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About Vartan

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Hey guys, i'm trying to get hold of some weapons script as seen in the RiverBattle or BattleField1985 missions done by DukeDax and\or SupperSkunk. i tried getting hold of any of them but unable to find them here in the forums... and digging in the PBO did me no good as well... any one think they might be able to help some how? -Vartan
  2. Vartan

    1.90 performance drop

    Avon Lady - that is once again irelevent, in order to test somthing you run the 2 things under the same setting and computer if you change one for some test then you wont get good results... by the way i have noticed it aswell
  3. Specs: AMD Athlon 1800 XP 1.5gig Ram: 256mb Mobilty Radeon 7500 64mb XP Home edition ( not my choice, planing on changing to pro at first chance) I looked all over this forum and could not find any thing i tried every thing that i did find and nothing worked i tried changing the res to lower and still no good did that bios change and still it didnt work... I need help badly i cant play OPF P.S I have the same lag with the keyboard as well...
  4. I am working on makeing a training map and i wanted to know if it is posible to get a units pitch, meaning the ammount of degress it is leaning forwared of backwords, like in helicopters. Is Such a thing even posible? Thank you for your help in advence. -Vartan
  5. What i wanted to ask is it posible to make the debrifing screen like the brifeing screen, and add something like the statistics like but custom made, and in that new clipboard, how data collected by scripts with global varbles. Is something like this even posible, if so any one has any idea how?
  6. Vartan

    Random crashsite, how?

    yes, i believe so. thanks
  7. How can i make a helicopter crash in a random place every time but in side the primiter defined by me ? thank you for your time in advance -vartan
  8. Vartan

    Eax disabled...or is it? bis read please

    Never mind, problem solved, some how and dont ask me my sterio system was creating that bug, because when i unpluged it from my computer and connected the headset the bug just went away.. :\
  9. Vartan

    Eax disabled...or is it? bis read please

    yes i'm turning it off in OPF, but that is the point that when its turned off i can only hear foot steps when they are near me, so thats fine but the problem is that i can hear any helicopter or tank or car that starts up its engien any where with in 3-5Km from my position, so it looks like i have half the bug I was hopeing some one from BIS could answer this thread but i guess thats not gona happen.
  10. Vartan

    Eax disabled...or is it? bis read please

    Well i tryed both your sugjestions, i turned both on and off and all i got is that eretaiting foot stepbug when it was on and the "i can hear your tank from across the map" bug when its off... i'm stuck here and its realy geting to me...
  11. I have EAX bug, i have turned off my EAX and sound acceleration but i still hear gun shots and engiens any where on the map but i dont hear the foot steps ( well i do but only when they are close to me)... i got a creative BSlive with that latest drivers...
  12. Vartan

    Sound problem.

  13. Ok i have a map that has some BMPs that function as counterparts to the M113, since its a Sector contorl i wanted to make then respawn (big map players need transport) i got so far as to respawn it but when it dose it has a full load of ammo, how can i make it respawn looking like the original? thank you in advence... -Vartan