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About USMarineKasel

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  1. USMarineKasel

    Multiplayer Freezes

    My broadband connection speed Is DSL. I live in the US And the problem from my researching what i read was... Quote "" Make sure that your router/modem also allows ArmA's outgoing UDP ports towards the internet "" So how/would i do this? Like i need steps like how to do the whole router config for ARMA because apparently Its the router that causing when i click multiplayer.. and then click okay ... it frezez.
  2. USMarineKasel

    Multiplayer Freezes

    Well??? does anyone?!
  3. USMarineKasel

    Multiplayer Freezes

    am having a problem with Arma Combat Operations. When i go to click Multiplayer i click okay then it just freezes. Sometimes it works most the time just Frezes. I have the updated patch 1.08 I have tryed reinstalling and it just still does the same. I have a Intel Core 2 CPU 6300 @ 1.86 GHz memory - 2046 MB RAM Nvidia Geforce 7950 GT i have no mods, Firewall is disabled and ARMA is checked for Exceptions. I do have a router but other games arnt effected like this... So what do i need to do? If you would please explain what i need to do like ports and what not or if ita a problem with something else please tell me what to do.. I really want to paly this on Multiplayer   Â