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Everything posted by Vladmir

  1. Vladmir

    Ports for nat on router

    Could anyone tell me the Ports which are required to open and whether the trigger type is TCP or UDP? I just got a router, with a firewall, and I need to open ports for OFP to host a game... I disabled the firewall for my OFP computer. But It didn't unblock the ports. The router is by belkin. Any help would be appreciated.
  2. Vladmir

    Us working on new weapon!

    The thing is were all dirty. Every country. Even your Sweden Denoir (With all due respect). The sinking of the Estonia comes to mind. All of us. You can't point fingers just at us, but point them at yourselves also. Sorry to open old wounds, bu I don't like my country being Blamed as a whole for the mistakes of a few. Also, do you even know what we did to get Al-quaeda to hate us? We supported Israel, we are "Infidels" Against the principles of their Religion, Our embargo against Iraq. Wow, what justification to kill thousands of innocents. We don't intentionally kill civilians, and we try our damndest not to, but accidents happen. No matter who you are YOU ARE HUMAN. Just some things to think about. And I just gave you one more person to hate. http://www.leftwatch.com/articles/2002/000094.html
  3. Vladmir

    Behind the scenes...

    Did those guys ever get the mole?
  4. Vladmir

    Custom texs on trees

    Ah, thank you.
  5. I am trying to make some autumn trees, I know how to edit them, but how do I assign the textures to the respective models and get them to work without using the default assigned. example: How do I get from O\tree\akat_01_lsd2.paa to ObjLidov\akat_01_lsd2.paa Also, this may be a DUMB question, but where the heck is the alpha channel in adobe photoshop elements? All I get is different RGB color layers. Thanks
  6. Vladmir

    Colonnial governor's residence

    All I get is the website with the Caves addon on it
  7. Vladmir

    Custom texs on trees

    Thanks, finally no annoying green background on leaves One step closer to *flutters eyelashes* fall colors
  8. Vladmir

    Object height

    I also have this problem with making a pile of junk in a dump
  9. Vladmir

    Town names.

    Phew! O.K. thanks.
  10. Vladmir

    Town names.

    How do you add town names, Any help will be appreciated. Also, I wanted to post pics of my island, Lidovia, but I don't have a host, so.........you know. Again, Help will be appreciated. Thanks.
  11. Vladmir

    Stupid textures

    I dont think I can help with your texture problem, but the mlod problem I can, Does it say: Warning:PreNlod model on Data3d\obloha.p3d? If thats it, dePbo it with Unpbo by Amalfi as some Pbo decryptors such as PboTool don't uncompress them correctly. Also, there are defined road parts, Lets say you are using the Cesta road which is the dirt road , there are defined parts such as Cesta10 75, that means you have a curved dirt road that is 75 meters long. All the ones who say 10 after the road name are curves, I suggest reading the tutorial you can download off the Breathe ® site. Good luck!
  12. Vladmir

    Town names.

    Also, I noticed in buldozer, the interiors of buildings are absent of objects!!!! Is this just another result of buldozer distorting the image or do I manually have to place the furniture inside??? If thats the case, I am horribly frustrated as I will have to redo my entire island!!!!!!!!!!! Pls help
  13. Vladmir

    Flat areas!!!

    Also, you can fine tune it in buldozer, here are the keys: U:Raise terrain in small quantities J:Lower terrain in small quantities I:Raise terrain in large quantities K:Lower terrain in large quantities Hope that helps!
  14. Vladmir

    Stupid textures

    Well, that is one odd setup! I don't think I can help any further if what I suggested doesn't work, But I don't think you have the prefrences set right at all. Try reading Kegety's tutorial, thats what I got started on and it explains how to set things up. Good luck!
  15. Vladmir


    Ah, thank you. So in buldozer the more jagged mountain edges will be softer? I figured this because of the terrain detail. Im talking mildly jagged, not razor sharp.
  16. Vladmir

    Town names.

    O.K. Thanks!
  17. Vladmir

    Stupid textures

    You have to point directly to your texture folder in the system prefrences window. Or if that dosen't work go to tools- project prefrences and type it in there. So setup for me is Basic Folder C:\visitor Texture Folder D:\O Nature Objects D:\ Artificial Objects D:\ Forest Roads D:\ World Files D:\ Lidovia Maybe thats why Res texs dont work for you, they work fine for me. Is your texture option set to O folder? Mine are and it works. Hope that helps!
  18. Vladmir


    Is there any way to have them not mold to the ground??
  19. Vladmir

    Object names and descriptions

    Oh man, Well time to brush up on some German.
  20. Vladmir

    Surface elevation interval

    You wouldn't happen to know the textures which contain the transitional textures, is it the standard grass to the sand or what???
  21. Vladmir

    Game physics

    Good Idea, I would like that as well.
  22. Vladmir

    Using multiple pbos

    Thanks col. Klink. You sir, are a genius.
  23. Vladmir

    Resistance forests

    If I remember correctly from the editor upgrade, there are multiple forests, some you could enter some you couldn't, maybe it has to be forest 1. I don't know I'm just shooting in the dark.
  24. Vladmir

    Getting some more mlod models

    Definately, this would be very nice for more detailed forests with undergrowth and such. @Planck Also, could you shoot those models my way, I would really appreciate it. Thanks! Forgot to post my email.....(Im stupid) dovell@adelphia.net
  25. I have concluded, from what I gathered in the multiple pbo thread, that you can only have objects from one pbo.. hope that helped.