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About Vile

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  1. ok... i know i'm going to get flammed... please keep it to a minimum. A few weeks ago, before Resistance came out... i managed to get a copy and install it, as to see how it was. Well it Faded of course... For over a month before Resistance came out.. i had my copy PRE-ORDERED(US)... and picked it up the day it hit stores. now i've uninstalled both opflash and resistance, deleting everything i could fine...... get when i install MY LEGIT copy of resistance, i still get the Fade... what am i missing, and how can i fix this?
  2. Vile

    PATCH 1.30

    dragon, u have the right patch, and it's doing what it should... except finishing...... if u'll notice... that's the same problem everyone else in this thread has. Remove all cd burning software from your computer, reboot, and try it again.
  3. Vile

    PATCH 1.30

    no, i wont be more specific... just uninstall any tools u have to copy or create CDs
  4. Vile

    PATCH 1.30

    i uninstalled Nero and a few other cd programs, and the update worked.
  5. Vile

    PATCH 1.30

    i finally gave in and bought opflash because all my friends had it..... and to my enjoyment(not), it wont upgrade. Same problem as all of u... the upgrade splash screen......then nothing. I've tried several work arounds to no avail. I'm reaaallly pissed off. I'm tired of codemaster's crap. Insane is a GREAT game.. and they completely dropped it. Now opflash... what's up with this....there's no such thing as cd protection, ANYTHING can be copied. You guys are trying to hard, and hurting your customers and fans.