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Everything posted by Viriato

  1. Is there a way to create a waypoints tree? Let me explain myself; At a certain waypoint, a unit, based on a external variable (west present, Ap = alive, _this count > 0, ect... ) choose between 2 (or more) posible waypoints, and then follow normally, so, at a certain point a unit has a couple of "branchs" to choose upon an external variable, defined on the waypoint or other place. I think that this could add a lot of flexibility on the mission editing. Did any of the editing gurus know if there is a way to acomplish this?
  2. Viriato

    OFrP #5 Release

    This is a great day!!! First the OFP2 ingame screenshots (superb) and then my favourite addonmakers do another piece of art! Go OFRp, go!! P.S. About those who wonder that if a OFrP release is worth downloading, HELL YES!! Look at my joinig date at the forums and you´ll know that i had some experience.
  3. Viriato

    OFP2 Shots on ofp.info!

  4. Viriato

    OFrP New Releases!!!

    i had to clean my glasses better, thanks misien. But i already think that such a great pack will be better with a more comprensive guide for N00bs. Regards, P.S., And now, those BMP will taste a little bit of Fillet a'lla millanesa. ;-) Love this pack.
  5. Viriato

    OFrP New Releases!!!

    This is THE PACK i have been waiting for, every thing is top notch cuality, well balanced and with extra scipting candy (The anims on the planes are the best i ever seem, and the deployable weapons are the best of their clase up to date). But... I got a complaint. You have take a freaking amount of work but don´t gave us mission makers a comprensive guide to use all the resources you gave us, just a few examples: - Scripting codes for the old but still operational rappel script on the readme. - Scripting codes for the "actions" involved when deploying and undeploying fixed weapons. - Names of the weapons of the planes (for eventhandlers and fire commands ect...) Just another cuestion. I am creating a mission in wich a group is inserted near you and join your group, in that group there is people wich carries unmounted weapons, but if you add a unit with a unmounted weapon via editior, that unit can not deploy that weapon, nor any other unit wich take that weapon if the previous unit drop that too. What can i do to made this units able to deploy their weapons? Kind Regards, This is my favourite addon pack.
  6. Viriato

    Trenchscript 1.1

    Bianco, i cant undertood one thing: There is a crouched reload animation, and units can reload crouched. Why the units had to stand up when they reload? Had you tried with Crouchtoreload (i did not know if this is the name, but i know for sure that there is a crouched reload animation.)? Regards.
  7. Viriato


    In fact this is a very good idea, looking for something like this long ago! Kudos for Bianco
  8. Viriato

    How to make verical angle?

    Put a invisible object up in the sky with <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Object setpos [(getpos this select 0), (getpos this select 1), 250] Put it at 250 m from the Zsu-23, and then, in the init of the Zsu type : <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">This dotarget object The Zsu will be targeting the invisible object (a helipad maybe), but you will simply be looking at a zsu with a 45ÅŸ elevation cannon.
  9. Viriato

    Explosion in madrid

    The Al-Quaeda thing is a desinformation used actively by the political wing of ETA. Two or tree years ago, ETA steal 6 Tons of a special TNT called Tytadine in southern France, since that steal, they had been using that Tytadine in most of their bombings. The explosive used for the bombs of this morning (13 bombs!!) is, as you will have guessed, Tytadine. It´s a matter of hours that the science branch of the police trace this Tytadine to the Tytadine used by ETA lately. Is true that Spain used some kind of "dirty" war at the 80 against ETA, 4 were killed, but now the responsibles of that are inprisioned, and ETA has killed now more than 1000. Spain is a democracy, the Basques has all but total independece (their own goverment, police, health system ect...)... And what has happened this morning in Madrid is utter maddnes. 10 minutes ago, i had seen how a firesmen take from one of the burned and destroyed wagons, the destroyed remains of a Baby chariot.
  10. Viriato

    Explosion in madrid

    Sorry to burst your bubble but ETA had try this before. The spanish police had adverted this kind of butcheries at least in 2 ocassions, not by previous phone calls but infiltrating agents within the group.
  11. Viriato

    Explosion in madrid

    The explosions had been on tree stations, the last unoficcial bodycount is 95, one more bomb has been defused by the TEDAX group of the national police, this has all the ETA signals, but this had been an indiscriminated butchery as they had never did before. Now i feel so shocked and enreaged that prefer not to speak more, my worst desires for the subhumans which are behind this massacre.
  12. Viriato

    Uss nimitz by hawk & dasquade

    Definitively, i am a ... Thanks Trenchfeet and Gnat!
  13. Viriato

    Uss nimitz by hawk & dasquade

    I have not been able to find the error, but the error mesagge refers to gunner4 and gunner7 at least (maybe more, but of this two i am sure), and the kind of error is a o divided error. If some one wants to reproduce the error he only had to put the carrier the name nimitz within editor. Regards.
  14. Viriato

    Uss nimitz by hawk & dasquade

    Nope, The scripts uses a wide cuantity of local variables, and a global variable (Nimitz) The script is properly executed (the ship is assembled, the ship, as we see it in the editor is a patchwork of a lot of empty units and one manned unit), but there is some kind of error when it comes to create the units to get into the ship defenses (Avengers and Sea Sparrows). The unit creation is tricky, and the scripts itself are quite intimidating, if someone with better scripting abilities than myself is able to take a look maybe he will be capable of fix the problem. Regards.
  15. Viriato

    Uss nimitz by hawk & dasquade

    I have noticed (dpboing the nimitz) that the scripts are intended to function when the ship is called "Nimitz", but somehow (beta version, remember) there is some kind of error and a error message apears (divided by 0 stuff), so maybe some one can take a peek at the scripts and fix what is wrong so all the AA and the SAM´s works properly. Regards.
  16. Viriato

    Marine assault pack

    EXACTLY WHAT I ASK SANTE FOR!!!! Thank you very much and Merry cristhmas
  17. Viriato

    Modern usmc marpat

    This is a new definition of virtual sadism
  18. Viriato

    BWMod discussion

    O yes, the Tiger please!
  19. Some monts ago, BW mod released pics of a great Tiger attack chopper, some of them ingame, but since other mod had take the BW mod projects, i had not heard more about that chopper. Did any body knows if the project is still being made? I am looking forward for that bird!
  20. Viriato

    Get the unit type?

    I was looking at the 1,85 command reference, i will have been looking there for ages!!! THANKS.
  21. How can i had the kind of unit? Let me explain: I want a script wich acts only if the unit is, for example, a "SoldierW". If within the script i Had a _unit value wich anc be any kind of unit, how can i know if the unit is a "SoldierW"? Hope that some one could help me. Regards.
  22. Viriato

    Crouch script

    YES YES!! Send it to me, please, i had been triying this to work for a loong time till i leave it as impossible!! [email protected] [email protected]
  23. Viriato

    Coc unified artillery 1.0 released

    How is the Tutorial going? I want to test some conversions by my self. About DKM stopping thier work on the BM-21 will be related to RHS working on it maybe?
  24. Viriato

    Eurofighter typhoon screens

    Some weapons are way out of order in OFP universe, like the Storm Shadow, meteor, even the ALARM (+20 Km. range), but it´s a welcome adittion even as eye candy. The Storm Shadow will be later Plugged to the CoCUA system like the tomahawk ( theres a no released Beta, works fine but not textured yet). In order to reflex the hight performance of this modern weapons i suggest you to use the Hudson´s F-18 proximity fuze script for the AA missiles (works like a charm), and insane Maneubrability to all the AAs and to the Brimstone, especially the ASRAAM ( it can make moves up to 70Gs!!!). Regards, and thanks for the great work!!
  25. Viriato

    Eurofighter typhoon screens

    Whats the weapons choices that the plane is going to have?http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/europe/images/eurofighter-clsairsu.jpg