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About Vin6e

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  1. Vin6e

    Patch 1.05 impressions

    Anyone noticed the performance increase when setting the shadow detail to high instead of low
  2. There is a workaround; when you start driving (flying.... whatever) switch to 3rd person and back ...and voila!!!! You´ll just have to do it everytime you get in a vehicle and start driving/flying.
  3. Vin6e

    invincible T80

    The weirdest thing; A friend of mine fired three LAW into the sucker and i shot about 5 rounds of SABOT with my M1a right on the spot but still he was able to kill us both and continue to rampage the battlefield. Is this the most indestructible Tank or what? It happens not to often by the way but strange it is. Anyone experienced the same? Greetz
  4. Vin6e

    Unable to play MP

    Hello, I had the same probs and the solution for was NO ICS!!! Somehow OFP doesn´t like the Internet Connection Sharing of win98SE and XP. The server of the network has no problems but the clients do. Try using ´Sygate home/office network´ or ´Winroute lite/pro´ for instance. But then again i don´t know if you are on a NAT but if you are try this!! Greetz.