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Everything posted by VipHeart

  1. While working on an new GUI for a project i started to change lots of thing in the ingame GUI. Yet there's one small menu which is resisting me: the action menu.. Anyone any idea where to find the values to change let's say color, fonts and size of it in the main config.cpp or resource.cpp?? Or is it ( my worst nightmare..) hardcoded into OFP?? That would be pretty strange, if not to say somehow untypical, 'cause the rest of the GUI elements can be accessed and alterd in the config.cpp's CfgInGameUI section or in the Resource.cpp.. Please folks, help me Thanx in advance..
  2. VipHeart

    Mercenaries 1

    Hey Nephilim, Although I partly disagree with section nr 4. and 13. of your readme (wuhh.. I shivered when I read your copyright agreement ) and still believe it's best for the community to openly share the stuff to further develop OFP as a combined community, I must admit one thing: AWESOME SHIT!! Very good work! Extra ordinary!! or as my company commander used to tell us: SEHR SEHR ORDENTLICH.. Personally I like those details like the com gear and the glasses most. Generally all the details are just amazing. Just the hands were a little disappointing - if you put them into contrast with the extremly well done head models. Now just one last thing: could you give us a hint on how many faces your models finally have??
  3. VipHeart

    Tank Weapon recoil

    Try playing around with the <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">simulationstep class...
  4. VipHeart

    Question about ballistics in OFP

    I've did intensive testing with the shotShell simulation and it seems to me that the weight of the projectile also plays a role. Moreover the <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">simulationStep setting seems also to alter the ballistic, smoke aswell as the dammage and recoil the shell will create. It seems the lesser the value the more flattend is the balistic curve. There's also less smoke exhausted.. Try to play around with those settings!
  5. Hey Sanctuary, thanx mate this is very cool - yet not exactly what i was seraching for I mean the action menu on the right bottom side of the screen were you choose things like reloading, weapon on back and so on. In the CfgInGameUI in the main config.cpp there are entries where you can alter the radio menu's settings like color etc or for example the radar or group menu. HOWEVER, the action menu seems not to be listed there!! Anyone any idea?? Maybe BIS?? thanx in advance
  6. VipHeart

    Star Wars mod

    Some people have asked wether my clones are ripped Battlefront models well, actually they ARE NOT!!!! Battlefront is far less detailed and very blurry - while i created highres textures.. Here is a short sample of my textures combined into one..
  7. VipHeart

    Star Wars mod

    Okay, here's my Status.. Clone Troopers ------------------------ 90% (Epidsode 2) Clone Pilots ------------------------ 70% (Epidsode 2) Rebell Pilots ------------------------ 70% (Triology) Imperial Pilots ------------------------ 70% (Triology) Imperial Officers ------------------------ 70% (Triology) Tatooine ------------------------ 50% Tatooine is quite a lot of work.. I've already done more than 150 new models to fill this nice little desert planet.. Most of the buildings are inspired by an Highres Tatooine buildings pack avaible for 3dmax. I modelled almost all of them from the scratch as they would crash OFP with their polycount instantly Each of the models has at least 3 LOD's - yet most of them created with the DXmesh Tools included in Milkshape. I also improved some of the models from the original TatObj.pbo. Hopefully it'll be worth the work After that I'll focus on Naboo and Kashyyk - although this ones will become far smaller maps (thought about 128x128 or 256x256) and not such a monster like Tatooine
  8. VipHeart

    Star Wars mod

    Count me with you aswell GalacticFlashpoint becomes part of Galacxy At War if you guys agree! I think that all of us would benifit from such an joint-venture
  9. One person hasn't been mentioned often enough here My man.. FLIPER!! His obj2p3d or p3d2obj tools helped the community to survive until some of us got into BIS early mod maker program.. We owe him for the very first "new" models which were brought into the game!!
  10. VipHeart

    Star Wars mod

    No pm received yet yeah, seems we're doing a lot of renundancy.. we definitely need to organize that I'll pm you.. Btw: awesome job on the gunship and it's textures!!!
  11. VipHeart

    Star Wars mod

    Some more shots of streight from Tatooine.. please notice that i added material effects to almost (! every texture More shots! More shots!
  12. VipHeart

    Request rights

    If you had searched the forum you would have noticed that i'm pretty "active" in the moment However, you want my authorization for the HKpacks? GRANTED! Feel free to do what ever you want with it - just inform me afterwards so i can test it aswell (maybe even beta-test it..)
  13. VipHeart

    Star Wars mod

    While planning Tatooine i realised that it's pretty hard to find or create decent ground textures which have a real tatooine "flair".. Now here are some landscape shots.. Gimme some feedback wether it's good this way, they maybe need less saturation or wether the colors aren't correct.. Here we go: More Landscape Pics More Landscape Pics More Landscape Pics More Landscape Pics
  14. VipHeart

    Using ODOLex to convert to MLOD

    God, how often did we had this discussion.. Here's my uncensored opinion to all you "oh-my-god-somebody-could-steal-my-work" addon makers: THER WILL NEVER, I REPEAT NEVER, BE ANY PROTECTION AGAINST THEFT OF INTELECTUAL OR ACTUAL EXISTING PROPERTY! Not even the big game developers can do that - so why should we be able to do it?? SO either you accept that or you go into your small corner and continue crying there.. ODOLEx may have led to some actual thefts of addons. But it was a much bigger help in develloping skillz! Many of the addons which are released now, are made by addon makers who learned from other's work. Now those of you who are always crying about it: show me real convincing examples were addons were stolen and used in an abussive way.. Every one of you guys out there has at one point or another looked closer to the work of our fellow addon makers. Moreover, take for example BIS: if they would have made the game in a way were noone could have accessed their game resources we wouldn't even have a flashpoint community with all those addons! But maybe some of you are not long enough with us to know that we started hacking old MLOD models from the demo with really unhandy tools.. Protecting developments only lead to the fact that further development cease to exist. Not convinced? Just take a look at what the whole software patent idea went.. Amen
  15. VipHeart

    Star Wars mod

    Okay people, here are some shots of my new GUI for the mod.. Follow the link to get some more pics.. Interface 2 Interface 2 What do you think about it??
  16. VipHeart

    Star Wars mod

    Woa.. i think some people got me wrong with this vegitation thing there won't be much of it. AND there will be lots of metal waste, stones and other junk, aswell as bones, starship wrecks and stone monuments.. But i don't wanted to spoil those on the first pics I'll upload some shots of my new GUI very soon aswell...
  17. VipHeart


    In my opinion BAS will forever be one of the greatest teams which made addons for OFP! But as I said only ONE of the greatest. I'm simply no big fan of those extreme superlatives. That the OFP scene became what it is today was a slow process in which a lot of superb teams contributed their work. Focusing only on them is simply unfair for all the other "pioneers" like Lonewolf, Keygetys, Fliper, DKM and the many others. There were teams which produced more stuff even faster, there were others who broke more engine limitations (although these aren't really limitations - otherwise the wouldn't be brakeble ) and maybe there were a lot of crews which didn't appeared as "arrogant" as the BAS boys sometimes to some did - yet I will deffinitly remember BAS as the ones with almost the best marketing and released quality. They were/are amazingly professional regarding how they organized and worked together (something which really really impressed me - i've been a small contributor to some of their stuff so let it count as first hand experience)! So there's really only one thing which I personally felt disappointed by: That the left this way
  18. VipHeart

    StarWars Addons by Acacyn

    Hey Acacyn, i'm working on an new gui and the helmet interface aswell we might better get into some communication so we don't work on the same stuff twice I'll contact you..
  19. VipHeart

    Star Wars mod

    Thanx folks! About the vegitation issue.. Well, after taking some closer looks on tatooine pics from the triology and the prequels i noticed that there is some existing vegitation on tatooine Don't overinterpret the palmtrees - there not more then 20 on the whole island. Yet I placed many bushes and grasses, mostly near the evaporators and buildings. I tried to use as few as possible - but then the farms and cities looked simply to empty and unreal!! So the people have to live with that little artistic freedom More shots very soon..
  20. VipHeart

    Star Wars mod

    Hi Folks! Think I have to add my five cents to the whole Star Wars mod(s) project(s) Just to let you guys know that i'm with ya Here are some very early shots of my 512x512 "Tatooine" island! Using my own buildings and the TatObj-Pack One shot as a preview, the rest via link!! And here you take a look at some more: Providing Sniper Cover Mos Eisley in the early morning.. Mos Eisley's best Hotels.. Farm in the desert Another farm in the desert Attention! Foliage Please pay attention to the foliage and the Mos Eisleys main streets.. but keep in mind it's very early work-in-progress!! Feedback is appreciated..
  21. VipHeart

    Substract through a 3D form

    If you need a free low poly modeller with boolean feature and, most important, a 3ds export function then you might wanna check out http://www.wings3d.com/ I personally start to love that nice peace of software as it works much faster then oxygen if you want to create things from the scratch..
  22. VipHeart

    StarWars Addons by Acacyn

    Mhh.. it seems we should really coordinate ourselves @wilco: i'm also working on an LAAT - it's almost finished.. I'll show pics soon @hurby: don't know yet about the arc170 - there aren't many detailed shots released yet... And about the several different walkers in starwars: the problem is OFP's animation system. I really experimented alot with it - but you can only animate vehicles of the class man - which means that the at-?? (whatever you prefere) can't have any passengers... but if anyone has an idea how to fix that problem, feel free to tell me By the way: we also almost finished superdroids, tankdroids, clone pilots and some wookie warriors. The ep2 clone troopers have different color styles for their ranks. The typically weaponary remains to be made And callisto is working on an large scaled star wars related island - but i won't go into any details there yet However, if the other star wars addon makers are intrested, we could really join or at least coordinate our work closely!!
  23. VipHeart

    StarWars Addons by Acacyn

    Hm... I really wanted to wait with those infos until the mod is completly finished, but as it seems that certain models would be created twice then, I think it's better to give some infos here. Echo, Callisto (both yet unknown to the OFP community) and I are working on an SW mod involving the new episodes - concentrating on the clone wars. Title remains a secret But to give you some hints on it, here are two early pics.. http://rapidshare.de/files/2197375/Clone-patrol.jpg.html http://rapidshare.de/files/2197424/Landspeeder.jpg.html (Got problems viewing them? Scroll down, hit the "free" button!) But Acacyn, if you wanna coop with us, it would be a great honor if you want more infos about it, pm me...
  24. VipHeart

    what is the more simple modeling software?

    I didn't believed it aswell. You know, i'm more the sceptical typ of human being.. so i downloaded Wings3d and played around with it a lil'bit.. ..and d***.. it RULEZ!! I'm not to familiar with it yet to create handgrenades in several seconds. But you do stuff like wine glasses and cups within something like 20 seconds! Even as newbie after using it only since 10 minutes! Guys, get out and try it.. you'll need about an hour to understand most of its basic functions - but you will love the increase in workflow. What i really love on it is it's texturing system: YOu can create UVmaps simply in the program itself. The thing i really missed in O2 is an extrude feature - wings3d has more than thet Go get out and try it!!
  25. VipHeart

    AI walk through geolod

    Strange, may not fit exactly into that topic, but I've seen this Bug on the new modified Nogovo Island (you know, this one where the modern buildings/skyscrappers are exchanged with the old looking resistance houses) several times. My soldiers went straight through those houses - they didn't do that on the original map...