poweful war weapons and, when in a fire fight, the inmersion and sense of danger is perfect.
  8. VaiHalen

    Dragon Rising has been released

    LOL!!! I cant believe that WhiskeyBullets guy is talking seriously... He is joking, isnt he?
  9. VaiHalen

    Dragon Rising has been released

    Well with the Ultimate AI and ACOG's balance weapons mods, this game has changed from mediocre to very good. MP is crap of course, except if you joint good people for some coop; but I have really good times playing little missions I make with the mission editor. It's the only way I use this game.
  10. VaiHalen

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    OFP without user made addons! That's too much. They are... well, I stfu.
  11. VaiHalen

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    You cant walk in OFP2 Pc version. Only run, sprinting and duck.... incredible (bad) decisions!
  12. VaiHalen

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    Yes I know but if we take Arma as a "combat sim" just to make a reference, Ofp2 is not going to be a "combat sim". It will be more arcade, more (I hate this euphemism) "accesible" to masses. I think this is important to know in this comunity because more people here dont like the more accesible to masses crap.