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  1. Vir


    Doesnt work... he still pushes it along, except now he beaches the PB because its not rearmed yet...
  2. In a mission im making your the gunner of a PB, and you do a lot of shooting... so you frequently run out of ammo before you leave the boat. problem is that I put an LST in as background, now if you get under 100 ammo Captain Winky decides to rearm at the LST and ends up pushing it onto the beach. I need to know how to either make it so he cant rearm at the LST, or make it so the LST wont move if he rams it like a moron. I gave it 0 ammo and 0 fuel using the slider in the add unit window but that didnt work. Any help would be appreciated
  3. Great addon! Ive spent the better part of today playing it. It reminds me of an rpg... anyway, ive seen 3 problems. 1 is if you come to a stop at one of the stops, and dont want them to get in or have 3 people already, it adds thier stop to your list even if they dont get in, and never removes it... the 2nd thing is i cant refuel my car from inside at a pump station or truck after awhile, i have to buy a can and fill the can up, then fill the car from the can. The third is less important, and you probably cant fix it anyway.. its just that the road going north from the grocery is always full of UN trucks and jeeps that have run into eachother. I killed the driver of one and the other drove away... odd Not complaining of course, its a great addon! just wanted to let you know in case your making more patches
  4. It says i dont have addons red 182 and green 182? Do you need red hammer to play this?
  5. Vir

    Game you are looking most forward to

    None of the above... Halo for PC.
  6. Vir

    Whats military career are you interested in?

    I'm personally not really 'afraid' of death... it just doesnt register, even if i think about it, I cant see myself dying. I guess ive just never been in a situation where it was a consideration. Does that make me a 'good' soldier? I dont think so...
  7. Vir

    Report: u.s. military told to prepare nukes

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (WKK Gimbal @ Mar. 12 2002,21:38)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Speculate on this movie-quote: "God has a hard-on for Marines, because we kill everything we see!" Funny, however ... some people actually think that way.<span id='postcolor'> I'd like to know what movie that is. Bet it was made in Russia in the 60's
  8. Vir

    Whats military career are you interested in?

    You still have to get through boot camp.
  9. Vir

    Whats military career are you interested in?

    Ill be joining the Marines soon, so if you guys see me post like 3 weeks from now... kick me in the eyes and tell me to get moving.
  10. Vir

    Just who are you?

    I was born August 5th, 1983 (18), and have an extremely boring life. I just Graduated from high school this year, and have had my job at an arena for 1 1/2 years. Ill be joining the Marine Corps within a few weeks... wish me luck I speak english, and little latin and spanish Hobbies: Archery, Novels (mostly science fiction), Video Gaming (OFP, Myth: TFL, Fallout series) Also have about every console game released in the US... sad really. I also like world history. Im 5'9 150 lbs brown hair and eyes
  11. Vir

    Soviet - afghan campaign

    Sorry im a bit late, but i had to comment on the 3700 some civilians killed in afghanistan... Most of what the US is doing is bombing. Now if a single bomber dropped its bombs on my street, in a fair sized city, it would kill 100 people at most. now im pretty sure my city (Toledo, OH) has more population than any city over there... that means that we would have to bomb at least 40-50 PURELY civilian population centers to get that number. That seems fairly unlikely.
  12. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Thehamster @ Mar. 10 2002,17:02)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Yeha but the OFP engine does not surport caves well I think it does not.<span id='postcolor'> I thought i seen a screenshot of Operation: Vietnam that had a tunnel
  13. Vir

    Any good books ?

    Brennan's War, by Matthew Brennan It's a true story following the career of a FO in the 9th Cavalry Vietnam 1965-69. Its mostly about the 'Bravo Blues' supposedly they seen more action than any other platoon in the war.
  14. Vir

    Space based games

    Freespace, Freespace2, Independance War, possibly Independance War2. Also starlancer isnt a bad game, but it reminds me alot of an arcade shooter... i take out 19 enemy fighters per mission minimum.
  15. Vir

    Find the airplane

    5--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (theavonlady @ Mar. 07 2002,055)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Two into the WTC, one into the Pentagon and the 4th in Pennsylvania, not far from Pittsburgh, if I'm not mistaken.<span id='postcolor'> Yes, i know... i was supporting the 'a plane hit the pentagon' story. Also, i watched an in depth show on the history channel about how WTC was built, and why they fell... the only parts i remember were that the jet fuel explosion melted the steel supports, and the shaking was equal to a 7 (i think) on the richtor(sp?) scale.